London Times, 01 Apr 02 (Tuesday) Nothing Noted


London Times, 02 Apr 02 (Wednesday)

p3a Dateline Sydney, April 1.”The third battalion of the Commonwealth contingents embarked today with Carrington’s Bushmen on board the transport Manhattan. She will sail tomorrow after the men have been inspected by General Hutton.”


p4c The Assaye arrived at Table Bay yesterday morning


The Canada arrived at Southampton yesterday morning and landed the remainder of the troops. Listed were:

3/W Surrey – 9 officers and 254 men

6/Middlesex – 9 officers and 307 men


Cape Times Weekly Edition, 02 Apr 02

p24 Dateline London, Mar 26. The Queensland section of the Australian Commonwealth Contingent sailed yesterday for South Africa.

Dateline London, Mar 26. The Lake Erie has sailed from Queenstown for South Africa with 46 officers and 589 men. The ships Britannic, Raglan Castle and Oratava have sailed for South Africa with cavalry drafts, Leicestershire Regiment, Medical Staff and Telegraphists totaling 1,206 men.

Dateline London, April 1. The Yeddo left New Orleans today with 1,000 mules for South Africa.


p30 New ship, Walmer Castle, length o/a 575 ft., 64. 4 ft. beam, 42. 5 ft depth, 12,546 gross tonnage. 348 first class, 190 second class and a large number in third., She arrived here yesterday morning with the following named military passengers: Colonel W Engledue, Captain Mitchell, Colonel F Rhodes, Captain reed, Captain & Mrs, Smart & child, Colonel Thorneycroft, Viscount Field-Marshall Wolseley.

The Norman sails today for England with the following named military passengers: Lord Wolseley, Captain Pomeroy


London Times, 03 Apr 02 (Thursday)

p3a & b Dateline Adelaide, April 2. The 2/South Australian contingent embarked today in the Templemore.


Note here: Morant, Hancock incident mentioned here.

London Times, 04 Apr 02 (Friday)

p3a & b Note Here: More on Morant, Hancock incident.


Dateline Bombay, April 3. The Aurania arrived here from Durban with 803 Boer prisoners, 5 British officers and 599 men. 4 cases of measles.


p7b & c Editorial page. More here on Morant, Hancock


p8a, b & c The Orcana left for England from Durban, Mar 23, with invalids. The following were listed:

1/Durham Light Infantry – 2/Lieutenant H J Coddington

2/D o C. Light Infantry – Lieutenant W E J Butler-Bowden

2/W Yorks. – Lieutenant W A Woodside

RAMC – Lieutenant A O B Wroughton

3/R Sussex – Major CB Godman

FA – 2/Lieutenant W A Clayton

1/S Staffs. – Lieutenant A H C James

2/SG – 2/Lieutenant R Fitzroy

5/Manchester – Captain F G Jackson

1/Welsh – Lieutenant F E Packe

1/N Lancs. – Major G W Dowell

3/R W Surrey – Captain H F Wilkinson

1/KOSB – Lieutenant Colonel G N Mayne

Imperial Yeomanry – Major H Magniac, Captain J J Griffiths, Lieutenant C E Wilson

1/R Scots Fusiliers – (Indulgence) Lieutenant J A G Elliot

South African Constabulary – Captain A M Leake

Staff, RAMC – Major N C Ferguson

Civil Surgeons H A S Roberts, E Wethered, D Kernohan, W H Cornwall

Nursing Sisters E M Hayden, K H Grovenor, F H Barry, E Johnson, F W Carver


The Kinfauns Castle left for England Mar 26, with the following on passage home:

Staff – Major General B B D Campbell

SG – Lieutenant Hon. E C Gordon-Lennox

9/Lancers – Captain D G M Campbell

ASC – Captain R G J J Berry

Civil Surgeon W D Dyer


The transport Aurania arrived at Bombay yesterday from Natal.


The transport Hyanthes has arrived at St Vincent, from Natal.


London Times, 05 Apr 02 (Saturday)

p7a & b Note Here: More on Morant, Hancock


p13a & b The Custodian left Point Natal (?) for Albany(?) on Apr 3, (not sure of relevancy of this??) with the following:

5/Victorian M I – Major C Hutton, Captains G G F Chomley, F W Moseley, Lieutenants G H Clements, H Henwood, S A Rovertson, N Smith, H C Grover, S Gubbins, V J P Hennessy, P J Dallimore, J F Stebbins, P Rowan, R M Burnie, J H Brabazon, H Kessell, T A Umphelby, H O Appleby, B Watts, W J Cochraine, G J Bell, 2 warrant officers, and 460 men.

5/Queensland Permanent Staff – Major Carroll

Scottish Horse – Lieutenant Tait

Civil Surgeon B S Maunsell


The Royston Grange, from London and Southampton, with 291 remounts, arrived at Queenstown yesterday morning and embarked 100 more horses, then sailed for South Africa.


The Dunera arrived at Plymouth yesterday with 18 officers and 284 men. 10 officers and 90 men disembarked here and remainder to sail for Southampton.


London Times, 07 Apr 02 (Monday)

p3b & c Note Here: More Morant & Handcock


p8b & d The Dunera arrived at Southampton Saturday morning with 11 invalids and 184 convalescents.


The Mohawk has arrived at Bombay with the 5/DG & 9/Lancers from South Africa.


London Times, 08 Apr 02 (Tuesday)

p4 b & c Note Here: Table of casualties for month of March, 1902.


London Times, 09 Apr 02 (Wednesday)

p5a Dateline Hobart, April 8. The Englishman sailed today for South Africa with the Tasmanian and Queensland sections of the Commonwealth contingent.


p6b The Harlech Castle left Royal Albert Docks for South Africa with 22 officers and 600 men of the 3/Northamptonshire Regiment, Lieutenant Colonel J Hill, in charge. Also aboard was Major the Earl of Westmorland and a few details from RAMC


Cape Times Weekly Edition, 09 Apr 02

p24 Dateline London, Apr 2. The Manhattan sailed from Sydney today for South Africa with the 3/Commonwealth Battalion including Carrington’s Bushmen.

Dateline Durban, Apr 1. The Tagus has arrived here with 1,284 officers and men.

The Aurania has arrived at Bombay with Boer POW Four cases of measles on board.


p25 Here mentioned Major F S Maude, Military Secretary to the Governor-General of Canada.


London Times, 10 Apr 02 (Thursday)

p5b Dateline Hobart, April 9. The Englishman left here yesterday with the Tasmanian detachment of the 2nd Commonwealth contingent, Captain Morrisby, in command.

p7b The Lismore Castle left for England April 3, with the following on passage home:

Volunteer Company R Scots – Lieutenant A G Ireland and 94 men

Volunteer Company A & S High. – Lieutenant C W L Ross and 100 men

Volunteer Company Bedford – Lieutenants C P N Raikes, H Collet and 61 men

Civil Surgeon M Bernstein

Due Southampton Apr 25.


The Manchester Merchant left Point Natal for Albany (? same as Custodian, previous ?) on April 5, with the following:

S Australian Imperial Bushmen Corps – Captains J A Watt, J R B O’Sullivan, G J R Walter, Lieutenants A Miell, C C Ferguson, R Cudmore, E J F Langley, W H Edmonds, C G S Bagot, S Blue, R S Fotheringham, and 233 men

5/Queensland Imperial Bush. – Lieutenant G R Ogg and 5 men

Civil Veterinary Martin

RAMC – Captain J F M Kelly and 5 men

Due Albany Apr 22.


The Manila left Royal Albert Docks yesterday afternoon with 17 officers and 800 men of various Regiments and details. Will call at St Vincent.


London Times, 11 Apr 02 (Friday)

p4b & c The Roslin Castle arrived at Southampton yesterday morning with the following:

1/Dragoons – Lieutenant the Hon. W C W Egerton

RE – 2/Lieutenant H E Day

2/R Fusiliers – Lieutenant Sir F E Waller

2/Worcester – Captain G C Lambton

3/SR – Captain E L L James

2/W Kent – 2/Lieutenant G S T Fenning

1/Gordon High. – Lieutenant A L Davies

4/Durham Light Infantry – Lieutenant W W Apperley

RFA – Captain E F Talbot Ponsonby

RAMC – Lieutenant G G Delap

With the following on passage home:

3/Norfolk – Major H Y Beale, Captains S L Barrett, P L Bagge, Lieutenants C M Jickling, P H Kemp, A A Steward, T H F Barclay, F J Cresswell, 2/Lieutenants A R Fellowes, J D North, Lieutenant & Quartermaster W Vince and 358 men

4/Essex (Attached to 3/Norfolk) – Captain E L Calverley

9/Lancers – Lieutenant the Earl of Leitrim

Imperial Yeomanry – Captain E S Pountney, Lieutenant E W Kirkby

SG – Colonel W P Pulteney, Lieutenant J H Cuthbert

3/R Sussex – Lieutenant RE Henderson

Somerset Light Infantry – Lieutenant Colonel E J Gallwey

R Irish Fusiliers – Major T G Barclay

RAMC – Lieutenant H Ensor

BSAP – Lieutenant F E Eastwood

South African Constabulary – Lieutenant Colonel A H M Edwards

Civil Surgeons T Adam, E A B Wood

Nursing Sisters A M Breen, M Fawcett


The Wakool arrived in Southampton Water last night and will land troops this morning. The following were listed:

Sick laying down,2 ; sick convalescent, 465

Wounded laying down, 1 ; wounded convalescent, 9

With the following on passage home:

Seaforth High. – Lieutenant Colonel S C H Monro

5/R Irish Fue. – Lieutenant W R Warren

4/Worcester – Captain B E Vaughan

4/Border – Captain T R Morse

2/Dorset – Lieutenant F S Bowring

RAMC – Major S E Duncan

Reserve of Officers – Major s. Guese

R Marine Artillery – Captain G E Barnes

Kitchener’s F S – Lieutenant E G Lake

Late Rimington’s Guides – Lieutenant H G Supple

Civil Surgeons F Benickwell, F E Ross, H J Pickering

Civil Veterinary Surgeons W T Oliver, R W Boyce

Nursing Sisters E R Warren, S A Boneham, H Anderson, L H O’Ryan


London Times, 12 Apr 02 (Saturday) Nothing Noted


London Times, 14 Apr 02 (Monday)

p10a & b The Canada left Southampton Saturday afternoon for South Africa. The following were listed:

GG – Major G E Pereira, DSO, Captain G F Trotter, DSO, Lieutenant G D Jeffreys, 2/Lieutenants J F Hubbard, C T F Clayton, A L M Napier, M E Makgill-Crichton-Maitland and 500 men.

1/Yorkshire – 132 men

Will call at Queenstown for an additional 16 officers and 1,065 men and drafts.


The Ulstermore left Woolwich Saturday with 471 officers and men. She called at Southampton yesterday and embarked 100 horses, then sailed for South Africa.


London Times, 15 Apr 02 (Tuesday)

p5b Dateline Wellington, N Z April 14. The Drayton Grange sailed today for Durban with 500 troops.


p11b A draft of 250 men, 3/CG under Captain N R Wilkinson and a draft of nearly 250 men of 3/SG under Captain W S Gosling will embark today for South Africa (No ship mentioned).


The Canada left Queenstown yesterday after embarking the following drafts:

1/Border – 1 officer and 147 men

1/Oxfordshire Light Infantry – 1 officer and 174 men

1/York & Lancaster – 2 officers and 145 men

1/E Lancashire – 2 officers and 115 men

E Surrey – 2 officers and 141 men

R Irish Fusiliers – 2 officers and 108 men

RB – 2 officers and 135 men

5 officers



London Times, 16 Apr 02 (Wednesday)

p11c & d The Dunvegan Castle left for England April 19 with the following on passage home:

2/Dorset – Major H B Lynch

1/Irish Fusiliers – Captain M J W Pike

E Kent – Captain A G Trollope

16/Lancers – Lieutenant Colonel G P Wyndham

Imperial Yeomanry – Lieutenant Colonel W C Anderson

Civil Veterinary Surgeon Hennessy

Due Southampton Apr 25


The Dilwara left Southampton last night with the following:

CG – Captain N R Wilkinson in command, 2/Lieutenants F S Winnington, D G Rooke, H J H Pakenham, C J Murray, and 255 men. ( Note: Colonel Surtees seeing them off)

SG – Captain W S Gosling, in command, and 250 officers and men.

11 Prov. Battalion – 5 officers and 332 men

2/Lincolnshire – 150 men

2/Devonshire – 147 men

A large number of officers and a few details.


The City of Vienna arrived at Southampton yesterday with over 600 officers and men. Colonel H C O Plumer left for home at Farnham.


The Orcana arrived at Plymouth yesterday with 17 officers and 181 men invalided home.


Cape Times Weekly Edition, 16 Apr 02

p24 Dateline London, Apr 9. The Manila sailed for South Africa today with 817 troops.

Dateline London, Apr 15. The Drayton Grange has sailed from New Zealand for Durban with 500 troops.


p32 The Briton arrived here yesterday morning with the following named military passengers: Captain & Mrs. McCrum, Lieutenant Colonel Wollaston.


London Times, 17 Apr 02 (Thursday)

p6a& b The Assaye left for England April 10 with the following invalids:

4/Hussars – Captain J E C Darley.

RE – Lieutenant REM Russell

1/CG – Lieutenant Colonel J T Sterling

1/R Lancaster – 2/Lieutenant E A Maude

2/Lincoln – Lieutenant Colonel H J Archdale

4/Somerset Light Infantry – Captain W E Long

2/Bedford – Lieutenant & Quartermaster C Fox

5/Lancs. Fusiliers – Major D F D Maclean

6/Worcester – Lieutenant Colonel O S Martindale-Vale

3/W Riding – 2/Lieutenant C R L Fitzgerald

2/W Riding – Captain J A C Gibbs

1/Sussex – Major C T W Church

1/N Lancs. – Lieutenant E R Fitzpatrick

2/Wilts – Lieutenant Colonel A V Payne

3/Highland Light Infantry – Captain J D Outram

2/Seaforth High. – Captain C F Waterhouse

2/Irish Rifles – 2/Lieutenant H R Goodman

1/Connaught Rangers – Captain G C Digan

ASC – Lieutenant K D Mackenzie

RAMC – Colonel A P O’Connor, Major L R Colledge

Imperial Yeomanry – Lieutenant & Riding Master J H Kemple, Lieutenant P B Deas

Sick laying down, 49; sick convalescent, 495

Wounded laying down, 16; wounded convalescent, 43

With the following on passage home:

Imperial Yeomanry – Captain H R McCullagh, Lieutenants A H James, F R Prime, F C Hood, A C Eyton, R P Whittaker

Edinburgh Militia Artillery – Captain R A Christison

Lancs. Militia Artillery – Major A J Budd

Remount Dept. – Lieutenant Colonel W A Bentley

2/Warwick – Lieutenant S M H Bailie

2/ Irish – Major H J Downing

W Kent – Lieutenant T H C Nunn

7/R Fusiliers – Captain the Hon. A S FitzGerald, Lieutenant H G Grist

R Fusiliers – Captain L F Ashburner

1/Irish – Lieutenant H T A S Boyse

1/Lancs. – Captain T D Jackson

3/S Wales Borderers – Captain J M Gibson-Watt

3/Devon – Lieutenant R J Scarborough

4/Munster Fusiliers – 2/Lieutenant T O C Downes

RE – Lieutenant L C A De B Doucet

RAMC – Major F S Houston

Army Veterinary Dept. – Captain E J Lawson

ASC – Colonel F W Landon, 2/Lieutenant J de Fitz E Coke

South Africa n L H – Lieutenant C Green

Duke of Edinburgh’s Volunteer Rifles – Lieutenant H M Piers

Border Scouts – Lieutenant W A Hill

Civil Veterinary Surgeon R H McMullen

Civil Surgeons A R Davidson, W E Smith, G W Murphy, C E Thwaites

Reverends Rawlinson, J H Baynham

Nursing Sisters C M Welsh, E G Eastmead, R Moody, E A Snape

Due Southampton April 29.


p6b-e Note here: long article by Reuter’s reporter concerning Morant & Handcock


p6e The Nubia will embark today, at Royal Albert Docks 14 officers, 1 warrant officer and 254 men for South Africa.


The Orcana arrived at Southampton yesterday with the following:

76 time expired troops

5 invalids

64 convalescents

1/KOSB – Lieutenant Colonel Mayne

Imperial Yeomanry – Major Magniac

RAMC – MajorFerguson

3/R Sussex – Major Godman

1/N Lancashire – Major Dowell


London Times, 18 Apr 02 (Friday)

p9a & b The Nubia embarks drafts from 2/Gloucestershire, 2/E Surrey, 1/R Sussex and 24/Middlesex Rifles at Royal Albert Docks


A draft of 50 asc clerks will embark in the Dunera at Southampton.


The Galatea will sail tomorrow from Southampton with the 31/Imperial Yeomanry (Fincastle’s Horse) numbering 32 officers and 650 men. The following were listed:

16/Lancers – Lord Fincastle, V C, commanding

1/Life Guards – Major H M Walker

RA – Major Maxwell, Captain Mackenzie

3/Durham Light Infantry – Captain Briggs

R Horse Guards – Captain A Rose

Lothians & Berwick Yeo. – Captain W N Stewart

KOSB – Captain S Campbell Johnston


London Times, 19 Apr 02 (Saturday)

p12b The Montrose left Port Natal for England April 14 with the following invalids:

RA – Major C J U Morris, Lieutenants M H Mahon, C E G Schrottky

2/Derby – Captain F Caswell

3/DG – Lieutenant & Quartermaster C H Thorne

1/W Riding – Lieutenant A S Carlyton

6/DG – Lieutenant & Quartermaster L J Wheeler

Canadian M I – Captain A H King

RAMC – Lieutenant G Pinches

2/Cornwall Light Infantry – Lieutenant J E S Trelaway

3/Sussex – Captain C H von Roemir, 2/Lieutenant A M McKee

2/SR – 2/Lieutenant F T Wogan

South African Constabulary – Lieutenant E D Browne

1/Essex – Lieutenant A H P Rose

Nursing Sisters M Wilson, M Monk

The following were listed as duty:

5/Manchester – Lieutenant D M S R Watters

2/Manchester – Captain W H Williamson

Imperial Yeomanry – Lieutenant H W Booker

5/R Irish Fusiliers – Lieutenant H G Woolf

RAMC – Captain G J A Ormsby

Civil Surgeons J M Caw, J C Furness, F S Ellis, T Petty

Nursing Sisters C L Collins, H O Luckie, F Baker, V W Chowner

Due Southampton May 12


The Walmer Castle left for England Apr 16 with the following on passage home:

RAMC – Colonel E Townsend

Imperial Yeomanry – Lieutenant L Brandon

6/DG – Lieutenant Colonel A Sprot

RA – Captain C D R Watts

Due Southampton May 2


The Galeka left Southampton yesterday with the 31st Imperial Yeomanry numbering 32 officers and 603 men


The Dunera left for South Africa yesterday with 16 RE for surveying and map making. Also on board were 97 officers and men of the 2/Northampton Regiment and 150 Army service clerks.


The Doune Castle left for South Africa yesterday with 2 officers and 125 men of the South African Constabulary.


p14d Note Here: LG, Memoranda, Captain H W Rattigan, KOSB, to local rank of Major.


London Times, 21 Apr 02 (Monday)

p5a Dateline Wellington, N Z, Apr 20.”Five hundred troops for South Africa sailed today on board the steamship Norfolk.”


p6c The Lake Erie arrived at Table Bay Apr 18


The European left Table Bay for Natal Apr 18.


The Drayton Grange, Wellington for Natal, arrived at Sydney on Saturday


The Syria left Bombay for Natal Apr 18


The Manila, for Table Bay, arrived at St Vincent, Saturday


p10a The Galeka left Southampton Saturday afternoon with 30 officers and 604 men of the 31/Imperial Yeomanry


The Melville sailed from Royal Albert Docks yesterday for South Africa with a few details and 280 remounts. Will call at Southampton and Queenstown for additional horses.


London Times, 22 Apr 02 (Tuesday) Nothing Noted


London Times, 23 Apr 02 (Wednesday)

p5a Dateline Colombo, April 22. The Syria, from Bombay, left here this afternoon for Durban, having embarked the 2nd Ceylon contingent for South Africa, numbering 100 men. Captain Stewart in command.


p10b The Melville arrived at Queenstown yesterday morning from Southampton. Bad weather lost 5 horses. Embarked 107 remounts for a total of 552. Anchored to wait out storm.


p10f The Syria, from Bombay, arrived at Colombo on Mondayevening and left yesterday afternoon for Durban.


Cape Times Weekly Edition, 23 Apr 02

p1 Dateline Durban, April 15. The Simla arrived here from Delagoa Bay with 264 invalids in transit for England. The Avoca has arrived from England with 202 details.


p24 Dateline London, Apr 16. The Dilwara has sailed for the Cape with 1,112 troops on board, about half being from the Guards Brigade. The Ulstermore has also sailed for South Africa with 457 troops.

Dateline London, Apr 20. The Norfolk left Wellington yesterday for South Africa with 500 New Zealand troops.

Dateline London, Apr 22. The 2nd Ceylon contingent sailed from Colombo for South Africa today. Ship not named.


p25 The Dunottar Castle arrived here yesterday with the following named military passengers: Captain H D Hare,.

The Scot sails this afternoon for Southampton with the following named military passengers: General Mussenden, Colonel Colville, Colonel Engledne, Captain Tomgood, Captain & Mrs. Bayly, Lieutenant A K Vivian, Lieutenant Jameson, Major Wynne,


London Times, 24 Apr 02 (Thursday)

p5a Dateline durban, April 23. The Templemore has arrived here from Adelaide with 438 officers and men of the 2nd South Australian Contingent.


London Times, 25 Apr 02 (Friday)

p8b & c The Britannic left for England April 21 with the following on passage home:

4/Cheshire – Colonel C H Beck, CB, Major W Woodward, Captains J T Hartford, H S Marshall, F W Von Herbert, M P Rathbone, F C Turner, L H T Friederichs, A B Stone, T

Lieutenants G J Oakey, D’A R Baker, F W Woolnough, M T Cramer-Roberts, Captain & Quartermaster A Gregory and 420 men.

4/Shropshire Light Infantry – (Att. 4/Cheshire) – Lieutenant F H Hemingway

3/W Surrey – Major F G Parsons, DSO, Captain H S Walker, 2/Lieutenants N C Vicary, B H F Fleming and 123 men.

3/W Riding – Majors F A Hayden, DSO,Major H J Johnston, Captains H M Digby, H H Wayman, G E Moke-Norrie, D M Jenkins, Lieutenants A C Adams, J H L Thompson, A L Dibb, Lieutenant & Quartermaster C Hyde, and 269 men

1/Durham Light Infantry – 2/Lieutenant C H Whittingham

3/Warwick – Lieutenant F A McDermott

3/Northumberland Fusiliers – Captain R I Rawson

2/Gloucester – Captain R P Jordan

KOSB – Captain T G Maclaren

2/Wilts. – Lieutenant Colonel H M Carter, CB

1/Irish – Captain A W Brush

RB – 2/Lieutenant A H Vivian

Imperial Yeomanry – Captain C R Harbord, Lieutenants A E Churcher, P L Loraine

Harwich Militia Submarine Miners – Major F W Panzera

Cape Police – Lieutenant E M Fisher

Cape M R – Lieutenant W J Hunt-Grubbe

Driscoll’s Scouts – Lieutenant P S Molyneux

Reverends Hurst-Jones, J Marin

Civil Veterinary Surgeons J R Grime, J D Reynierson

Civil Surgeons H Gould, G T Willan

Nursing Sisters D Pryde, E P Gibb

Due Southampton May 9.


The Roslin Castle embarks today (? Southampton ?) the 2nd and 3rd Privisional Bns. for sa. Totals of 12 officers and 870 men.


The Wakool will embark today at Royal Albert Docks various details for South Africa and Gibraltar totaling 14 officers and 483 men.


The 2nd Celon Volunteer contingent sailed April 23 for South Africa, 103 strong.


London Times, 26 Apr 02 (Saturday)

p10a & b The Scot left for England April 23 with the following on passage home:

1/RB – Colonel A E W Colville

4/Manchester – Captain C Toogood

Scottish Horse – Lieutenant G R C A Jamieson

Rand Rifles – Lieutenant A Symons

Due Southampton May 9.


The Roslin Castle left Southampton yesterday afternoon for South Africa with 16 officers and 1,019 men consisting of:

1/L N Lancashire – 86 men

R W Kent – 96 men

R Irish – 57 men

Cheshire – 82 men

S Wales Borderers – 95 men

Hampshire – 185 men

Derbyshire – 56 men

Queen’s R W Surrey – 130 men

S Lancashire – 124 men

Durham Light Infantry – 135 men


The Lismore Castle arrived at Southampton yesterday with the following:

Volunteer Company R Scots – Lieutenant A G Ireland and 94 men

Volunteer Company A & S High. – Lieutenant C W L Ross and 100 men

Volunteer Company Bedford – Lieutenants C P N Raikes, H Collet and 61 men

Civil Surgeon M Bernstein


p11d Note Here: Lieutenant Colonel H C Surtees, DSO, CG, mentioned here - F O in Brigade Waiting


p15a-c Kitchener’s Monthly Report, L G, M I D’s.


London Times, 28 Apr 02 (Monday)

p8b The Sicilia left for England April 22 with the following on passage home:

3/Yorks. – Lieutenant Colonel J W Lodge, Captains C A C King, A Carstairs, M E Clark, N Monckton, Lieutenants M Sykes, W M Saurin, E W Leather, W T White, 2/Lieutenant W H de W Unett, Lieutenant & Quartermaster A J Hughes, and 424 men

4/Yorks. – (Att. 3/Yorks. ) – Captains R J T Bindley, G P Stevens

4/Somerset Light Infantry – Colonel W Long, CMG, Major S H Woodhouse, Captains M A Foster, DSO, H N G Hinde, R H Manley, F W Tennant, E A B Warry, Lieutenants G W Thompson, H B Popham, T C Spring, J F C Mordaunt, P C Esdaile, CB Bonnyman, 2/Lieutenant W I Hornby, Lieutenant & Quartermaster H Powis and 224 men

3/Somerset Light Infantry – (Att. 4 S Light Infantry) – Major E R J Talbot

4/W Yorks. – Captains G S Constable, J L Ellis, and 27 men

Volunteer Company Hants. – Captain R P Grant, Lieutenants W R Thomson, A E Holbrook and 64 men

Volunteer Company Lancs. Fusiliers – Captain H S Hardy, Lieutenants W Webb, E F Wrigley, and 94 men

Volunteer Company Gloucester – Lieutenant E F B Witts and 53 men

1/KRRC – Lieutenant R G Stirling

4/Suffolk – Major Sir R C P Gethin, Captain F G Bagnell

3/York. & Lancs. – Lieutenant C de G Murray

2/Munster Fusiliers – Captain R C Boyle

18/Hussars – Lieutenant H W Malet

1/N Staffs. – Lieutenant W St C H Mackinnon

4/Lancaster – Captain J Ruttledge

W Australian M I – Captain J J Flynn, Lieutenant H B McCormick

RAMC – Lieutenant J H R Winder

Reverend P C Thomas

C Pioneer Rly. – Captain R F J Weeks

Civil Surgeons D M French, A B Liptrot, H B Goulding

Nursing Sisters A N Martin, F S S Stonham

Due Southampton May 13.


The Braemar Castle from London, called at Southampton Saturday and embarked Lieutenant Lambert and 153 ASC clerks for South Africa.


The Waimate left Royal Albert Docks Saturday with a few details and 250 remounts. Will call at Southampton and Queenstown for an additional 250 horses.


The Dunvegan Castle arrived at Southampton Saturday with the following on passage home:

2/Dorset – Major H B Lynch

1/Irish Fusiliers – Captain M J W Pike

E Kent – Captain A G Trollope

16/Lancers – Lieutenant Colonel G P Wyndham

Imperial Yeomanry – Lieutenant Colonel W C Anderson

Civil Veterinary Surgeon Hennessy


London Times, 29 Apr 02 (Tuesday)

p5a Dateline Durban, April 28. The Devon has arrived from Sydney with 544 officers and men of the 4th Australian Contingent.


London Times, 30 Apr 02 (Wednesday)

p10b The Oratava left for England April 25 with the following invalids:

6/Dragoons – Lieutenant S C Bull.

3/GG – Captain F E G Ponsonby

1/North. Fusiliers – Lieutenant D B O F Mitford

2/R Fusiliers – Captain V Henry

2/Worcs. – 2/Lieutenants J P L Stoney, R B Woosman

1/Border – Lieutenant G C D Spedding

1/Oxford Light Infantry – Major R W Porter, DSO

3/L N Lancs. – Captain C E Earle

2/W Kent – Lieutenant R M G Tullock

ASC – Major L S Roberts, Lieutenant W O Marks

APD – Lieutenant Colonel J Pearson

Reserve of Officers – Captain C D D Shute

Imperial Yeomanry – Captain R Woodhouse, Lieutenants E A Paley, W H C Chambre

Civil Surgeons L Pern, G W Downing

Sick laying down, 69; sick convalescent, 597

Wounded laying down, 14; wounded convalescent, 27

With the following on passage home:

Staff – Colonel T E Verner, CB

3/E Surrey – Colonel Sir G D Clerk

Liverpool (Late) – Colonel S H Harrison

2/Essex – Lieutenant Colonel T Stock

1/Lancs. Fusiliers – Captain G S Adams

Remount Dept. – Captain E O Ward

4/SR – Lieutenant W M Russell

5/Irish – Lieutenant J Y Hope-Johnstone

3/Yorks – Lieutenant C R White

Imperial Yeomanry – Lieutenants G F D MacConkey, R Grey

Driscoll’s Scouts – Lieutenant M C Dunn

W Aust. M I – Lieutenant F J Williams

5/Vict. M I – Captain C S Collman

Kitchener’s F S – Lieutenant J H Robertson

5/RB – Lieutenant G P Austin

RAMC – Major C W Johnston

South African Constabulary – Lt Colonel H Greener

South African L H – Lieutenant C Kay

Reverends V J H Hecht, J Eddes

Civil Surgeons C V White, T Gray, W A Marris, J M Coates, R Williams, R More Maddon

Nursing Sisters E M B Smith, J E S Smith, B M Cornell, G Westbrook

Due Southampton May 13.


The Assaye arrived at Southampton yesterday with over 600 men and the following officers:

4/Hussars – Captain J E C Darley.

RE – Lieutenants REM Russell, L C A de B Doucet

1/CG – Lieutenant Colonel J T Sterling

1/R Lancaster – 2/Lieutenant E A Maude

2/Lincoln – Lieutenant Colonel H J Archdale

4/Somerset Light Infantry – Captain W E Long

2/Bedford – Lieutenant & Quartermaster C Fox

5/Lancs. Fusiliers – Major D F D Maclean

6/Worcester – Lieutenant Colonel O S Martindale-Vale

3/W Riding – 2/Lieutenant C R L Fitzgerald

2/W Riding – Captain J A C Gibbs

1/Sussex – Major C T W Church

1/N Lancs. – Lieutenant E R Fitzpatrick

2/Wilts – Lieutenant Colonel A V Payne

3/Highland Light Infantry – Captain J D Outram

2/Seaforth High. – Captain C F Waterhouse

2/Irish Rifles – 2/Lieutenant H R Goodman

1/Connaught Rangers – Captain G C Digan

RAMC – Colonel A P O’Connor, Majors L R Colledge. F S Houston

Imperial Yeomanry – Captain H R McCullagh, Lieutenants A H James, F R Prime, F C Hood, A C Eyton, R P Whittaker, J H Kemple, Lieutenant P B Deas

Edinburgh Militia Artillery – Captain R A Christison

Lancs. Militia Artillery – Major A J Budd

Remount Dept. – Lieutenant Colonel W A Bentley

2/Warwick – Lieutenant S M H Bailie

2/ Irish – Major H J Downing

W Kent – Lieutenant T H C Nunn

7/R Fusiliers – Captain the Hon. A S FitzGerald, Lieutenant H G Grist

R Fusiliers – Captain L F Ashburner

1/Irish – Lieutenant H T A S Boyse

1/Lancs. – Captain T D Jackson

3/S Wales Borderers – Captain J M Gibson-Watt

3/Devon – Lieutenant R J Scarborough

4/Munster Fusiliers – 2/Lieutenant T O C Downes

Army Veterinary Dept. – Captain E J Lawson

RE – Lieutenant L C A De B Doucet

RAMC – Major F S Houston

ASC – Colonel F W Landon, Lieutenant K D Mackenzie, 2/Lieutenant J de Fitz E Coke,

South Africa n L H – Lieutenant C Green

Duke of Edinburgh’s Volunteer Rifles – Lieutenant H M Piers

Border Scouts – Lieutenant W A Hill

Civil Veterinary Surgeon R H McMullen

Civil Surgeons A R Davidson, W E Smith, G W Murphy, C E Thwaites

Reverends Rawlinson, J H Baynham

Nursing Sisters C M Welsh, E G Eastmead, R Moody, E A Snape


Cape Times Weekly Edition, 30 Apr 02

p22 The Carisbrook Castle arrived here yesterday with the following named military passengers: Major Wilson.


p24 Dateline London, Apr 26. The Roslin Castle sailed with 1,035 troops for South Africa


p25 The Briton sails this afternoon for Southampton with the following named military passengers: Colonel and Mrs. Harris and family, Colonel Hill, Colonel Jarvis, Captain Sutton.