London Times, 01 Mar 02 (Saturday) Nothing Noted


London Times, 03 Mar 02 (Monday)

p6c The Montrose sailed Saturday afternoon from (? Southampton ) with 21 officers and 521 men of the 3/N Staffordshire, 109 men of the Derbyshire, 48 RE and details. Will call at Gibraltar and embark 2 officers and 200 men. Colonel Monkton, N Staffordshire Regiment in command.


London Times, 04 Mar 02 (Tuesday)

p9b The Avoca arrived at Southampton yesterday with the following:

RGA – Captains J B Parry, E H T Parsons

RFA – Lieutenant R L D Whitfield, 2/Lieutenant J S French

6/DG – Captain E M Johnstone

8/Hussars – 2/Lieutenant H C Mallet

1/Essex – Lieutenant E D Raymond

2/Northampton – 2/Lieutenant G C Oldham

2/Manchester – Captain F F Deakin

Imperial Yeomanry – Lieutenants E S Ward, W H S Dunlop

RAMC – Lieutenant M F Foulds

2/Middlesex – Lieutenants W C Hendricks, T B H Thorne

3/V B Sussex – Lieutenant Colonel CB Godman

2/Somerset Light Infantry – Lieutenant Colonel R B Williams

2/S Wales Borderers – 2/Lieutenant E H A Hodgson

2/Norfolk – 2/Lieutenant R J C Otter

Londonderry Militia Artillery – Lieutenant C A French

Imperial L H – Surgeon Captain T J Crean, V C

2/Hampshire – Captain E Leigh

Nursing Sister H G Miller

2/Northumberland Fusiliers – Major A F Dawkins

2/Gordon High. – 2/Lieutenant W S Adam

4/Inniskilling Fusiliers – Lieutenant C G Stewart

1/KRRC – Captain F M Crum

Civil Surgeons T B Ganvie, J Blore

Medical Staff:

RAMC – Lieutenant Colonel S Townsend, Lieutenant & Quartermaster V Ferguson, Civil Surgeons W B Bannerman, R Brown, A J Knowlton, Nursing Sisters A A C Higgs, J Stephenson, A G Rees, M G Buse, W A C Millington, and 35 men.

Reverend Father Fielding


The Dunottar Castle left for England, Feb 26 with Lieutenant A L Cave, 10/Hussars, on passage home.


The Winkfield left Queenstown yesterday after embarking 115 horses.


London Times, 05 Mar 02 (Wednesday)

p8c The Orotava left for England Feb 27 with the following invalids:

7/DG – Major J E E Dyer

10/Hussars – Lieutenant the Hon. A Annesley

RGA – Lieutenant Colonel R C Foster

3/R Scots – Lieutenant & Quartermaster W F Horniblow

2/Somerset Light Infantry – Captain A G Boyle

4/Bedford – Lieutenant F G C Ashmead-Bartlett

1/R Welsh Fusiliers – Major H J Madocks

4/Dublin Fusiliers – Captain F J A Skeet

RAMC – Lieutenant L E L Parker

W Australian M I – Captain E R Williams

3/Essex – 2/Lieutenant G F Pryor

Imperial Yeomanry – Captain L St J Brodrick, Lieutenants F E L Philp, G Bourke, F M Madan, G A Monkhouse, J J B Cross.

Nursing Sister C Campbell

Sick laying down, 86; sick convalescent, 420

Wounded laying down, 22; wounded convalescent, 4

With the following on passage home:

4/Worcester – Captain E W Moss, 2/Lieutenant C S Linton

3/Welsh – Lieutenant R N Kelly

2/Northampton – Captain G E Ripley

Imperial Yeomanry – Captain Baron Von Dankburg, Lieutenants J A Douglas, A C Martyn, and Riding-Mr H Anderson

Scottish Horse – Lieutenant A Kelly

RAMC – Major C W R Healey

1/GG – Lieutenant & Quartermaster J Robinson

RFA – Colonel H H Pengree

Seaforth High. – Colonel J W Hughes-Hallett

Liverpool – (Late of) Mr C Gandy

Reverend C Lebras

Civil Veterinary Surgeon J Crawford

Civil Surgeons G H B Harvie, G Kennedy

Nursing Sisters M T Enright, M Hodges, M F H Gibbs, E M Hill

Due Southampton Mar 13.


The Orient arrived at Southampton yesterday with 29 invalids for Netley, 66 for Woolwich, 248 men for Aldershot, 150 time-expired men for Brockhurst, and 66 details.

The following Invalid officers are listed:

12/Lancers – 2/Lieutenant T R Badger

16/Lancers – 2/Lieutenant A L Bruce

Staff – Colonel J Reeves

2/Yorks Light Infantry – Major A W Elles

1/R Lancaster – Captain J H Morrah

1/R Irish – Lieutenant J A M J P Kelly

3/ Scottish Rifles – Captain J C Gardner

1/Worcester – Lieutenant A F Custance

2/E Surrey – 2/Lieutenant R C Ross

1/L N Lancs. – 2/Lieutenant A S G Cattell

3/L N Lancs. – J C Wilson

1/KRRC – Captain W P Lynes

1/Highland Light Infantry – Captain A W D Gaussen

2/R Irish Rifles – Lieutenant E M A Hogan

ASC – Lieutenant W W Molony

RAMC – Lieutenant F H Merry

Imperial Yeomanry – Captain A West. Lieutenants H Platten, A J A Craven, J N Christy, L W Roberts, C E Brooke-Hunt, W R Foran

Civil Surgeons C R White, A S David

Nursing Sister S E Webb

With the following on passage home:

RAMC – Major H J Fletcher

The Reverends I Le Mesurier, B Guyer

1/Lancs. Fusiliers – Lieutenant J A Ballantine

Tipperary Artillery – Colonel F J S Lecky

1/Border – Lieutenant G J Marsh

Civil Veterinary Surgeons J T Crosby, J P Small

Civil Surgeons R C Leaning, C C Harris, J P Wright

Nursing Sisters E H Cole, B R Roberts, W E Cheeseman, E C Lawrence, M A Macready.


The Harlech Castle with the 4/Worcestershire Regiment on board arrived yesterday at Bermuda.


Cape Times Weekly Edition, 05 Mar 02

p1 Dateline Simon’s Town, Mar 1. The West Yorks Militia, commanded by Colonel Bennett, embarked on board the Ulstermore this morning for England. The Regiment left England with 550 in Feb 1900. Strength going home is 292 officers and men.


p10 The Mohawk arrived here Friday with 820 men from the following: CG, GG, IG, SR and some others.


p17 The Saxon arrived yesterday afternoon with the following named military passengers: Colonel Viscount Valletort, Lieutenant W H M Action, Captain W T W Brackenburg, 2nd Lieutenant H G Fowler, Captain W C French, Captain J Hodgykins, Lieutenant C H H Hogg, Lieutenant D S Hope, Lieutenant L W Lewer, Lieutenant C F Potter, Captain H B Roberts, Lieutenant J A Samuel,.

The Carisbrook Castle sails for England this afternoon with the following named military passengers: General Rundle, Major Maud (Maude ? ), Captain Brodie, Captain Webber, Captain Harrison, Lieutenant Hollins, Major MacPherson,.


p22 Dateline Durban, Feb 28. The Bavarian has just added 360 more Boer POW and is expected to sail for India next week.


p24 Dateline London, Mar 2. The Montrose has sailed for South Africa with 799 officers and men including 542 of the W Stafford Regiment The Montrose will call at Gibraltar to embark 202 more troops.

Dateline London, Feb 27. The American left New Orleans today with 1,000 horses for South Africa. The Mont Eagle has sailed from Fiume with 750 horses for South Africa.

Dateline London, Feb 28. The Hortensius left New Orleans today with 1,015 mules for South Africa.

p25 The Britannic has arrived at St Helena with Boer POW The Braemar Castle has arrived here with the following named military passengers: Major A St H Gibbons, Colonel Younghusband


London Times, 06 Mar 02 (Thursday)

p6b & c Note Here: Casualty chart for month of February 1902


London Times, 07 Mar 02 (Friday)

p5e The Ulstermore left for England Mar 1 with the following on passage home:

4/W Yorks. – Majors A C Bennett, Sir. W H Mahon, Captains A B Ritchie, J B C Tottie, D A E Swainston Strangwayes, B Metcalfe Smith, Captain & Quartermaster T Wilson, Lieutenant R S Dudley and 288 men.

Reserve of Officers – Captain W H H C Moubray, Lieutenant C R Molyneux

3/Duke of Cornwall’s Light Infantry – Captain CB Scott

3/Welsh – Captain A T Perkins

Imperial Yeomanry – Major C G I Edmondes

18/Hussars – 2/Lieutenant G E Wannell

RAMC – Lieutenant J Clerke

Civil Surgeon G N Stephen

Due Southampton Mar 21


The Guelph left for England Mar 1, with the following on passage home:

3/S Wales Borderers – Majors T W Jones, S W Morgan, Captains H J V Phillips, H H Bromfield, G Maxwell-Heron, G Turner, E Southey, B N Shaw, D C S Gwynne, H Banner, G H Grante, Lieutenants G S R Lake, H J Miers, H W G M Griffith, Captain & Quartermaster M Murphy and 437 men

3/E Lancs. – Lieutenant Colonel J W R Parker, Major W A Jupp, Captains W J C Luddington, E A Le G Starkie, W S Allen, Lieutenants W F Williamson, H C Conant, 2/Lieutenants G S Topham, J Craven and 620 men

3/ Innisk. Fusiliers – Captain J Crean

RAMC – Lieutenant W C Stevenson

Civil Surgeon G B Stoney

Nursing Sister G G Styles

Due Southampton Mar 22


London Times, 08 Mar 02 (Saturday)

p7a Dateline Durban, Mar 5. The Bavarian has sailed for India with 1,000 Boer prisoners on board.


p9c & d The Manila left for England Mar 2 with the following invalids:

1/V B R Highlanders – Lieutenant A B Corrie

Veterinary Surgeon R S Reetne

Sick laying down, 2; sick convalescent, 424

Wounded convalescent, 19

With the following on passage home:

1/S Lancs. – Captain E F Oakeley

3/E Yorks. – Captain P T S Maxsted

RAMC – Lieutenant Colonel E O Millward

Civil Surgeons H Dyer, G R Thompson

Nursing Sisters G L Mall, M Atkinson, R I Briggs

Due Southampton Mar 25.


The Lake Erie arrived at Southampton Mar 25 with the following:

3/Welsh – Colonel A T Perkins, Majors W Forrest, Hon. W Elton, Captains R W Taylor, F P Latham, H H Esplin, D W Panton, B F Perkins, Lieutenants M O Boyd, R Browning, H F Herd, H Turber, Captain & Adjutant H E Taylor, Lieutenant & Quartermaster T Tinnock, and 610 men

4/S Wales Borderers – Lieutenant H A Hare

3/Connaught Rangers – Lieutenant C E Tayleur

3/Oxford Light Infantry – Lieutenant G E Harcourt

1/Northumberland Fusiliers – Lieutenant J W Nelson

2/E Surrey – Lieutenant J K T Whish

Imperial Yeomanry – Captains C R Arbuthnot, T S Marland

1/Yorks – Lieutenant E V L Wardle

Reserve of Officers – 2/Lieutenant C C H Harvey

6/Dragoons – Captain W H King

1/Gordon High. – Captain K Dingwall

3/Northumberland Fusiliers – Captain W H W Young

RA – Captain N S Bertie Clay

4/V B KRRC – Captain J H Smith

Civil Veterinary Surgeons J H Carter, E A Wilshaw, S Hirst

Civil Surgeon C w. Holder

Nursing Sisters M E Loveday, A J Garlick


London Times, 10 Mar 02 (Monday)

p6b The Arundel Castle left Southampton Saturday with 13 officers and 544 men. Major Nason, DSO, 1/Essex, in charge. The drafts were made up from: Cheshire, Northumberland Fusiliers, Durham Light Infantry, KOSB, Welsh, Hampshire, R W Kent, and Northamptonshire Regiments.


p6e The Britannic arrived at Gibraltar yesterday and landed 4 officers and 100 men before sailing on to Southampton.


London Times, 11 Mar 02 (Tuesday) Nothing Noted


London Times, 12 Mar 02 (Wednesday)

p10e The Assaye sailed from Southampton yesterday with a total of 95 officers and 1,258 men, 18 officers and 555 men of the 3/Middlesex for St Helena, 32 officers and 637 men of the 4/P W O Y R and details. The following were listed:

3/Middlesex – Lt Colonel E V Bellers

4/Yorkshire – Lieutenant Colonel B G Harrison

1/Worcestershire – Lieutenant Colonel O H Oakes


The Kelvinside will sail today from Royal Albert Docks with a small contingent of RA, a few officers, 2 Civil Veterinary Surgeons, and 260 remounts.


Cape Times Weekly Edition, 12 Mar 02

p10 The Canada sailed for England Sunday with the Militia Battalion of the Middlesex Regiment and the R Munster Fusiliers. with the following named military passengers: Colonel Helme, Lieutenant Colonel Benchley, Major Sapte, Captain Gibbons and Brigadier General Cunningham.

The Carisbrooke Castle sailed Wednesday for England with the following named military passengers: General Sir Leslie Rundle, Major Maud (Maude ? ), and Captains Brodie, Webber, and Harrison.


p22 Dateline Durban Mar 8. The Bewarden sails tomorrow ( for India ? ) with 1,000 Boer POW About 500 more Boer POW are on the Aurania waiting departure.


p24 Dateline London, Mar 7. The Montrose has embarked 206 officers and men of the 2/Cameron High. at Gibraltar for South Africa.

The Assaye has sailed with 573 troops for St Helena and 719 troops for South Africa.


p30 The Kinfauns Castle arrived here yesterday with the following named military passengers: Captain Brandon Kirby, Adm. Sir. F Richards. For Natal, Gen Mussenden.

The Kildonan Castle sails this afternoon for England with the following named military passengers: Lieutenant the Hon. H E Fitz Clarence, Colonel the Hon. J Byng, Colonel Reginald (? B)arnes, Colonel and Mrs. Playfair, Captains MacFarlane, Harrison, S Chapin, R G Lorold, Forbes, MacFarlane, Browning, A Hill, Radclyffe, Lieutenants Clive Wilson, Haig, R C Grewing, Magill, Walker, E C D Lardner.


London Times, 13 Mar 02 (Thursday)

p10b The Carisbrook Castle left for England Mar 5, with the following on passage home:

Staff – Major General Sir. H M L Rundle

R Welsh Fusiliers – Captain R S Webber

Lancs. Militia Artillery – Lieutenant H F Hollins

Imperial L H – Major W de S Maud

RA – Lieutenant Colonel C V B Kuper

5/Munster Fusiliers – Lieutenant J Browne

Lord Lovant’s Scouts – Captain E J Brodie, Lieutenant K L Macdonald

Kimberley L H – Major T C Peakman

Imperial Yeomanry – Major D H Macpherson

Civil Veterinary Surgeons H Leeney, J D Knowles

Due Southampton Mar 21.


London Times, 14 Mar 02 (Friday)

p9b The Britannic arrived at Southampton yesterday with 650 men on board. She called at St Helena and there landed 39 Boer prisoners. The following were listed for Southampton.

R Irish Rifles – Captain T S Fox-Strangways

2/R Lancaster – 2/Lieutenant R P F D MacGrath

2/Dorset – Major C A Rowley

2/R Warwick – Lieutenant J A Moffat

R Welsh Fusiliers – Lieutenant W G Braithwaite

Rifle Brig. – Captain A M King

Scots Guards – Captain W F Lascelles

Dublin City Militia Artillery – Captain W D O Battley

Imperial L H – Captain J Donaldson, Lieutenant A H S Fothergill

RAMC – Captain E M Pilcher

Scottish Horse – Surgeon-Captain W G Joynt

Kent Militia Artillery – Lieutenant G L Hoare

1/W Riding – Lieutenants E V Jenkins, R M Tidmarsh

Lancs. Field Artillery – Lieutenant C S Hope-Johnstone

1/R Irish – Lieutenant J L O Mansergh

Imperial Yeomanry – Captain H G Fuller

2/Middlesex – Lieutenant H G L Bengough

3/ R Fusiliers – Lieutenant D Lynch

Thorneycroft’s M I – Lieutenant E Bosenworth

2/N Staffs. – Colonel C E Bradley

Civil Surgeons F Clarke, A McLelland

Nursing Sisters H Swart, R Carey, L L Condell, J Williams


London Times, 15 Mar 02 (Saturday)

p7b Dateline Wellington, Mar 14. (No Ship Mentioned) "The South Island section of the Ninth New Zealand Contingent, consisting of 500 men and horses, were accorded a splendid send-off today.”

"The contingent of 500 men from the North Island will leave Auckland on board the transport Devon next Wednesday.”


p13b The Gaika arrived at Southampton yesterday morning with the following on passage home:

3/L N Lancs. Regiment – Lieutenant Colonel J H W Pedder, Majors T Cowper, Captain & Hon. Major R G Chambres, Captains H A P Soppitt, W G P Miller, Lieutenants W B Anderson, H G Stafford, G Pilcher, 2/Lieutenant W L Kerans, Captain & Adjutant R L Stable, Lieutenant & Quartermaster J Kelly, and 625 men

4/Derby – Lieutenant J H Mathias

4/Shropshire Light Infantry – 2/Lieutenant E R Cox

Civil Surgeon E D Collen

Nursing Sisters B C Denyer, M Denyer


The Canada left for England Mar 10 with the following invalids:

3/DG – Major F J Ryder

7/DG – Lieutenants G F Dunne, H Twyford, J E D Holland

1/R Dragoons – Captain C A Calvert

RGA – Captain R St G Gorton

Imperial Yeomanry – Lieutenants P H Noad, J H G Crane, Lieutenant & Quartermaster H Pococke

1/R Scots – Captain G H Davidson

3/R Scots – Major Lord H F Montague-Douglas-Scott

3/W Surrey – Lieutenant J K N Versturme-Bunbury

3/Lancs. – Captain F P Vane

3/R Fusiliers – Captain L W Le M Carey

5/R Fusiliers – 2/Lieutenant L Ricketts

1/Yorks. – Lieutenant R H Darwin

4/Yorks. – Captain REF S Dudding

6/Lancs. Fusiliers – Captain J H Turner

3/KOSB – Captain H W A F Crichton Browne

Worcester – Captain F M E Kennedy

R B – Captain B H H Cooke

2/R B – Lieutenant C Da B S Baker Carr

Munster Fusiliers – Brevet Major G A C Webb, Lieutenant H A Carroll

2/R Jersey Artillery – 2/Lieutenant J H L’Amy

1/V B Worcester – Lieutenant C M Watson

1/Irish – Lieutenant S H L Galbraith

3/Gloucester – Major C D Guise

3/R Welsh Fusiliers – Lieutenant Hon. D Scott

Rhodesian F F, attch. to RE – Lieutenant L P Winby

ASC – Lieutenants R Simpson, W C Crosse

RAMC – Captain M MacG Rattray, Lieutenants R L Argles, J Conway

Civil Surgeon W E J Jones

Sick convalescent, 1; Wounded laying down, 1.

With the following on passage home:

3/W Surrey – Captains R B Swinton, E G Williams, T C Knox, A G Shaw, 2/Lieutenants J W S Malden, J W Garnier, B P Stevens, Captain & Quartermaster J S Dyke and 190 men

3/Munster Fusiliers – Majors G Lucas, M W O’Donovan, T Longridge, Captains B V S Demvile, R W Oldnall, J W Stopford, Lieutenants S D Nash, W S Browne, A E King, E P Waldo, 2/Lieutenants W J Hewitt, H B S Stephenson, Lieutenant & Quartermaster W H Forsdick and 363 men

6/Middlesex – Lieutenant Colonel G C Helme, Majors G R Rushbrook, H W H Brenchley, F Sapte, Captains G E Barker, A R Carey, A D Gibbons, Lieutenant R A Slee, Captain & Quartermaster J A Walter and 303 men.

KRRC – Captain A I Payne

5/KRRC – Major A D Pixley

3/Lincoln – Lieutenant & Quartermaster T Hammond

Staff – Lieutenant General C Tucker, Brigadier General G C Cunningham, Lieutenant Colonel R L Milne

Border – Captain F G G Morris

Indian Staff Corps – Major C F Minchin

Reserve of Officers – Captains F G W Jones, A G M Tozer

7/R Fusiliers – Captains F B Oldfield, H H Hobson

Imperial Yeomanry – Captain A H V Willyams, Lieutenants E C Rankin, W H Chapman, CB Despard

E Surrey – Lieutenant S D Brancker

Reverend C Taberer

3/E Lancs. – Major R L Broad

5/Middlesex – Lieutenant C F Alleyne

3/Irish Rifles – Lieutenant J Blakiston Houston

4/Irish Rifles – Lieutenant A F Persse

5/Leinster – Captain R W Eveard

Bushvelt Carbs. – Lieutenant H Picton

4/Manchester – Lieutenant J H L Reade

POC – Captain P J Preece

RFA – Lieutenant Colonel E J Granett

1/Suffolk – Captain S E M Lloyd

RAMC – Major E L Freer

KOSB – Major A H B Cavaye

Remount Dept. – Captain H P B Vaughan

Civil Surgeons W Lockerbie, J G F Hosken

Nursing Sisters I Overbek, L Bond, G E Walker, M Hamer

Civil Veterinary Surgeon T F Prime Cockroft

Will call at Port Nolloth to embark 2/Lieutenant F C Longbourne and 69 men 3/R W Surrey Regiment

Due Southampton Mar 28.


London Times, 17 Mar 02 (Monday) Nothing Noted


London Times, 18 Mar 02 (Tuesday)

p11b The Kildonan Castle left for England Mar 12 with the following on passage home:

10 Hussars – Colonel the Hon. J H G Byng

4/Hussars – Captain R W R Barnes

7/Hussars – Lieutenant O Haig

1/DG – Lieutenant R G Grewing

Remount Dept. – Captain W L Forbes

Lancs. Militia FA – Captain H S Browning

2/Liverpool – Lieutenant E G D Lardner

5/Worcester – Lieutenant H F M Walker

R B – Captains C E Radclyffe, DSO, A P B Harrison

South African L H – Captains R S Grant-Thorold, S H Chapin, the Hon. A Hill.

South African Mounted Irregular Forces – Captain J P McFarlane

South African Constabulary – Lieutenant the Hon. H E Fitzclarence

Civil Surgeons A H Sugden, J P Dumphy

Due Southampton Mar 28.


The Nubia arrived at Plymouth yesterday with 29 officers and 279 men. The following were listed:

2/Gordon High. – Lieutenant J L G Burnett

RAMC – Lieutenant E Ryan

2/Duke of Cornwall’s Light Infantry – Major J Charman

RE – Captain G M Hutton

Imperial Yeomanry – Lieutenants H C Leale, W V Edwards

1/Leicester – Lieutenants T Fereiven, S O Everett

ASC – Captain B R Horsbrugh

2/S Wales Bordrs. – Captain F W Gray

Scottish Horse – Civil Veterinary Surgeon J Carpenter

2/SG – Lieutenant Colonel F N Romilly

2/W Yorks. – 2/Lieutenant W Grant-Dalton

1/E Lancaster – 2/Lieutenant A G Niven

Waterford Artillery – Captain S F Kirkwood

1/R Inniskilling Fusiliers – Captain J A Byrne

4/Devon – Major S Dumbreck

Monmouth RE – Captain G W L Lamotte

Imperial L H – Lieutenant S J Burnett

2/Gloucester – Lieutenant P S Vassal

4/Northumberland Fusiliers – Lieutenant T V Levinge

2/Wilts. – 2/Lieutenant H C A Barkly

18/Hussars – Major B C Haag

A P D – Captain G L Jennings-Bramley

2/Haunts. – Captain the Hon. L C H Palk

2/Warwick – Captain O Hassall

1/Yorks. – Captain B C W Williams

14/Hussars – Lieutenant E B Philipson-Stow

3/M I – Captain S F Grahan,

Nursing Sisters M Steenson, J H Roberts, J E Scott, M T Neville, E J Martin, E A Cox, H P N Ferreira, L G Keel, L C M Noble, E Prangby

A M S – Major C W Allport, Lieutenant& Quartermaster Jacob

Civil Surgeons N E Harding, R C MacDonald, J W Pridmore, R J Rogers, J Wiglesworth

13 officers and 85 men were landed at Plymouth and the remainder will go on to Southampton.


London Times, 19 Mar 02 (Wednesday)

p5a Dateline Durban, Mar 17. The Custodian has arrived from Sydney with 500 Australian troops.

p11c The Avoca embarked, at Southampton yesterday, the following:

RE (Electrical Eng. ) – 50 men, Lieutenant H F Bigge, in charge.

Some nurses

Some details.


The Orotava arrived at Southampton yesterday with over 500 men, mostly invalids. The following were listed:

7/DG – Major J E E Dyer

10/Hussars – Lieutenant the Hon. A Annesley

RGA – Lieutenant Colonel R C Foster

3/R Scots – Lieutenant & Quartermaster W F Horniblow

2/Somerset Light Infantry – Captain A G Boyle

4/Bedford – Lieutenant F G C Ashmead-Bartlett

1/R Welsh Fusiliers – Major H J Madocks

4/Dublin Fusiliers – Captain F J A Skeet


W Australian M I – Captain E R Williams

3/Essex – 2/Lieutenant G F Pryor

Imperial Yeomanry – Captain L St J Brodrick, Baron von Dankburg, Lieutenants F E L Philp, G Bourke, F M Madan, G A Monkhouse, J J B Cross, J A Douglas, A C Martyn, Riding -Mr H Anderson.

4/Worcester – Captain E W Moss, 2/Lieutenant C S Linton

3/Welsh – Lieutenant R N Kelsey

2/Northampton – Captain G E Ripley

Scottish Horse – Lieutenant A Kelly

Nesbitt’s Horse – Lieutenant E N Kelly

RAMC – Major C W R Healey, Lieutenant L E L Parker

1/GG – Lieutenant & Quartermaster J Robinson

RFA – Colonel H H Pengree

Seaforth High. – Colonel J W Hughes-Hallett

Liverpool – (Late of) Mr C Gandy

Reverend C Lebras

Civil Veterinary Surgeon J Crawford

Civil Surgeons G H B Harvie, G Kennedy

Nursing Sisters M T Enright, M Hodges, M F H Gibbs, E M Hill, C Campbell


Cape Times Weekly Edition, 19 Mar 02

p10 The Dilwara has sailed for England with the following named military passengers: Captain & Mrs. Cheales.

The Dunera sailed Friday for England with 40 officers and a number of invalids. She sailed with the following named military passengers: Major Moule, Major Caldwell.


p19 The Norman arrived here yesterday with the following named military passengers: Captain Lord Osborne Beauclerk, Captain G C Baven, Colonel T A Hill, Captain A F W King, Colonel & Mrs. Henty (for Natal).

The Saxon sails for England this afternoon with the following named military passengers: Brigadier General Hamilton, Colonel Pulteney, Lieutenant Clive Wilson, Lieutenant Cuthbert, Captain Darling Baker, Lieutenant Anderson, Colonel Levy and Family, Major Stuart.


p24 Dateline London, Mar 16. The Greek has embarked at Southampton 485 Volunteer drafts and 98 South African Constabulary for South Africa

Dateline London, Mar 14. The Walmer Castle will sail for South Africa tomorrow with the following named military passengers: Lord Wolseley, Colonel Frank Rhodes, Captain Arthur Rhodes, Colonel Thorneycroft.


p25 Dateline Durban, Mar 17. 25 officers and 497 men have arrived here from Sydney (no ship mentioned).


London Times, 20 Mar 02 (Thursday)

p5b Dateline Auckland, Mar 19. The Devon left here today for South Africa with the northern section of the ninth New Zealand contingent.


p11b The Dunera left for England Mar 14 with the following invalids:

RAMC – Major R Caldwell

Indian Staff Corps – Lieutenant W T Barry

2/E Kent – Major F W B Dyne

2/SR – 2/Lieutenant M B Pollard Urquhart

3/KRR – Maj, W H Salmon

1/R Scots – Lieutenant J G L Searight

1/Manchester – Lieutenant A D N Merriman

1/Irish – 2/Lieutenant S Hutchins

2/Shropshire Light Infantry – Captain J G Forbes

RGA – Lieutenant G T A Drought

2/Scots Guards – 2/Lieutenant M Romer

Imperial Yeomanry – Lieutenants J W Chambers, D Dewar

Reverends F R Evans, W G Vaughan

South African Constabulary – Captain H J Kinsman

Civil Surgeon C Dodd

Sick laying down, 18; sick convalescent, 247

Wounded laying down, 3; wounded convalescent, 16

Civil Veterinary Surgeon W L White, on passage home.

Due Southampton Apr 5.


The Dilwara left for England Mar 14 with the following invalids:

7/DG – Captain W D Swiney

10/Hussars – Lieutenants C Salkeld, M R H Wilson

2/Warwick – Lieutenant Colonel K E Lean

5/R Fusiliers – 2/Lieutenant N E Lloyd

2/Worcester – 2/Lieutenant G A Sneath

1/E Lancs. – Captain R D Cheales

2/N Staffs. – 2/Lieutenant D E Hope

ASC – Lieutenant & Quartermaster T Challoner

3/DG – Captain J H A Annesley, DSO

Reverend F G Wright

Nursing Sisters S J Browne, M J Harrower

Sick laying down, 47; sick convalescent, 426

Wounded laying down, 8; wounded convalescent, 16

With the following on passage home:

1/N Lancs. – Lieutenant Colonel P R S Churchward

4/R Fusiliers – Captain A C Jeffcoat

Yorks. Militia Artillery – Major W E Fell

Clare Militia Artillery – Captain C P Mahon Hagan

5/Lancers – Lieutenant W V R Price

Prov. Cavalry Regiment – Lieutenant J F Cowlard

Late 5/Irish Rifles – Captain C H Edye

3/ E Lancs. – Lieutenant & Quartermaster S H Williamson

RAMC – Surgeon Major W C Beevor, Lieutenant O W A Elsner

4/Norfolk – 2/Lieutenant J H Cantlay

A P D – Major H J Thwaytes

R N – Lieutenant Spilsbury Potter

Imperial Yeomanry – Major J A Lea

P o. W L H – Captain P Oldham

Loch’s Horse – Captain M Savile

Kitcheners F S – Lieutenant P J S Morris

Civil Veterinary Surgeon F C Golden

Civil Surgeons W Somerville, R W T Ewart

Nursing Sisters A M Rose, J C Spence

Due Southampton April 4.


London Times, 21 Mar 02 (Friday)

p3a Dateline Bombay, Mar 20. The Bavarian, with 1,068 prisoners, 8 officers, and 1,050 troops has arrived. 4 POW died of measles and 24 recovered on the voyage.


London Times, 22 Mar 02 (Saturday)

p13b & c The Wakool left for England Mar 17 with the following invalids:

Sick laying down,2 ; sick convalescent, 465

Wounded laying down, 1 ; wounded convalescent, 9

With the following on passage home:

Seaforth High. – Lieutenant Colonel S C H Monro

5/R Irish Fue. – Lieutenant W R Warren

4/Worcester – Captain B E Vaughan

4/Border – Captain T R Morse

2/Dorset – Lieutenant F S Bowring

RAMC – Major S E Duncan

Reserve of Officers – Major s. Guese

R Marine Artillery – Captain G E Barnes

Kitchener’s F S – Lieutenant E G Lake

Late Rimington’s Guides – Lieutenant H G Supple

Civil Surgeons F Benickwell, F E Ross, H J Pickering

Civil Veterinary Surgeons W T Oliver, R W Boyce

Nursing Sisters E R Warren, S A Boneham, H Anderson, L H O’Ryan

Due Southampton April 10.


The Saxon left for England Mar 19 with the following on passage home:

Brigadier General G H C Hamilton

3/L N Lancs. – Staff-Lieutenant W B Anderson

Damant’s Horse – Lieutenant C Wilson

5/DG – Major C H Stuart

Due Southampton April 4.


The Orient left Southampton yesterday. The following were listed:

3/Lincolnshire – 20 officers and about 600 men, Lieutenant Colonel C A Swan, in charge.

3/E Yorkshire – 24 officers and about 540 men, Lieutenant Colonel Walker in command.


London Times, 24 Mar 02 (Monday)

p10a, b & d The Roslin Castle left for England Mar 20. with the following invalids:

1/Dragoons – Lieutenant the Hon. W C W Egerton

RE – 2/Lieutenant H E Day

2/R Fusiliers – Lieutenant Sir F E Waller

2/Worcester – Captain G C Lambton

3/SR – Captain E L L James

2/W Kent – 2/Lieutenant G S T Fenning

1/Gordon High. – Lieutenant A L Davies

4/Durham Light Infantry – Lieutenant W W Apperley

RFA – Captain E F Talbot Ponsonby

RAMC – Lieutenant G G Delap

With the following on passage home:

3/Norfolk – Major H Y Beale, Captains S L Barrett, P L Bagge, Lieutenants C M Jickling, P H Kemp, A A Steward, T H F Barclay, F J Cresswell, 2/Lieutenants A R Fellowes, J D North, Lieutenant & Quartermaster W Vince and 358 men

4/Essex (Attached to 3/Norfolk) – Captain E L Calverley

9/Lancers – Lieutenant the Earl of Leitrim

Imperial Yeomanry – Captain E S Pountney, Lieutenant E W Kirkby

SG – Colonel W P Pulteney, Lieutenant J H Cuthbert

3/R Sussex – Lieutenant RE Henderson

Somerset Light Infantry – Lieutenant Colonel E J Gallwey

R Irish Fusiliers – Major T G Barclay

RAMC – Lieutenant H Ensor

BSAP – Lieutenant F E Eastwood

South African Constabulary – Lieutenant Colonel A H M Edwards

Civil Surgeons T Adam, E A B Wood

Nursing Sisters A M Breen, M Fawcett

Due Southampton April 9.


The Carisbrooke Castle arrived at Southampton Saturday morning. Among the passengers were: Lieutenant General Sir. Leslie Rundle and the Hon. J R Stopford


The Ulstermore passed Prawle Point yesterday.


The Lake Erie left Royal Albert Docks Saturday afternoon with the following:

1/DG – 2 officers and 64 men

6/DG – 82 men

19 Hussars – 2 officers and 82 men

Details – 38 officers and 71 men

17/Lancers – Lieutenant Colonel H A Lawrence, in command.

Remounts – 252

Will call at Queenstown for additional details and remounts.


Note Here: Captain H de C Eastwood, 1/DG, appointed Adjutant and Asst. Instructor at Imperial Yeomanry School, Aldershot.


London Times, 25 Mar 02 (Tuesday)

p8d The Ulstermore arrived at Southampton yesterday morning with following:

4/W Yorks. – Majors A C Bennett, Sir. W H Mahon, Captains A B Ritchie, J B C Tottie, D A E Swainston Strangwayes, B Metcalfe-Smith, Captain & Quartermaster T Wilson, Lieutenant R S Dudley and nearly 300 men.

Reserve of Officers – Captain W H H C Moubray, Lieutenant C R Molyneux

3/Duke of Cornwall’s Light Infantry – Captain CB Scott

3/Welsh – Captain A T Perkins

Imperial Yeomanry – Major C G I Edmondes

18/Hussars – 2/Lieutenant G E Wannell

RAMC – Lieutenant J Clerke

Civil Surgeon G N Stephen


The Guelph arrived at Southampton last night with the following:

3/S Wales Borderers – Majors T W Jones, S W Morgan, Captains H J V Phillips, H H Bromfield, G Maxwell-Heron, G Turner, E Southey, B N Shaw, D C S Gwynne, H Banner, G H Grante, Lieutenants G S R Lake, H J Miers, H W G M Griffith, Captain & Quartermaster M Murphy and 437 men

3/E Lancs. – Lieutenant Colonel J W R Parker, Major W A Jupp, Captains W J C Luddington, E A Le G Starkie, W S Allen, Lieutenants W F Williamson, H C Conant, 2/Lieutenants G S Topham, J Craven and 620 men

3/ Innisk. Fusiliers – Captain J Crean

RAMC – Lieutenant W C Stevenson

Civil Surgeon G B Stoney

Nursing Sister G G Styles


London Times, 26 Mar 02 (Wednesday)

p5b Dateline Brisbane, Mar 25. The Queensland section of the new Australian contingent sailed today for South Africa. (No ship mentioned)


p11b The Victorian left for England, Mar 21 with the following:

For St Helena:

Imperial Yeomanry – Captain L F Devenish-Meares

1/Border Regiment – Lieutenant C G W Andrews

For England:

6/Middlesex – Captain CB Oldfield

2/ L N Lancs. – 2/Lieutenant RE Crane

Sligo Militia Artillery – Captain G A Heather

Late Imperial Yeomanry – Lieutenant A A White

Civil Surgeons J A Balck, R H Oliver

Will call: St Lucia, St Helena, Gibraltar and Southampton.


The Lake Erie left Queenstown yesterday for South Africa with 46 officers, 589 men and 317 remounts.


p12c Note Here: Captain H de C Eastwood mentioned. LG, Memoranda.


Cape Times Weekly Edition, 26 Mar 02

p10 The Kinfauns Castle arrived here Monday morning from Natal with the following named military passengers: General Campbell and his ADC, Hon. E Gordon Lennox.


p22 The Kinfauns Castle sails for Southampton this afternoon with the following named military passengers: Ge. Campbell, Colonel and Mrs. Wyndham, Surgeon-General and Mrs. Wiles, Captain & Mrs. Campbell.

The Kinfauns Castle arrived here Monday morning from Natal with the following named military passengers: For Cape Town : Lieutenant Davies & servant, Lieutenant P Smith, Captain W Vlok, Captain J M Burns, Major Church, Captain Digan, Captain Long, Lieutenant Colonel Martindale-Vale, Lieutenant E Arkwright & servant.

The Goorkha arrived from Southampton Monday with the following named military passengers: Captains C S Lakeman, R H Steward, Smythe, Lieutenants A C Bealey, W Wike, R W Ironside, A E Blackwall, Upscher, H V Kershaw, Ralph, Tollmache, Roberts, Griffiths, Wild, E St G Stockwell, Civil Surgeon Wicks, Colour-Sergeant Speakman and 248 soldiers.


p24 Dateline London, Mar 19. The Sicilian has embarked a heavy draft of ASC for South Africa.

Dateline London, Mar 21. 1,150 troops of the Lincolnshire and Yorkshire Militia embarked today for South Africa. No ship mentioned.

Dateline London, Mar 19. A Contingent from New Zealand has left Auckland for South Africa.


London Times, 27 Mar 02 (Thursday)

p10b & c The Raglan Castle left Southampton yesterday with the following:

Gordon High. – 1 officer and 22 men

KRR – 2 officers and 17 men

R Irish – 2 officers and 35 men



The Britannic left Southampton yesterday with 63 officers and 864 men. Listed were:

3/Leicestershire – Colonel Lord Braye and 575 men

2/DG – 87 men

7th & 18th Hussars – 115 men

RE – 40 men


Lloyd’s Agent at New Orleans reports the Monarch with mules for South Africa is aground at Head of Passes.


London Times, 28 Mar 02 (Friday)

p3e Dateline Melbourne, Mar 27. The Templemore will sail this morning with the Victorian section of the second Commonwealth contingent for South Africa.


p8a The City of Vienna left for England Mar 24 with the following invalids:

Staff – Lieutenant Colonel C Rawnsley

3/DG – Lieutenant R S Pearson

14/Hussars – Lieutenant J Harvey

Dublin City Artillery – Captain Hamlyn Nott

2/Derby – Captain F H Weldon

6/Middlesex – Captain W A Gillam

4/RB – Captain L H Thornton

ASC – Captain H C Wilder, Lieutenant H W Peebles

Imperial Yeomanry – Lieutenant H Lewarne

Nursing Sister F C A Holcroft

Sick laying down, 27; sick convalescent, 463

Wounded laying down, 3; wounded convalescent, 23

With the following on passage home:

Staff – Brigadier General H C O Plumer

1/Norfolk – Lieutenant L N Jones Bateman

4/Liverpool – Captain J W Allen

4/W Yorks. – Lieutenant W E Frankish

5/A & S High. – Captain J Pender

1/Middlesex – Lieutenant D C Percy Smith

RAMC – Lieutenant Colonel R Jennings, Major C G Woods, Lieutenant J F Whelan

Late Imperial Yeomanry – Lieutenant W H Willis

Driscoll’s Scouts – Lieutenant J B Ellard

Reverends E Jones, M P Dahille

Civil Surgeons J W Summerhayes, C Cavanagh, J Hogg

Civil Veterinary Surgeon H J O’Neill

Nursing Sisters M Dowker, E Johnson, A Jones, F E Thomas


The Manila arrived at Southampton yesterday with 100 invalids for Netley, 120 convalescents, 228 for discharge and a few details.


The Orotava sailed from Southampton yesterday at 3 30 pm with the following:

RAMC – Lieutenant Colonel Weston and 100 men

4/R Dublin Fusiliers – Lieutenant Colonel Pearse and 550 men

1/R Dublin Fusiliers – Lieutenant & Quartermaster Ward

3/Essex – 25 officers and 556 men

2/ Seaforth High. – 50 men

RE – A strong draft

Total on board – 59 officers and 1,329 men

London Times, 29 Mar 02 (Saturday) Nothing Noted

London Times, 31 Mar 02 (Monday)
p4c The Canada arrived at Queenstown yesterday morning with 69 officers and 1,671 men of the 6/Middlesex, 3/R Munster Fusiliers, 3/R W Surrey, RHA, RFA, and details. Named were: Lieutenant General Sir Charles Tucker, and Brigadier General Cunningham. The Canada embarked the R W Surrey at Port Nolloth. The Canada will continue on to Southampton today.