State: Victoria, Australia
Issued on: Return
Date of presentation: 19/08/1902
Number issued: 1


Gold medal, suitably inscribed, to:

2nd Bn. Australian Commonwealth Horse (Victorian Contingent) –
607 Trooper Henry TRAPP

Presentation made by Mr E. Dean.

InscribedPresented to Trooper H. Trapp, by his Ovens Vale friends for active service in South Africa, August, 1902.



Ovens and Murray Advertiser, 6th September 1902


Now that peace has been proclaimed in South Africa, our brave fellow citizens, who went forth at duty's call to fight for the "Grand Old Flag" and who were fortunate enough to pass through the campaign safely, are gradually returning to their native land.

A pleasant little reunion took place at the residence of Mrs Trapp, Ovens Vale, last Tuesday, when a number of friends and relatives assembled in order to welcome back to our midst Trooper H. TRAPP, who recently returned from active service in South Africa. Mr TRAPP received warm congratulations on his safe return, and numerous inquiries were made as to his welfare during his absence.

To mark the occasion in a suitable manner and also to provide Trooper TRAPP with a memento of a noteworthy event in his career, he was presented during the course of the evening with a handsome gold medal, inscribed as follows: – Presented to Trooper H. Trapp, by his Ovens Vale friends for active service in South Africa, August, 1902.

Mr Dean made the presentation in a few well-chosen words, and Trooper TRAPP suitably responded, but said he felt more at home in the saddle, out on the veldt hunting for guerrillas, than at making a speech. However, he had tried to do his duty and he thanked them most sincerely for their kind expressions of good will.

Fully 80 people were present, and dancing was kept up till long past "The witching hour of midnight".

Refreshments in galore, and of a first-class quality were provided, and when at last the company separated, after the very pleasant evening's enjoyment, it was with happy recollections of a memorable event.

Mr J. Dean acted as M.C., while the dancing was to progress, and carried out the dudes attached thereto to a capable and efficient manner.