ABO (A/V Kornet T C Redemeyer). City Coins, August 2015.
The City Coins catalogue notes: "It would make for interesting reading if the minutes of the Central Medal Board meeting, at which the ABO application of Theodoris Rademeyer of November 1926 was considered, could be found. On Vorm “B” under “Rank” he claimed “Initially Lieutenant in the Police and subsequently General”. The Board, however, decided that the rank on the medal should be Assistant Fieldcornet. Rademeyer claimed service in Gen. Schoeman’s Commando for the duration of the War, and indicated that he was present in the actions at Colesberg, Achtertang, Waterval Boven and Derby. He was also awarded the Lint voor Wonden for a wound in his left side at Colesberg on 3 February 1900 and subsequently two wounds (right hand and left calf) at Achtertang. Sold with copies of Vorm “B” and Vorm “C”"