County: Dorset
Issued on: Return
Dates of presentations: 31/10/1901, 04/06/1903
Number issued: 24
Gold medals, and the honorary Freedom of the Borough, to:
31/10/1901 presentation
26th (Dorsetshire) Company, 7th Bn. Imperial Yeomanry –
Lieutenant [formerly 5344 Trooper] Robert Gale CAVE
Lieutenant [Captain] V.L. GORDON
5293 Sergeant [Lance-Corporal] Reginald BUTLER (died, Pretoria, 06/08/1900)
5307 Sergeant William F. HARRIS
5284 Trooper Charles BARNES (also served with Prov. Transvaal Constabulary)
5294 Trooper Harry Ronald BUTLER
5297 Trooper Geoffrey Hugh S. CROFTON (also served with Prov. Transvaal Constabulary)
5311 Trooper [Corporal] Henry INGRAM
5313 Trooper Ernest William LITHGOW [J. Lithgow]
5394 Trooper Wallace Henry SHARP [Sharpe] (also served with Prov. Transvaal Constabulary)
5331 Trooper [Lance-Corporal] Alfred WALTERS [R. Walters]
5332 Trooper [Sergeant] Frederick WALTERS
5418 Trooper Anslem WHEELER
Volunteer Active Service Company, 2nd Bn. Dorsetshire Regiment –
6107 Private F. MARCH
6030 Private Charles MEADEN [E.C. Meadon]
6093 Private Charles Otter PHELPS
6031 Private George ROBBINS
Royal Field Artillery & 16th Mounted Infantry –
12365 Bombardier [Corporal] Ernest John GODDARD (listed as receiving the Freedom of the Borough, but not a medal)
Presentations made by Mrs Scott-Williams (to yeomen) and Mrs F.D. Woodhouse (to volunteers), in the Corn Exchange, Blandford.
04/06/1903 presentation
26th (Dorsetshire) Company, 7th Bn. Imperial Yeomanry –
24902 Sergeant Walter MOSS
27494 Trooper [Corporal] Arthur Henry TAYLOR
24905 Trooper Alfred E. NEALE
42nd (Hertfordshire) Company, 4th Bn. Imperial Yeomanry –
22382 Trooper George Lambert GEORGE
22nd (Rough Riders) Bn. Imperial Yeomanry –
28279 Trooper Percy E. PAYNE
"Q" Battery, Royal Horse Artillery –
76284 Driver Frederick BROCKWAY
Presentation made by Colonel Percy Browne, C.B., in the Corn Exchange, Blandford.
Obverse: "L. CORPL. / R. BUTLER".
Reverse: "With Blandford’s thanks / SOUTH AFRICA / 1901".
Note: there is no record of a J. Lithgow serving with the Imperial Yeomanry. Although this is the name reported in the press and the name engraved on his medal, this is almost certainly Trooper Ernest William LITHGOW (of Blandford).
Lance-Corporal Butler example sold through Spink, 21/10/1999, for £518 (with QSA).
Corporal A.H. Taylor example sold through Hansons Auctioneers, 23/11/2021, for £600.
Trooper J.[sic?] Lithgow example in the Upfill-Brown Collection
Dorset County Hearld, 09/11/1901
Journal of the OMRS, 1998, Vol. 37, No. 2, pp. 138-146 (Upfill-Brown)
Hansons Auctioneers, 23/11/2021
Salisbury & Winchester Journal, 13th January 1900
VOLUNTEERS FOR THE IMPERIAL YEOMANRY: FAREWELL CONCERT. – The following are the names of six residents in Blandford and the district who have volunteered for active service in South Africa as members of a company of Imperial Yeomanry from Dorset – Messrs R. BUTLER, Launceston; C. BARNES, St Leonards; G.H.S. CROFTON, Littleton; R.G. CAVE, Almer; W.F. HARRIS; and E.W. LITHGOW, Littleton Farm. All have passed the medical examination and have been actually attested. – On Tuesday evening a largely attended smoking concert was held at the Crown Hotel to take a formal farewell of the Imperial Yeomen from the neighbourhood. Appropriate toasts were drunk and patriotic songs sung, great enthusiasm being shown by all present. Those taking part in the programme included Messrs G. Best, A. Hill, F. Blanchard, W. Meatyard, H. Wright, F. Legg, J. Dowding, H.H. Smith, J. Alsopp, W.H. Short, Stavington, H. Naish, S. Rice, W. Parker, A. Wilkins, &c. Mr W. Greenhalgh gave “The Absent-minded Beggar”, and the usual collection was taken, which before the evening terminated had reached the creditable total of over £6. The toast of the evening, “The Imperial Yeomanry”, was submitted by the Chairman, who said he wished especially to include those present with them who would shortly be going to South Africa to fight for their Queen and country. The names of Troopers F. WALTERS, H.W. HARRIS, W. BUTLER, and LITHGOW, Sergeant-Major GORDON, Mr C. BARNES, and others were associated with the toast, and all suitably responded. Mr A.G. Smart rendered much assistance in getting up the concert.
Salisbury & Winchester Journal, 2nd March 1901
DORSET SOLDIERS AND THE FREEDOM OF THE BOROUGH. – A special meeting of the Town Council was held on Tuesday morning, when the Mayor presided, and there were also present Alderman J.J. Ball, Messrs J. Nesbitt, C.H. Curtis, E. Derham, A.C. Woodhouse, and E. Skivington. The Mayor brought forward the question of obtaining a die of the corporate seal for stamping documents, and it was decided to provide a die at a cost of about £2. – It was unanimously resolved, on the motion of Mr Curtis, seconded by Alderman Ball, that the honorary freedom of the borough, in pursuance of Honorary Freedom of Boroughs Act, 1888, should be conferred on the following – Lieutenants R.V. CAVE and V.L. GORDON, Sergt. W.F. HARRIS, Troopers SHARP, BARNES, F. WALTERS, BUTLER (2), WALTERS, LITHGOW, INGRAM, CROFTON, and WHEELER, of the Imperial Yeomanry; Privates C.O. PHELPS, MARSH, MEADEN, and ROBBINS, of the Volunteers; and those members of the Dorset Militia and others whose names would be submitted to the Council; that the resolution should be printed on parchment, sealed with the corporate seal, and signed by the Mayor and Town Clerk, and suitably framed and presented to each of the above-mentioned. It was decided to obtain fifty copies.
Salisbury & Winchester Journal, 2nd November 1901
PRESENTATIONS TO YEOMEN AND VOLUNTEERS. – On Thursday evening a smoking concert was held in the Corn Exchange, which was crowded with a large audience. The concert was arranged in connection with the presentation, on behalf of Blandford friends, of a gold medal to each of the following Yeomen and Volunteers in appreciation of their services in South Africa: Yeomen – Captain GORDON, Lieut. CAVE, Sergeant HARRIS, Sergeant F. WALTERS, Corporal H. INGRAM, Lance-Corporals R. BUTLER and R. WALTERS, Troopers BARNES, SHARP, J. LITHGOW, and W. WHEELER. Volunteers – Privates C. PHELPS, F. MARCH, G. ROBBINS, and E.C. MEADEN. The chair was occupied by the Mayor, supported by Major Scott-Williams, and the medals were handed to the Yeomen by Mrs Scott-Willliams, and to the Volunteers by Mrs F.D. Woodhouse, amidst great applause. Hearty thanks were given to Mr and Mrs Derham and Mr Nesbitt for their efforts in obtaining the subscriptions for the medals. A capital programme of songs, &c., was rendered during the evening.
Dorset County Herald, 9th November 1901
The Mayor then presented the Freedom of the Borough to those who had returned subsequent to the previous presentation, who were as follow: - Captain V.L. GORDON, Trooper C. BARNES, and Corporal E. GODDARD.
Western Gazette, 5th June 1903
The Mayor and Corporation of Blandford, as well as the townspeople generally, have worked nobly in their efforts to entertain the men. Between £70 and £80 was subscribed for the purpose, and a Reception Committee was appointed by the Town Council to take the arrangements in hand. The principal entertainment, of course, was the performance of Gilbert and Sullivan’s opera “The Yeoman of the Guard”, by the Blandford Operatic Society on Friday evening. On the previous evening there was a public performance of the opera, but this was not attended as largely as might have been wished. On Friday evening, however, the Corn Exchange was crowded by members of the Yeomanry, Artillery, and members of H Company, 1st V.B.D.R., in uniform, and all greatly enjoyed the performance. Mr C.H. Curtis again wielded the baton in his customary able manner, and the Society’s production of this pretty opera was the best ever given. There was a slight alteration in the caste on the present occasion. Mr Robert Ross took the character of Jack Point, in the place of Mr Hartley Reynolds; Mrs Morton Pask acted the part of Dame Carruthers, in the absence of Mrs Stephens-Hender; and Mr W.K. Proctor acted as Second Citizen, in the place of Mr B.A. Hicks. At the close of the performance, which was regarded by the men as an immense treat, refreshments were handed round.
During the interval between the first and second acts, Colonel Percy Browne, C.B., presented, on behalf of the Corporation and friends, the honorary freedom of the borough and a suitably inscribed gold medal to the following Blandford men, in recognition of their services in the late war in South Africa – Sergt. W. MOSS, Corporal A.H. TAYLOR, Trooper A.E. NEALE, Trooper G.L. GEORGE, and Trooper P.E. PAYNE (Yeomanry), and Driver F. BROCKWAY, Q Battery, R.H.A.
At the request of the Mayor all the principal business and private houses were decorated in honour of the visit with flags, streamers, &c.
Spink, 21st October 1999
Pair: Sergeant R. Butler, 7th Imperial Yeomanry, Queen's South Africa, four clasps, Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Johannesburg, Diamond Hill (5293 Sgt., 26th Coy. 7th Impl. Yeo.); Blanford Tribute Medal, gold (Hallmarked 9ct., Birmingham, 1901), an elaborate four-pointed cross, with engraved decoration, obverse centre engraved, 'L. Corpl. R. Butler', the plain reverse further engraved, 'With Blandford's Thanks, South Africa, 1901', 35mm., integral loop suspension, generally extremely fine (2).

Launceston Farm, Blandford, Dorset (home of the Butler family in 1900)