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The Order of the Bath is the second highest order of chivalry in England.  The Order was revived by King George I in May 1725 with one class and one division.  The title of the Order arose from the medieval practice of ritual washing as a symbol of spiritual purification.  Until 1815, Knights would still follow the ancient rite of bathing.  After the Napoleonic Wars, the Order was expanded to include a civil division and three classes: Knight Grand Cross (GCB), Knight Commander (KCB) and Companion (CB).

The awards for the Boer War were:


















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 Surname   Forename   Rank   Notes   Unit 
BrackenburyHenryLieutenant GeneralPC 1904; GCB created 1900; KCSI created 1896; General 1901; Colonel Commandant RA 1897; born Bolingbroke, Lines, 1 September 1837; married 1st, 1861, Emilia (died 1905), daughter of E S Halswell and widow of Reginald Morley; 2nd, 1905, Edith, daughter of Louis Desanges. Educated at Eton; RMA Woolwich. Joined RA 1850; served Central Indian Campaign, 1857-58; Franco-German War, 1870-1871; Ashanti War, 1873-74; Zulu War, 1879-80; Private Secretary to Viceroy of India, 1880; Military Attache at Paris, 1881-82; assistant Under Secretary to Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland, 1882 ; commanded river column, Egypt, 1884-85; promoted Major General for distinguished service in the field; Director of Military Intelligence, 1880-91; Member of Council of Viceroy of India, 1891-90; President, Ordnance Committee, 1890-99; Director General, of Ordnance at War Office, 1899-1904; retired, 1904. Decorations: CB, KCB, and GCB for military services; KCSI for service as Member of Council in India. Publications: The Last Campaign of Hanover, 1870; The Tactics of the Three Arms, 1873; Narrative of the Ashantee War (2 vols), 1874; The River Column, 1885; Some Memories of My Spare Time, 1909. He died on 20 Apr 1914.
Source: List of GCB recipients. Various sources
Royal Artillery
ClarkeC MLieutenant GeneralThird baronet of Dunham, GCB (1901), GCVO (1903), eldest son of Reverend Sir Chas Clarke, 2nd baronet, of Dunnam. Born 1839, married 1867, Gemma C, only child (died 1922) of W Pitt Adams; in Indian mutiny campaign 1858; New Zealand wars 1861, and 1868-6; in Zulu war 1879, commandant general of Colonial forces at Cape 1880-2; commanding an infantry brigade at Aldershot 1889-92, DAG to the forces 1892-3, Commander in Chief Madras and Member of Council 1893-95; Lieutenant General commanding the forces, Madras 1895-8; QMG to the forces 1899-1903, General 1902. Governor of Malta 1903-7, ret. 1907.
Source: List of GCB recipients. Various sources
Methuen, LordP SLieutenant GeneralCommissioned into Scots Fusilier Guards, later the Scots Guards. Served between 1873-74 in the First Ashanti Campaign. In 1882 was in Egypt in the battle of Tel-el-Kebir. Between 1884-85, he served in Bechuanaland. 1899-1900 commanded 1st Division. Although very senior he served throughout the rest of the war largely devoting his efforts to trying to capture General De La Ray in the Western Transvaal. 1908-12 C-in-C South Africa where he did much to improve relations with the Boers. 1915-19 Governor of Malta.
Source: List of GCB recipients. Various sources

KCB (military and civil)

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BrabantE YBrigadier GeneralHe was born in 1839, and had had a long and distinguished career in politics and arms, He entered the 2nd Derby Militia as Ensign in 1855, and joined the Cape Mounted Rifles with similar rank in 1855, from which he retired on half pay with Captain's rank in 1870. He entered the arena of polities as Member of the Legislative Assembly for East London in 1873, and was re-elected in the following year. In 1875 he was appointed Field Commandant of the Cape Colonial Forces; became Colonel of the 1st Cape Yeomanry in 1879; was made CMG in 1880; was re-elected member for East London in 1882, and again in 1885. He was a member of the Defence Commission in 1896, and in 1897 was President of the South African League. General Brabant served through the Boer War, at first in command of the Colonial Division and subsequently as Inspector-General of the Colonial Defence Force, until the end of 1901, w hen he retired under the new scheme of Colonial Defence (despatches, medal, and clasps). He resumed his duties in the Cape Parliament, and soon after seceded from his old political leader, Sir Gordon Sprigg, and joined the new Progressive party under Dr Smartt, with whom he was associated in connection with the Suspension movement. He resigned his seat in Parliament on his reappointment in Dec, 1902, to the command of the Cape Colonial Forces, from which He retired in 1904. Subsequently he re-entered the Cape Assembly as member for East London. He was a keen sympathiser with the loyalists who suffered from the effects of the war, and marked his departure from England after the Coronation by the public declaration that "Loyalty does not pay". General Brabant married Mary Burnet, daughter of the Reverend Canon Robertson, of Canterbury.
Source: List of KCB recipients. Various sources
Chesham, LordC C WColonelOf Latimer House, Chesham, Bucks, and of the Marlborough, Guards', and Turf Clubs, was born in 1850. He was educated at Eton, and entered the Coldstream Guards in 1870, afterwards joining the 10th Hussars in 1873, and the 16th Lancers in 1878, retiring in the following year. He served in South Africa in 1899-1902, as Brig. General on the Staff, in command of a Brigade of Imperial Yeomanry, after wards as Inspector General of Imperial Yeomanry; present at the operations in the Orange Free State and the Transvaal, including the actions at Venterskroon; the operations in the Orange River Colony, and the actions at Lindley and Rhenoster River, and in Cape Colony, north of the Orange River (despatches, QSA with three clasps, KSA with two clasps, and KCB). Lord Chesham is now Hon Colonel of the Royal Bucks Hussars, and since 1901 has been Lord of the Bedchamber to HRH the Prince of Wales. In 1906 he sat as a member of the Committee of the Volunteer Commission. He married, in 1877, Lady Beatrice Grosvenor, daughter of the Duke of Westminster.
Source: List of KCB recipients. Various sources
Imperial Yeomanry
ClarkB FRear AdmiralList of KCB recipients. Various sourcesRoyal Navy
DartnellJohn GeorgeColonelHe was born in Canada in 1838, and entered the British Army in 1855, from which he retired some fourteen years later, although he still retains hon. rank of Major-General therein. He became lieutenant, 1856; promoted captain, unattached, 1859; brevet major, 1865; appointed to the 2nd Battalion, 16th Regiment, 1859; exchanged to the 27th Regiment, 1862; and retired by sale of commission, 1869. In the course of his career General Dartnell served in the 86th Regiment with the Central India Field Force under Sir Hugh Rose (Lord Strathnairn) in 1857-8, and was present at the storm and capture of Chandarec, and led the only successful escalade attack on the fortress of Jhansi. He was severely wounded, mentioned in despatches (medal and clasp, captain, unattached, and brevet of major). He served in the Bhootan Expedition in 1865 as aide-de-camp to Major General Sir Henry Thombs, and was present at the recapture of Dewangiri (medal with clasp). He was appointed commandant of the Mounted Police and Volunteer Forces of Natal in 1874; was a member of local Defence Committee, 1887; granted the rank of Colonel Commanding the local forces of Natal, 1888; served through the Zulu War, 1879 (medal with clasp); and in the Transvaal Campaign of 1881, being present at the battle of Laing's Nek; CMG, 1881. He became Chief Commissioner of Natal Police, 1894; Justice of the Peace for the Colony; has acted as Secretary for Native Affairs Commissioner of Mines, and Inspector of Prisons. He married, in 1865, a daughter of Judge Steer, of the Calcutta Supreme Court.
KCB, CMG, Colonial Auxiliary Forces Officers' Decoration, Ed VII, Indian Mutiny (1) Central India, IGS (1) Bhootan, Zulu (1) 1879, CGHGSM (1) Basutoland, QSA (4) CC Paar Drie Tr, KSA (2), Natal 1906 (0). Full size medals and miniatures Glendining's Jul 1983. Miniatures DNW Jun 05 £700.
Source: List of KCB recipients. Various sources
Natal Volunteer Staff
DixonH GColonelHe served in the Afghan War, 1878-80—With the Peshawur Field Force as Orderly Officer; expedition to the Bazar valley and with the Kyber Line Force. Mentioned in Despatches. Medal. Soudan, 1888.—Suakin. Action at Gamaizah. Despatches, Lond. Gaz., 11 Jan 89. Medal with clasp; Bronze star; 4th class Medjidieh. Operations on the Nile, 1889. Operations in Chitral, 1895.—With the Relief Force. Storming of the Malakand Pass. Despatches. Lond. Gaz., 15 Nov. 95. CB; medal with clasp, Operations on N.W. Frontier of India, 1897-8.—With Tirah Exped Force. Despatches, Loud. Gaz., 5 Apr 98, ADC. to Queen. 2 clasps. African War, 1901-02—Spec. Serv. Offr., afterwards on Staff. (In commd. of portion of Lines of Commn. and as G.O.C. Barberton Dist.) Despatches, Lond. Gaz. 17 Jun 02. Queen's medal with 4 clasps. KCB.
Source: List of KCB recipients. Various sources
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CB (military)

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AdyeJMajorHe served in the Afghan War, 1879.—Medal. Egyptian Expedition, 1882. ADC to GOC. Actions of El Magfar, Tel-el-Mahuta, Kassassin of 9 Sept, and battle of Tel-el-Kebir. Despatches, LG 2 Nov 82. Medal with clasp; bronze star; 5th class Medjidie ; Brev. of Maj. Soudan Expedition, 1884-5. Nile and Suakin. As ADC to the GO Commdg-in-Chief; 2nd action at Abu Klea on 17 Feb. 85. Despatches, LG 25 Aug. 85. 2 clasps; Brev. of Lt.-Col. Boer War 1899-1902. Special Sevice Officer and afterwards on Staff, and as OC NW Districts. Cape Colony. Operations in Cape Colony, south of Orange River, 99-00, including action at Kheis. MID (Earl Roberts and Lord Kitchener), LG 17 Jun. 02. QSA (3) and KSA (2). CB.
Source: List of CB recipients. Various sources
Royal Artillery
AldersonEdwin Alfred HerveyMajorSon of Colonel Edward Mott Aldcrson, of Povle House, Ipswich; was born in 1859; was educated at Ipswich Grammar School; entered 97th Regiment 1878, became Captain Roy. W Kent Regiment 1886, Major 1896, Brevet Lieutenant Colonel 1897, and Brevet Colonel 1900. He served in the Transvaal Campaign with Mounted Infantry in 1881; during Egyptian Campaign of 1882, with Mounted Infantry, being present at actions of Mahuta and Masamch, battles of Kasassin and Tel-el-Kebir, and the occupation of Cairo (medal with clasp, bronze star); in the Sudan Campaign 1884-5 with Mounted Infantry Camel Regiment, when he was present at the battles of Abu Klea, El Gubat, and Metemmeh (two clasps). He did good work in Mashonaland, 1896, with Mounted Infantry and in command of troops (despatches, medal, Brevet Lieutenant Colonel), and in South Africa 1899-1902 in command of four different Mounted Infantry Brigs., being present at relief of Kimberley, battles of Paardeberg and Driefontein, and the occupation of Bloemfontein and Pretoria (several times mentioned in despatches, CB, ADC to the King, Brevet Colonel); was DAAG and Comdg. Mounted Infantry, Aldershot, 1897-9; appointed to command Mounted Infantry in South Africa 1900, Inspector General thereof, with rank of Brig. General; appointed Brig. General-on-Staff Comdg. 2nd Brig. (1st Div.) 1st Army Corps, 1903; has been an extra ADC to HM Queen Victoria and HM King Edward VII Since 1900; received Royal Humane Society's medal 1885; author of With the Mounted Infantry and the Mashonaland field Force, 1896; also of Pink and Scarlet, or Hunting as a School for Soldiering. He married in 1886 Alice Mary, 2nd daughter of Reverend O P Sergeant.
Source: List of CB recipients. Various sources
(Queen's Own) Royal West Kent Regiment
AllenR EColonelList of CB recipients. Various sourcesStaff
AllenbyE Henry Hynman MajorBorn in 1861, he was commissioned into 6th (Inniskilling) Dragoons in 1881. Between 1884-88, he served in expeditions to Bechuanaland and Zululand. Fought throughout the South African War with consistent success, latterly as a column commander, becoming a Colonel. He commanded the 5th Lancers from 1902 to 1905. In 1915, he commanded V Corps and later the Third Army. Sent to Egypt in 1917 to command and lead the British to victory over the Turks in Palestine and Syria. Allenby was promoted to Field Marshal in 1919 and created Viscount Allenby of Megiddo and of Felixstowe in that year. He remained in the Middle East as High Commissioner for Egypt and the Sudan until 1925 when he retired. He died in 1936.
Source: List of CB recipients. Various sources
6th (Inniskilling) Dragoons
AntillJohn MacquaireMajorOf Sydney, and of the Australian Club, was born in NSW Jan 26, 1866. He raised and commanded a squadron of Mounted Rifles at Picton, NSW in 1889; was selected by the general officer commanding for training with the Imperial troops in India, 1893-4, where he gained certificates as an instructor. He joined the General Staff as Permanent Adjt. of the Mounted Rifle Regiment in South Africa, 1894, and commanded the 1st contingent of Mounted Rifles there; served in the Boer War in 1899-1901, chiefly in De Lisle's corps under Generals Ian Hamilton, Alderson, and Hutton. Until Feb, 1900, he was in command of a detachment NW of Cape Colony, when he joined Lord Roberts' advance and was present at the relief of Kimberley, Paardeberg, Poplar Grove, Driefontein, the occupation of Bloemfontein, actions at the Vet and Zand Rivers, Johannesburg, and Pretoria (June 4), Diamond Hill, and the operations in connection with the pursuit of De Wet in the Wittcbergen (mentioned in despatches, CB). On his return to NS Wales he was appointed Chief Instructor of the Australian Light Horse, ADC to the Governor-General, and promoted Lieutenant Colonel for his services. He married Oct 24, 1901, Agnes, eldest daughter of Thomas Polk Willsallen, of Gunnedale, NSW.
Source: List of CB recipients. Various sources
New South Wales contingent
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CB (civil)

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CheatleGeorge LenthalCivil SurgeonBorn in 1865, he was educated at Merchant Taylors' School, London, and the Medical Department, King's College London, 1883-1892. He was House Surgeon, King's College Hospital, 1888, House Physician, 1889, Sambrooke Surgical Registrar, 1889. Assistant Surgeon to King's College Hospital, 1893. Consulting Surgeon during the Boer War. Surgeon Rear Admiral in the Royal Navy, serving at the Royal Naval Hospital, Haslar, Portsmouth and on a hospital ship in the Gallipoli Campaign. He retired in 1930 and died in 1951. He published a book called Honing Spruit, South Africa (London, 1902).
Source: List of CB (civil) recipients. Various sources
Civil Surgeon
CheyneWilliam WatsonCivil SurgeonBorn in 1852 and educated at King's College, Aberdeen, and Edinburgh University. Appointed House-Surgeon to Joseph Lister, Professor of Clinical Surgery at Edinburgh Royal Infirmary. Assistant Surgeon and Teacher of Practical Surgery, 1880. Surgeon and Teacher of Operative Surgery, 1889. Civil Consulting Surgeon to British forces during the Boer War. Consulting Surgeon to the Royal Navy, 1915. KCMG, 1916. President, Royal College of Surgeons, 1914-1916. Member of Parliament for the University of Edinburgh and St Andrews, 1917; Member of Parliament for the Combined Scottish Universities, 1918-1922. He died in 1932.
Source: List of CB (civil) recipients. Various sources
Civil Surgeon
ChieneJCivil SurgeonBorn on 1870, he was Professor of Surgery, Edinburgh University from 1882. Member of the Royal Medical and Surgeon Society, Edinburgh. Honourary Fellow Surgeon Association, America. Educated Edinburgh and Paris. Rendered valuable service at a time of extreme pressure on the Army Medical Department. He died in 1908.
Source: List of CB (civil) recipients. Various sources
Civil Surgeon
FitzgeraldT NCivil SurgeonList of CB (civil) recipients. Various sourcesCivil Surgeon
FranksKendal Matthew St JohnCivil SurgeonOf Kilmurry Hospital Hill, Johannesburg, was born in 1851, and is son of R F Franks. He served in South Africa during the war in 1899-1902 as Consulting Surgeon to the Forces (mentioned in despatches). He married, first, in 1879, and secondly in 1885, Gertrude (died, 1896), daughter of Lieutenant Colonel T B Butt.
Source: List of CB (civil) recipients. Various sources
Civil Surgeon
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