London Times, 01 Feb 01 (Friday) Nothing noted.


London Times, 02 Feb 01 (Saturday)

p5f The Orotava left for England, January 29 with the following invalids:

J Battery RHA – Major P H Enthoven

17/Lancers – Lieutenant the Hon. W R Wyndham

2/Northumberland Fusiliers – Captain J A C Somerville

2/R Warwickshire – 2/Lieutenant R H Higgins

2/E Kent – 2/Lieutenant C H P O’Hagan

Gordon Highlanders – Captain F R Gregson (attached)

S Rhodesian Volunteer – Lieutenant J Sampson

RAMC – Civil Surgeon J U R Gardiner

With the following on passage home:

Lord Strathcona’s Corps – Lieutenant M H White-Fraser

2/Leicestershire – 2/Lieutenant A W S Brock

RAMC – Civil Surgeon H W Dudgeon

Civil Veterinary Surgeons – H F Vulliamy, F G Woodroffe

Due Las Palmas, Feb 11 and Southampton, Feb 16


London Times, 04 Feb 01 (Monday) Nothing noted


London Times, 05 Feb 01 (Tuesday) Nothing noted


London Times, 06 Feb 01 (Wednesday)

p3c Dateline St Helena, Feb 5. 649 Boer prisoners arrived here Sunday on board the Mongolian. The Canadian also disembarked 210 troops.


Cape Times Weekly Edition, 06 Feb 01

p7 Dateline Durban Jan 31. The Mohawk sails today with 200 invalids. The City of Vienna sails 08 Feb with 600 invalids.

Dateline Bulawayo, Feb 4.”One of the troopers concerned in the recent Grand Hotel riot died from remorse in fear of the trial which starts tomorrow.


London Times, 07 Feb 01 (Thursday)

p11a & b The Roslin Castle left Southampton yesterday afternoon with 70 officers and 845 men for South Africa. Among the number were some for St Helena.

The Honorius embarked a number of details and 350 horses at Albert Docks yesterday morning. She sailed in the afternoon for Queenstown to embark more horses for South Africa.

The Briton left for England Jan 30 with the following on passage home:

Staff – Lieutenant General Sir. A Hunter, Majors A F King, J F Bagot

Imperial Yeomanry – Captain W F Roben, Lieutenants Sir W Miller, W R K Mainwaring, W H Bishop


London Times, 08 Feb 01 (Friday)

p5b& c Dateline Sydney, Feb 7. The General of Communications at Cape Town has telegraphed that the troopships Ranee, Antillian, British Princess, and the Custodian have left Cape Town for Sydney and are due to arrive between Feb 25 & March 5. The Maplemore has also left Cape Town for Sydney. About 1,000 men with horses are expected to be despatched to South Africa from here in earley March.


p11a & b The Scot, Arundel Castle, Tantallon Castle and Dunolly Castle have been requisitioned by the Government to convey the first detachment of the newly-enrolled Imperial Yeomanry from Southampton to Cape Town. The Scot is due to sail the 9th, the Arundel Castle on Monday and the Tantallon Castle and Dunolly Castle will leave on the 16th.

The Lake Erie was at Las Palmas on the 6th and is due Albert Docks on Wednesday, the 13th. On Fridat the 22nd, Strathcona’s Horse leaves Liverpool for Halifax, N S in the Numidian.


London Times, 09 Feb 01 (Saturday)

p13d The Mohawk left for England February 5 with the following invalids:

Staff – Major General J E Boyes

Imperial Yeomanry – Captains G E Prideaux-Brune, G Clark

ASC – Captain C D Christopher

1/Hampshire – Lieutenant A T Beckwith

Army Pay Dept. – Major F G Hamley

RAMC – Major F J O’Donnell

7/Hussars – Captain CB Fritz-Henry

Worcester – Lieutenant W A Bowen

Sick laying down, 7: convalescent, 363

Wounded laying down, 2; convalescent, 26

For duty on voyage:

Civil Surgeons H C Clark, S B Hulke

Nursing Sisters L G Castle, M H Griffiths

Chaplain Rev, Bell

Due Las Palmas Feb 12, Southampton Feb 27.

The Norham Castle left for England Feb 6 with the following on passage home:

6/Bengal Infantry – Captain F de B Young

Imperial Yeomanry – Sapt. Sir S Scott

Civil Surgeon S B Scott


The Idaho arrived at St Vincent on Thursday with 784 time expired and left for England yesterday


London Times, 11 Feb 01 (Monday)


London Times, 12 Feb 01 (Tuesday)

p7a The Arundel Castle sailed from Southampton yesterday for South Africa. The following were listed:

Imperial Yeomanry – Captains Biggs, Irving, 2/Lieutenants Bridges, Moncrieffe and 245 men.


The hospital ship Nubia left Southampton yesterday afternoon with a full complement of nurses and a number of details. Major Mallins, in command.


London Times, 13 Feb 01 (Wednesday) No Shipping Noted

p2f Note: Here starts a listing of M I D ’s (MID) for the war up to the dated time.

p3a Note: Division Staff. Major Vandeleur (MID)

p4b Note: 1/DG Lieutenant Colonel Burn-Murdoch (MID)

p4e Note: Medical Officer’s M I D ’s (MID)

p7d Note Lieutenant F D Farquhar, CG listed here


Cape Times Weekly Edition, 13 Feb 01

p4 Figures for recruiting in the Cape. Railway Pioneers, Cycle Corps, Mine Guard, Imperial Light Infantry, Brabant, Kaffrarian, Queen’s Town, Marshall’s, Border, Eastern, P o. W L H, C I C Bodyguard, Johannesburg, Scottish, S A L H, Kitchener’s.

Mr Kipling donates a Maxim.


p8 Dateline Bulawayo, Feb 9.”Six of the B S A troopers accused of having participated in a riot at the Grand Hotel have been acquitted. The trial of the remaining five is proceeding”



London Times, 14 Feb 01 (Thursday)

p3a Note: Continuation and Completion of the M I D ‘s (MID)


p10c The Bavarian left for England January 8 ( ? Typo, I suspect. Feb 8) with the following invalids:

9/Lancers – Lord F Hamilton-Temple-Blackwood

RFA – 2/Lieutenant H W T Elam

Cape GA – Lieutenant E C Gates

3/E Kent – Major A H Tylden-Patterson

1/Suffolk – Lieutenant A S Peebles

1/W Riding – Captain N B Bainbridge, Lieutenant E N Townsend

4/Derby – Lieutenant Colonel N L Pearse

3/Durham Light Infantry – Lieutenant J S Barwick

Imperial Yeomanry – Colonel H W Feilden

16/Lancers – Lieutenant A W MacArthur-Onslow, 2/Lieutenant H Gilmour

6/ E D RGA – 2/Lieutenant W V I Mathews

RE – Lieutenant L A Sherrard

4/Lancaster – Captain A W H Saunders-Knox-Gore

2/Duke of Cornwall’s Light Infantry – Captain F M J D Rhodes

3/Border – Captain R W H Woodburne

2/Wiltshire – Lieutenant M C Richards

Reserve of Officers – Captain H W Calverley

Nursing Sisters E S Soley, E Holland

Sick laying down, 38; convalescent, 241

Wounded laying down, 21; convalescent, 16

For Duty on Voyage:

RAMC – Lieutenant B Pares

Chaplain Reverend E A Irwin

Army Nurses – Sisters M Taylor, M Beale, M F Lightfoot

With the following on passage home:

Lumsden’s Horse – Lieutenant C E Crane

3/Worcester – Sec. (? Lieutenant ) C C W Maude

3/ R Irish Fusiliers – Lieutenant & Quartermaster G H Osborne

2/Norfolk – Lieutenant Colonel L H Phillips

ASC – Captain E Studdert

Thorneycroft’s M I – Lieutenant Hon. M Hill-Trevor

2/Leinster – Major W Seton

RAMC – Civil Surgeons S H Sharpe, C L Dunn, A N Walker, F E Taylor, S E Denyer, R M Cowie, J Anderson, H J Baldwin, F M Alfred, W Wright, H N Good, R W E Roe, W Mayo

Due at St Vincent Feb 25 and Southampton Mar 7.


The Lake Erie arrived of Gravesend early yesterday morning and was docked at Albert Docks this morning. The following were listed:

Lieutenant Colonel S B Steele, in command; Majors D M Howards, G W Cameron, R Belcher, A M Jarvis; Captains R M Courtney, J J MacDonald, E F Mackie, CB Keehan, M D, F L Cartwright; Lieutenants A E Christie, A W Strange, J E Leckie, M H White-Fraser, G H Kirkpatrick, W Parker, F Harper, H S Tobin, G E Laidlaw, J R Snider, E J Steele; Veterinary Lieutenant G T Stevenson and 343 men.


The Aurania will embark, at Southampton, 14 officers and 312 men of the RE for the Cape.

The Donolly Castle will embark, at Southampton, Saturday, 5 officers and 530 men of the Imperial Yeomanry for South Africa.

6 officers and 350 men of the Imperial Yeomanry will embark in the Tantallon Castle for the Cape.


London Times, 15 Feb 01 (Friday)

p11a The Algeria with detachments of 1/DG & 3/DG arrived at Cape Town on Feb 12


London Times, 16 Feb 01 (Saturday)

p7d Dateline Melbourne, Feb 15. The 5th Victorian contingent consisting of 1,000 mounted men, with 250 Volunteers for Tullibardine’s Horse, sailed for Cape Town today. (Nos ship mentioned).


p14d The Canada left for England February 12 with the following invalids:

1/Northumberland Fusiliers – 2/Lieutenant B Evans

1/N Staffordshire – 2/Lieutenant L G Williams

2/S Wales Borderers – Lieutenant W C Curgenven, 2/Lieutenant P A Grogan

Veterinary Dept. – Captain E W Landner

Sick laying down, 30; convalescent, 262

Wounded laying down, 9; convalescent, 8

For duty on voyage:

Civil Surgeon P E Adams

Reverend W H Jaffray

Nursing Sisters H Steel, M Herbert

With the following on passage home:

4/Hussars – 2/Lieutenant H J Grisewood

Imperial Light Horse – Lieutenant E A Hallingham

Civil Veterinary Surgeons – S Stockman, W W Brownlass, J M Lund, T Rennie, A Leach

Due at Madeira Feb 24 and Southampton Feb 28


The Kildonan Castle left for England February 13 with the following invalids:

RFA – Major G W Biddulph

3/Norfolk – Major H H F Eden

2/E Surrey – 2/Lieutenant P M Whale

2/Seaforth Highlanders – Lieutenant E A B Clive

Imperial Yeomanry – Lieutenant Colonel H W M Bonham

RA Staff – 2/Lieutenant C L Hickling

3/E Lancashire – 2/Lieutenant H S L Hemming

1/KRRC – Major H F Pakenham

RAMC – Major L Haywood, Civil Surgeons A B Dunne, V W Low

Canadian Dragoons – Lieutenant REW Turner

Sick laying down, 21; convalescent, 170

Wounded laying down, 2; convalescent 7

For duty on voyage:

Civil Surgeons W T Milton, A C Turner, H S Thomas,

Nursing Sisters M J De Montmorency, G W Wood, F C H Colbourne, J N Wilson

Hospital Dressers A D V Blathwayt, A C Ransford

With the following on passage home:

Reserve of Officers – Captain R Tremaine

Imperial Yeomanry – Lieutenant G Benson

Rhodesian Field Force – Lieutenant G P L Pemberton

Due Las Palmas Feb 27 and Southampton Mar 4


The Carisbrooke Castle left for England Feb 13, with the following on passage home:

Imperial Yeomanry Colonel Le Roy Lewis, Captain Wells

Due Southampton Mar 1.


London Times, 18 Feb 01 (Monday)

p10a, b & c Major General Sir A Hunter was among the passengers in the Briton, which arrived at Southampton Saturday morning.

The Columbian left Albert Docks Saturday with the following listed:

2 Companies M I total of 260 men

1/King’s Own – Captain Marker

Highland Light Infantry – Captain Armstrong

The Columbian will call at Queenstown for a further 200 mounted men.


The Dunolly Castle sailed from Southampton Saturday with the followning listed:

Imperial Yeomanry – Captains Thomas, Griffiths, Dugdale, Hare, Judkins and 530 men.


The Tantallon Castle sailed from Southampton Saturday with the following:

CG – Lieutenant Colonel Sir H S Rawlinson, in charge.

Imperial Yeomanry – Captains Travers, Bowley, Dyer, Lieutenants Henshaw, Blair, Innes & 350 men.


The Orotava arrived at Southampton Saturday with the following invalids:

J Battery RHA – Major P H Enthoven

17/Lancers – Lieutenant the Hon. W R Wyndham

2/Northumberland Fusiliers – Captain J A C Somerville

2/R Warwickshire – 2/Lieutenant R H Higgins

2/E Kent – 2/Lieutenant C H P O’Hagan

Gordon Highlanders – Captain F R Gregson (attached)

S Rhodesian Volunteer – Lieutenant J Sampson

RAMC – Civil Surgeon J U R Gardiner

With the following on passage home:

Lord Strathcona’s Corps – Lieutenant M H White-Fraser ( Note: He is listed as having arrived with the Canadian contingent in the Lake Erie. ??)

2/Leicestershire – 2/Lieutenant A W S Brock

RAMC – Civil Surgeon H W Dudgeon

Civil Veterinary Surgeons – H F Vulliamy, F G Woodroffe

Due Las Palmas, Feb 11 and Southampton, Feb 16


The Idaho arrived at Gravesend on Saturday and anchored, having lost the tide. She had on board about 900 troops and the following listed invalids:

17/Lancers – Major C J Anstruther

2/Lincolnshire – Lieutenant C J Rennie

Imperial Yeomanry Scouts – Captain F Campbell

1/Northumberland Fusiliers – Lieutenant St J E Montague

Imperial Yeomanry – Lieutenant J H Roberts

With the following on passage home:

Imperial Yeomanry – Lieutenant Colonel R B Colvin, Captain Viscount Maitland, Lieutenants R W Purvis, R Wynne

Army Veterinary Dept. – Civil Vet Surgeons F Lindsay, J R Farran, C D Robinson

RAMC – Civil Surgeons CB Pasley, G Park, G Paxton, A Spong, J T Leon & Dresser A Hawkins


The St Andrew arrived at Southampton yesterday morning with over 1,000 invalids and time-expired men. Listed were:

Rifle Brigade – Captain Ellis, in charge

Imperial Yeomanry – Colonel Barton, & Corporal Dodd


The Kelvingrove will today embark at Albert Docks details of 3/Bedfordshire Regt, R A, & e tc, with 200 remounts.


London Times, 19 Feb 01 (Tuesday) Nothing Noted


London Times, 20 Feb 01 (Wednesday)

p11b The Colombian left Queenstown at 3:50 yesterday afternoon. She was late getting away due to late arrival of stores and ammunition. She embarked 5 officers and 136 men of the 4/King’s Royal Rifles and 1 officer and 60 men of the 8/Hussars and 5 civil surgeons and 150 remounts.


Cape Times Weekly Edition, 20 Feb 01

p22 The Dunvegan Castle arrived in Cape Town with the following military passengers:

Lieutenant Colonel Aspinall, Captain J Corballes, Major Phillips, CMG


The Kinfauns Castle, sailing for home today, with the following military passengers:

General Gordon, Colonel the Hon. H C Duncombe, Captain Burnett Hitchcock, Colonel Trotter, Captain Fielden, Major Seckham.


p24 Dateline London, Feb 19, 1901. 100 troopers of Strathcona’s Horse stated they intend to return to South Africa and join the Constabulary after a vacation in Canada.


Dateline London, Feb 16, 1901. The fth Victorian Contingent numbering 1,000 men with 250 volunteers for the Marquis of Tullibardine’s Scottish Horse, have sailed for South Africa.


London Times, 21 Feb 01 (Thursday)

p6a & b The Lusitania left Liverpool for Halifax with a small amount of returning Canadian troops.

The new steamer Tongariro (7,661 Tons) has been requisitioned by the Government to take Imperial Yeomanry to the Cape. Due to leave London on the 26th.

The Kelvin Grove left Southampton yesterday afternoon for South Africa with 207 remounts.

The Manchester Merchant from Table Bay, yesterday, passed Gravesend fot Albert Docks. The Tagus from Table Bay, arrived at Southampton yesterday. The Beacon Grange, for Table Bay via Fiume, left Newport Monday.


London Times, 22 Feb 01 (Friday)

p10a The Simla left for England Feb 18 with the following invalids:

RAMC – Captain F S Brereton

3/DG – 2/Lieutenant H R Dyer

2/Worcester – Captain J P S Maitland

1/Highland Light Infantry – Major Hon. H J Anson

RFA – Lieutenant H E S Wynne

2/Scots Guards – Lieutenant Hon. E C Gordon-Lennox

9/KRRC – Lieutenant W P Hunt

1/Border Regiment – Lieutenant E H H Lees

Loch’s Horse – Lieutenant Colonel J H Hodgson

4/Bedford – Captain H C Franks

18/Hussars – Lieutenant C J Thackwell

1/S Lancashire – 2/Lieutenant A Davidson

Army Vet Dept. – Captain R W Raymond

1/Cameron Highlanders – Lieutenant J W Sandilands

Imperial Yeomanry – Major E D Cooper

Sick laying down, 27; convalescent 171

Wounded laying down, 9; convalescent, 52

With the following on passage home:

Imperial Yeomanry – Major Hon. H V Duncombe

RAMC – Civil Surgeon M W Renton


To-day a detachment of 660 men will embark in the Gaul. The following were listed: Imperial Yeomanry – Captains Clarke, Stallard, Hulse, Morling, Coleman, and Cadiz; Lieutenants Furley, Brouncker, Lorimer, Gale, Fernie, and Earle.

Another detachment of 220 men and Captains Angus & Milbank and Lieutenants Holme and Fuller will embark in the Dunottar Castle at Southampton tomorrow.


p10e Note: Major Monck, CG appointed Brigade Major


London Times, 23 Feb 01 (Saturday)

p12a & b A detachment of 12 officers and 660 men of the Imperial Yeomanry embarked yesterday, at Southampton, in the Gaul for South Africa. The Gaul sailed at 10 p. m.

A detachment of 6 officers and 660 men of the Imperial Yeomanry and 3 men of the RAMC are due to embark in the Orotava, Monday, at Southampton for South Africa.


The Manilla arrived at Plymouth yesterday with the following invalids:

6/DG – Lieutenant Colonel A Sprot

2/W Surrey – Captain O’B Z Darrah

1/Leinster – Lieutenant E V Raynes

R Lancaster – Lieutenant H W Compton (attached)

Imperial Yeomanry – Lieutenant B E Greenwell

RE – Major F M Glubb

2/Manchester – Captain A G Sharp

1/Rifle Brig. – 2/Lieutenant M B White

RAMC – Lieutenants W M Power, E B Knox

Army Nursing Sisters – C G Hanbury

For duty on voyage:

RAMC – Captain N Faichnie, Civil Surgeons A Young, S H White

Nursing Sisters P Clapham, A Couper, G Milne-Miller

406 men, invalids.

The Manilla landed 3 officers and 114 men at Plymouth and then left for Southampton to land the remainder.


p14b Note: Burn-Murdoch, 1Dns. mentioned here (Gazette)


London Times, 25 Feb 01 (Monday)

p6e & f The Numidian sailed from Liverpool with a number of Lord Strathcona’s Horse bound for home.

A draft of 220 Imperial Yeomanry left Southampton in the Dunottar Castle for South Africa.

The Lake Erie embarked 300 M I and 35 officers at Albert Docks Saturday. She will call at Queenstown for further details.

The Norham Castle arrived at Southampton late last night. Among the passengers were listed Colonel Bodle and Captain Raeburn


London Times, 26 Feb 01 (Tuesday) Nothing Noted


London Times, 27 Feb 01 (Wednesday)

p10b The Kinfauns Castle left for England, Feb 21 with the following on passage home:

Staff – Colonel J K Trotter & Lieutenant Colonel J R P Gordon


The War Office has made to following arrangements for the despatch of 10,000 officers and men and 1,260 horses to South Africa between the present and the middle of March:

The Idaho from Albert Docks tomorrow and Queenstown on Sunday with 814 officers and men for the 8th, 13th, 14th Hussars and the 16th & 17th Lancers and 240 horses

The Tagus from Southampton on Friday with 47 officers and 1,149 men of the Imperial Yeomanry and R Warwickshire M I

The Norham Castle from Southampton, for Durban, on Saturday with 337 officers and men for the Imperial Yeomanry

The Formosa from Malta on Saturday with 902 men of the 3/N Lancashire Regiment

The Manchester Merchant from Albert Docks on March 5 and Queenstown on March 8, with 389 of the 46th Company RE and drafts for the 18th and 19th Hussars, and 370 horses.


The following dates have been approximately fixed for the embarkation of the remainder:

The Manila, Mar 5, from Southampton with 702 officers and men

The Canada, Mar 8, from Southampton with 61 officers and 1,593 men for the Imperial Yeomanry and the South African Constabulary.

The Mohawk, Mar 10, for Durban, from Southampton with 799 Imperial Yeomanry

The Englishman, Mar 10, from Albert Docks and Queenstown, Mar 13, with 458 men and 300 horses.

The Kildonan Castle, Mar 14, from Southampton & Queenstown, Mar 16, with 2,330 men.

The St Andrew, Mar 14, from Albert Docks and Queenstown, Mar 17, with 494 drafts and 350 horses.


The Tongariro left Albert Docks yesterday afternoon at 5 o’clock on her maiden voyage. She carried 22 officers and 1,000 men for the South Africa Police.


The Lake Erie left Queenstown at 1 o’clock yesterday afternoon after embarking 75 horses and 4 officers.


p12a Note: Major C S O Monck, CG (Gazette) to be Brig. Major from DAAG


Cape Times Weekly Edition, 27 Feb 01

p25 The Scot arrived yesterday with the following military passengers:

General R G Broadwood, Major Edwards, Captain Chichester, Captain Clifton, Captain Bowker and a detachment of 198 men and 4 officers.


p32 The Saxon sails for home this afternoon with the following military passengers:

Captain Hitchins,


The Scot again here. Add Lieutenant Palk, Captain Howie (for Algoa Bay)


London Times, 28 Feb 01 (Thursday)

p6b The Mohawk arrived at Southampton yesterday afternoon with 12 officers and upwards of 400 invalids. The following, only, were listed:

Staff – Major General J E Boyes

Imperial Yeomanry – Captains G E Prideaux-Brune

ASC – Captain C D Christopher

Army Pay Dept. – Major F G Hawley

RAMC – Major F J O’Donnell

7/Hussars – Captain CB Fritz-Henry

Worcester – Lieutenant W A Bowen

London Times, 01 Mar 01 (Friday)

p11a The Idaho left Albert Docks last night for the Cape with 16 officers and 314 men of the 13/Hussars and 236 remounts. She will call at Queenstown to embark 8 officers and 522 men.