The Frontier Wars (1834 - 1853) in what is now the Eastern Cape Province were fought between the British and the Xhosa. After the campaign of 1846/47 (the War of the Axe) ended, the area where the conflict had taken place was proclaimed 'British Kaffraria'. It encompassed the area south of the Kei River, which subsequently became known as the Ciskei to differentiate it from the more northerly Transkei. All of the latter and part of the Ciskei became 'Independent Homelands' under South Africa's Apartheid Government. The Ciskei had one of the more colourful periods of independence as a visit to Wikipedia will reveal.
One of the income-generating schemes adopted by the Ciskei was to produce commemorative postage stamps. These included three series depicting the uniforms worn by British regiments that took part in the Frontier Wars fought on Ciskei soil. The artwork was down by the renowned Andy May.
The first of the series showed uniforms worn by the 6th (Warwickshire) Regiment of Foot.