London Times, 01 Jan 01 (Tuesday)

p7a Dateline Bombay, Dec 31. Lumsden’s Horse landed here today. (no ship mentioned, Atlantian)


p12a, b, c & d The Canada, from Table Bay and Gibraltar for Southampton, passed Peniche today.

The Formosa left for England December 22 with the following invalids:

Remount Depot – Major J T Browne

Sick laying down, 6; convalescent 332

Wounded convalescent, 21

And the following on passage home:

E Kent – Major E G T Bainbridge

3/KRRC – Captain C W Wilson

4/Dublin Fusiliers – Lieutenant L A Jones

Civil Surgeons G A Leech & H T Mursell

Nursing Sister H T Thompson

For duty on voyage:

Civil Surgeons A F Ilott, H L Porteus

Nursing Sisters A Murton, A F Bob, M M Knox, & F Baker.


The hospital ship Dunera left for England December 25 with the following invalids:

2/Scots Guards – Major E E Hanbury

66/RFA – Major C C Owen

3/GG – Captain G S Clive

2/Rifle Brig. – Captain H M Biddulph

Imperial Yeomanry – Captain Lord Denman, Lieutenant F C Gray, Veterinary Lieutenant T A Huband

2/Gordon Highlanders – Lieutenant Hon. R G Forbes

2/Manchester – Lieutenant E M Baker

Army Veterinary Dept. – Lieutenant E Brown

Army Nursing Dept. – Nurses N Templeton, E Asinan, F A James, L Sands, D D Tripp, & M A C Grant

ASC – Major E Burrell

RAMC – Major B W C Deeble, Civil Surgeon H J Starling

1/Devonshire – Captain H Honner

1/R Dragoons – Lieutenant Sir M Burrell

2/R Irish Fusiliers – Lieutenant H L Knight

Bethune’s M I – Lieutenant E Shearburn

2/Hampshire – 2/Lieutenant E P Blencowe

1/S Lancashire – 2/Lieutenants W V Hume, & F Hudson

1/Border – 2/Lieutenant G E Beaty-Pownall

Sick laying down, 23; convalescent, 200

Wounded laying down, 17; convalescent, 23

On passage home:

3/Hampshire – 2/Lieutenant C C Black Hawkins

Ship is due at St Vincent Jan 8 & Southampton Jan 17


The Orotava left Southampton yesterday for St Helena and South Africa with 49 officers, 5 civil surgeons, 2 chaplains, 3 nursing sisters, and 644 men. Listed were:

Gloucestershire – (for service at St Helena) 251 men

RAMC – 164 men

RE – 20 men


The Avoca arrived at Southampton yesterday with 170 invalids from South Africa.


London Times, 02 Jan 01 (Wednesday) Nothing Noted


Cape Times Weekly Edition, 02 Jan 01

p8 Dateline Durban, Dec 24, 1900. 1060 horses have arrived here from New Orleans by the Styrian.

Dateline Durban, Dec 27, 1900. The Englishman arrived yesterday from Southampton with 436 troops and 286 horses.


p11 The Roslin Castle, with Canadians for Halifax, arrived St Vincent on the 27th. The Norman sailed Thursday with Lieutenant Colonel Handbury Williams and Captain Lane-Fox.


p23 Here a diary of the war to the end of 1900. Also here a bit on the 945 undesireables who have passed through English ports on their way to other countries from South Africa.


p27 Dateline London, Jan 1, 1901. The Orotava took out 203 recruits for the South African Constabulary yesterday.


London Times, 03 Jan 01 (Thursday)

p8b The Hawarden Castle will take out the following for Gibraltar and South Africa :

Highland Light Infantry – Captain Purvis and 1 company

1/King’s Own – Captains Laurie & Johnson and 2 companies.

5/Manchester – Captain Jackson and 1 company

Total of 42 officers (not named) for the Cape.

Cameron Highlanders – 2 officers and 122 men for Gibraltar.


London Times, 04 Jan 01 (Friday)

p8a The Canada arrived at Southampton yesterday.


p9c The Norman left for England on December 27, with the following on passage home:

Oxfordshire Light Infantry – Major Hanbury-Williams

Canadian Post Office Corps – Captain W R Ecclestone

E Kent – Colonel T F Brickman

CG – 2/Lieutenant C E Brett

Lord Strathcona’s Corps – Captain P Fall

Indian Staff Corps – Captain C W G Richardson

17/Lancers – Lieutenant D S Matthews

Civil Surgeon H R Phillips

R Inniskilling Fusiliers – Captain L A McClintock ( for Forcados)

Due at Southampton Jan 11.


London Times, 05 Jan 01 (Saturday)

p8a The Manhattan arrived at Southampton yesterday morning from South Africa, bringing 10 officers, 382 men and 15 officer’s horses. Listed were:

Imperial Yeomanry – Lieutenant G S L Smith

4/KRRC – Captains C A G Clarke & G V Hordern

RAMC – Civil Surgeons E A Nathan, E M Pearce & A N Weir

1/Durham Light Infantry – Captain H R Cumming

1/Liverpool – Captain Depiro D’Amia

2/Leinster – Captain J D Mather

21/Lancers – Lieutenant C V de Crespigny


Dateline Malta, Jan 4. The Rameses has arrived from Alexandria and will sail tomorrow for Gibraltar with M I for South Africa.


Major General Coke is returning home in the Dunvegan Castle.


London Times, 07 Jan 01 (Monday) Nothing Noted


London Times, 08 Jan 01 (Tuesday)

p6a & b the Arundel Castle left for England Jan 1 with the following on passage home:

Civil Surgeons – W J Waters, P Wood, & C C Simpson


Note – Major C S O Monck, DAAG, mentioned here.


The Maplemore will sail from Albert Docks today or tomorrow for South Africa with cavalry reinforcements.

The Algeria will sail from Albert Docks Saturday with cavalry reinforcements for South Africa.


London Times, 09 Jan 01 (Wednesday)

p3c Dateline Sydney, Jan 8. The Orient arrived here this morning with 679 troops returning from South Africa. The troops were mad up of 403 from N S W, 170 from Queensland, & 106 from N Z


p8b The Dunvegan Castle left for England January 3 with the following on passage home:

Staff – Major- Gens. C W H Douglas & J Talbot Coke, Brigadier General R G Broadwood

8/Hussars – 2/Lieutenant Lord Hindlip

2/Worcestershire – Major J H S Gibb

3/R Lancaster – Colonel B N North

For Forcados:

2/Manchester – 2/Lieutenant F P Crozier

9/KRRC – 2/Lieutenant A E Gallagher

2/Wiltshire – 2/Lieutenant H A Murray

RFA – Lieutenant R Henvey

Due at Southampton Jan 18.


Cape Times Weekly Edition, 09 Jan 01

p24 Dateline London, Jan 02, 1901. 520 M I have embarked for South Africa in the Hawarden Castle.

Dateline London, Jan 06, 1901. Note here that Mauser cartridges are exhausted and Martini-Henry rifles are being used.


p25 The Oratava reached Southampton Dec 19. with 30 officers and 847 men.


London Times, 10 Jan 01 (Thursday)

p3c Dateline Halifax, N S, Jan 8 The Roslin Castle arrived here to-night from South Africa with the second Canadian Contingent. Lieutenant Sutton and Sergeant-Trumpeter Inglis died on the voyage.

p8b The Maplemore with Hq. & 2 Squadrons of 1/DG left Gravesend yesterday for Cape Town.


Note here – p8b The 3/DG, preparing for departure for the Cape are armed with the service rifle instead of carbines.


London Times, 11 Jan 01 (Friday)

p8b The hospital ship Nubia left for England January 7 with the following invalids:

2/Middlesex – Captain L S Roome

Robert’s Horse – Lieutenant J C Collins

3/V B Scottish Rifles – Lieutenant G W S Clarke

AOC – Captain R J Hamlin

2/R Dublin Fusiliers – Captain G N Cory

Imperial Yeomanry – Lieutenant W Moat

ASC – Major St J Parker

2/Wiltshire – 2/Lieutenant A Berger

1/R Welsh Fusiliers – Lieutenant F H Nagle

2/Lancashire Fusiliers – Lieutenant E M Barrett

1/Leicestershire – Captain G Walsh

RAMC – Civil Surgeons – W B Eaves & H C Donald

Sick laying down, 20; convalescent, 233

Wounded laying down, 9; convalescent, 8

For duty on voyage – Reverend Mr White

The following on passage home:

Bishop of Natal

Reserve of Officers – Captains A G G Tozer & H E Bamfylde

3/Northumberland Fusiliers – Captain F C Turner

1/R Fusiliers – Captains A C Annesley & C C Carr

1/Derbyshire – Major E A G Gossett

RAMC – Civil Surgeons – C Colin Campbell, S L Stephens, & W Edwards

Army Chaplain – Reverend G H Colbeck

Due at Southampton Jan 28.


The Rameses arrived at Gibraltar on Wednesday from Malta and transshipped to the Hawarden Castle 4 cos. from Malta’s garrison for South Africa. The Hawarden Castle sailed from Gibraltar for the Cape yesterday.


p10a, b & c. Note here. .303 rifle article "Rifle of the Future”


London Times, 12 Jan 01 (Saturday)

p10b The Aurania left for England January 8 with the following invalids:

10/Hussars – 2/Lieutenant Hon. E B Meade

3/E Kent – 2/Lieutenant V T D Palmer

1/Suffolk – Lieutenant F T D Wilson

1/Yorkshire – Lieutenant C F C Jarvis

1/Gloucestershire – 2/LieutenantE M H Raynsford

2/Wiltshire – 2/Lieutenant A C Magor

Army Veterinary Dept. – Major E Day, Captain J G O’Donel, Lieutenant F W Hunt

Imperial Yeomanry – Major W H Wyndham Quin, Captains G L Derriman & F E Lane-Fox, Quartermaster G F Shaw

Kaffrarian Rifles – Lieutenant J H Beswick

17/Lancers – Captain C A S Warner

2/Linconshire – Lieutenant H C W Hoskyns

2/Somerset Light Infantry – Captain E G Elger

2/Cheshire – 2/Lieutenant F Berkeley

1/W Riding – Major H D Thorold

2/Seaforth Highlanders – 2/Lieutenant P G Anstruther

Militia Medical Staff – Surgeon Captain J T Simpson

2/V B York & Lancaster – Captain H A Lownds

N S W Medical Staff. – Lieutenant G S Samuelson

Victorian M I – Lieutenant J L Lilley

Cape M Rifles – Lieutenant J C Judd

Sick laying down,65; convalescent, 527

Wounded laying down, 33; convalescent, 33

For duty on voyage:

RAMC – Lieutenant Colonel D F Franklin, Civil Surgeons B J Collingwood, D L Griffiths, W G Sutherland, L T Whelan, & F Brinckwell

Army Chaplain Reverend P O’Toole

Army Nurses – E Lewis, A E Davidson, C L Agg, M Goodhue, E C Smith, J Cowan & C McCleary

N Z Nurse – N D Redstone

With the following on passage home:

S Staffordshire – Lieutenant Colonel H C Savage

KOSB – 2/Lieutenant G Barron

1/R Irish Rifles – Major F J Tobin, Captain P G W Eckford

Queenstown Rifle Vols. – Lieutenants H Fisher-Rowe & A F Anderson

Kitchener’s Horse – Surgeon Captain J B Stanley

Canadian Artillery – Captain H J Mackie

W India – Lieutenant N M Gepp

Manchester – Lieutenant J H L Sims

Civil Veterinary Surgeon – T R Runciman

1/N Lancashire – Lieutenant W Clifford

3/Manchester – Captain R B Hopkins

2/R Scots – 2/Lieutenant A F Lumsden

RE – Captain A H Dumaresq

Canadian Dragoons – Lieutenants J H Elmsley & C T Van Strabnenzee

Imperial Yeomanry – Captain G W Graves

Imperial L Horse – Colonel A G Pawle

ASC – Captain C F Moores

Civil Veterinary Surgeon F C Pineo

Asst. Engineer – Barker

Due at Southampton Jan 28


39 men (OR’s) of the RAMC will embark in the Avoca for South Africa.


The Norman arrived at Southampton last evening. The following were listed:

British Commissioner for Basutoland Sir Godfrey Lagdon

Colonel Hanbury Williams


London Times, 14 Jan 01 (Monday)

p8b The Angola arrived at Queenstown with 430 remounts from London. She embarked 230 more and sailed for South Africa at 4 30 pm yesterday.

The Algeria will sail for South Africa from Albert Docks tomorrow with 20 officers and 240 men with 300 horses all for 3/DG

The Norfolk, at Albert Docks, has taken on 300 horses for South Africa. Sailing date not mentioned.


Note Here – A 2 column article on the Mafeking Siege Stamps with amounts of messages despatched and number of stamps printed.


London Times, 15 Jan 01 (Tuesday)

p8b The hospital ship Avoca sailed from Southampton for South Africa yesterday afternoon.


London Times, 16 Jan 01 (Wednesday)

p8a The Algeria left Albert Docks yesterday afternoon,on the 4 o’clock tide, with 17 officers, 241 men and 228 horses for South Africa. Listed were:

1/Dragoon Guards – Captain Quicke, Captain Williams, Lieutenant Gray, 2/Lieutenants Harris, Longworth & Adams & 142 men and 160 horses

3/Dragoon Guards – Captain Annesley 2/Lieutenant Hankey, 70 men and 68 horses

AOC – 27 men

RAMC – 3 men

2/R Warwickshire – Lieutenant Leigh

Northumberland Fusiliers – 1 man.

KOSB – Captain Fraser

Civil Vet Surgeon – Mr Runciman

Civil Surgeons – Messrs. Black, Baker, Murrogh, Symington, Bishop, and Gray


p8d The Scot left for England on January 9 with the following:

RA – Captain T B Wood (for England)

Imperial Yeomanry – Lieutenant J A Crocker (for Madeira)

1/S Staffordshire – 2/Lieutenant W Y Miller (for England)

2/R Irish Rifles – Major A Festing (for Forcados)


Cape Times Weekly Edition, 16 Jan 01

p11 The Langton Grange from New Orleans has arrived at Cape Town, Monday with 833 horses and will unload at Port Elizabeth.


p24 Dateline London, Jan 13. The Norfolk and the Angola with 960 remounts sailed Saturday for South Africa. The Algeria will sail on Tuesday afternoon for South Africa with 260 Dragoons.


London Times, 17 Jan 01 (Thursday) Nothing Noted


London Times, 18 Jan 01 ((Friday) Nothing Noted


London Times, 19 Jan 01 (Saturday) Nothing Noted. Seems things are slowing.


London Times, 21 Jan 01 (Monday)

p5e Dateline Cape Town, January 20. The Lake Erie, with 400 men of Lord Strathcona’s Corps on board, sailed today for Canada.


Dateline Adelaide, Jan 20. The South Australian Government has engaged the Ormizan to convey its 5th contingent to the Cape. Due to leave within a fortnight.


p11b The Dunvegan Castle arrived at Southampton on Saturday evening with Gens. Talbot-Coke, Douglas and Broadwood.


London Times, 22 Jan 01 (Tuesday)

p11a The Victoria sailed from Queenstown at 4 30 pm yesterday for the Cape with the following listed:

3/DG – a small detachment already on board – plus

3/DG – 18 officers, 1 warrant officer and 498 men. Major Sir A F Lushington in command.

Connaught Rangers – 1 officer

RAMC – 1 officer, 6 civil surgeons

Army Victualling Dept. – 1 officer


The Manhattan collided with the Canada at Southampton on Saturday. The Manhattan embarked at Albert Docks yesterday morning a detachment of the 7/DG consisting of 10 officers, 125 men and 420 horses. She will call at Queenstown to embark 54 officers and men and 100 horses. She will also call at Gibraltar to embark an additional 300 men


Dateline Alexandria, Jan 21. The Menes has sailed for Gibraltar with 300 men to be transshipped to another vessel (The Manhattan ?)


London Times, 23 Jan 01 (Wednesday) Queen Victoria has died. (22 Jan 01). So ends an era.

Nothing else noted.


Cape Times Weekly Edition, 23 Jan 01

p1 Dateline Pretoria, Jan 17. Here a notice prohibiting wearing of khaki and other Brit. uniform.


p8 Dateline Durban, Jan 17. The St Anderw left here today for Cape Town and England with 25 officers, 462 invalids and 400 details.


p11 The Lake Erie sailed for England and Canada with 400 men of Strathcona’s Horse. Two Boer P O W escaped from the transport Mongolia on Saturday. Looking for them in the vicinity of Kalk Bay.


p25 Dateline Durban, Jan 21. 150 undesirables sailed today in the Briton for Algoa Bay where they will transfer to the Moor and sail for Europe. The Manilla sails Wednesday with 18 invalid officers, 400 men and 14 persons "suffering from insanity”.


London Times, 24 Jan 01 (Thursday)

p9f The Tantallon Castle left for England January 17 with the following on passage home:

Staff – General Sir F Carrington

S Wales Borderers – Captain W E Lawrence

RA – Lieutenant Colonel E S May

S Lancashire – Captain E T James

Indian Staff – Captain E Peach

Imperial Yeomanry – Captain G R Crosfield, Lieutenant G Ayres

Remount Dept. – Captain C Cottrell Dormer

RAMC – Civil Surgeons E A Houseman, W H Pegg, H A Ballance

5/R Munster Fusiliers – Captain W E G Plummer (for Forcados)

London Times, 25 Jan 01 (Friday)

p4e The Salamis left for England January 21 with the following on passage home:

RAMC – Civil Surgeons W A Scott, W P Park, A Taylor


The St Andrew left for England January 22 with the following invalids:

5/Lancers – Lieutenant E E West

Imperial Yeomanry – Lieutenant Colonel C Baron

Royal Scots – Captain C Daniel

Marshall’s Horse – Lieutenant T C Fryer

Sick laying down, 29; convalescent, 651

Wounded laying down, 14; convalescent 67

For duty on voyage:

RAMC – Civil Surgeons R M W Wilson, W F Macfarlane

Army Nurses – M G Halkett, M Paterson, E Pilcher

With the following on passage home:

Rifle Brigade – Captain G M A Ellis

3/R Welsh Fusiliers – Lieutenant G F E Cotton

Civil Veterinary Surgeon W L Cockburn

W India Regiment – 2/Lieutenant W F Gilchrist

3/R Munster Fusiliers – Lieutenant A W J F Abbott

RAMC – Civil Surgeon J Blackwood

Due at Southampton Feb 19.


London Times, 26 Jan 01 (Saturday)

p13d & e The Lake Erie left for England, Jan 20, having on board the following en route for Canada:

Lord Strathcona’s Corps – Lieutenant Colonel S B Steele; Majors D M Howards, G W Cameron, R Belcher, A M Jarvis; Captains R M Courtney, J J MacDonald, E F Mackie, CB Keenan, F L Cartwright; Lieutenants A E Christie, A W Strange, J E Leckie, M White-Fraser, G H Kirkpatrick, W Parker, F Harper, H S Tobin, G E Laidlaw, J E Snider, E J Steele; Veterinary Lieutenant G T Stevenson and 379 men.

R Canadian Staff – Lieutenant Colonel J L Biggar

Canadian Defence Dept. – Lieutenant J A Simpson

Canadian Infantry – Captains J H C Ogilvy, A J Boyd, Lieutenant F E Leach and 15 men

With the following on passage home:

Durham Light Infantry – Lieutenant Colonel W C Ross

Staff – Captain J A Leedman

Reserve of Officers – Captain Sir. G Arthur

A D C to General Carrington – Lieutenant A C Peach

Bethune’s M I – Lieutenant S Woodhouse

Chaplains Reverends E M Molesworth, B O’Riley

Civil Veterinary Surgeon R Portious

Imperial Yeomanry Hospital – Nurses M D Stephenson, S Cooper, A E Cable


The Scot arrived at Southampton yesterday.


London Times, 28 Jan 01 (Monday)

p6d The Dunottar Castle left for England on Jan 23, with the following on passage home:

4/S Staffordshire – Colonel F Charrington

2/CG – Captain J McC Steele


London Times, 29 Jan 01 (Tuesday)

p11f The hospital ship Dunera sailed from Southampton yesterday afternoon for South Africa taking 24 officers, 2 civil surgeons, 6 chaplains, 9 nursing sisters and 88 details. Lieutenant Colonel Smith, Hampshire Regiment, in charge.

The hospital ship Nubia, from Durban and ct, arrived at Southampton yesterday morning, bringing 19 officers, 5 ladies and 313 men.

The Aurania arrived at Southampton, bringing 41 officers, 20 ladies, & 967 men and a number of time expired men for a total of 1,164.

The transport Catalonia arrived at Colombo Jan 9, bringing 630 Boer prisoners. One named, Commandant Boshof. Two deaths at sea from pneumonia. Also reported a few cases of measles.


London Times, 30 Jan 01 (Wednesday)

p3d Dateline Wellington, Jan 26. The 6th New Zealand contingent (580 men) has sailed for South Africa via Auckland. (no ship mentioned)


p4a Dateline Gibraltar, Jan 29. The Menes has arrived from Alexandris with 300 M I. They will be transhipped to the Manhattan, which will sail today for the Cape.


Cape Times Weekly Edition, 30 Jan 01 Nothing Noted


London Times, 31 Jan 01 (Thursday)

p6d The Idaho left for England, January 26 with the following invalids:

17/Lancers – Major C J Anstruther

2/Lincolnshire – Lieutenant C J Rennie

Imperial Yeomanry Scouts – Captain F Campbell

1/Northumberland Fusiliers – Lieutenant St J E Montague

Imperial Yeomanry – Lieutenant J H Roberts

With the following on passage home:

Imperial Yeomanry – Lieutenant Colonel R B Colvin, Captain Viscount Maitland, Lieutenants R W Purvis, R Wynne

Army Veterinary Dept. – Civil Vet Surgeons F Lindsay, J R Farran, C D Robinson

RAMC – Civil Surgeons CB Pasley, G Park, G Paxton, A Spong, J T Leon & Dresser A Hawkins

Due St Vincent Feb 9, Albert Docks Feb 17.


The Manilla left for England, January 27 with the following invalids:

6/DG – Lieutenant Colonel A Sprot

2/W Surrey – Captain O’B Z Darrah

1/Leinster – Lieutenant E V Raynes

R Lancaster – Lieutenant H W Compton (attached)

Imperial Yeomanry – Lieutenant B F Greenwell

RE – Major F M Glubb

2/Manchester – Captain A G Sharp

1/Rifle Brig. – 2/Lieutenant M B White

RAMC – Lieutenants W M Power, E B Knox

Army Nursing Sisters – C G Hanbury

For duty on voyage:

RAMC – Captain N Faichnie, Civil Surgeons A Young, S H White

Nursing Sisters P Clapham, A Couper, G Milne-Miller

Due Las Palmas, Feb 15, Southampton Feb 23.


A severe measles outbreak among POW at St Helena.