London Times, 01 Nov 02 (Saturday)

p6a Note Here: LG for 31 Oct 02 award DSO 1/DG, Captain H de C Eastwood


p8d The Englishman arrived Southampton yesterday morning from Queenstown and landed the rest of her troops.


London Times, 03 Nov 02 (Monday)

p6f The Nubia, with invalids and troops, arrived Southampton yesterday afternoon.


London Times, 04 Nov 02 (Tuesday)

p10a The Gascon left for England Oct 28 with the following on passage home:

29/Imperial Yeomanry – Captain J Craig, Lieutenant A G Cowan and 138 men

30/Imperial Yeomanry – Captain W G Ramsay-Fairfax and 144 men

39/Imperial Yeomanry – Captain R L Stevenson, Lieutenants H H Hulton, J K Maurice and 30 men

28/Imperial Yeomanry – Lieutenants W Langford, C C Wallace, G Bonham-Carter, C W Harrison and 131 men

27/Imperial Yeomanry – Lieutenant J Latham and 72 men

31/Imperial Yeomanry – Lieutenant W L Kirby and 15 men

38/Imperial Yeomanry – Lieutenant E F Robinson and 66 men

RAMC – Major T M O H Hamilton, Captain G M Goldsmith, Lieutenant G F Sheean and 12 men

APO – 60 men

7/Imperial Yeomanry Lieutenant A W Noon

Due Southampton Nov 18.


The Assaye left Point Natal for England (? actually Bombay) Oct 29, and is due Bombay Nov 12, with the following:

1/Durham Light Infantry – Major Saunders, Captains Blake, Cochrane, Northey, Tyndall Lieutenants Hamilton, Grace, Lovering, Coddington, 2/Lieutenants Hartley, Festing, Gillespie, Woodhouse, Lascelles, Hartcup, 1 warrant officer, and 422 men

6/DG – Lieutenant & Quartermaster Wheeler, 2/Lieutenants Redpath, Kidd, 1 warrant officer and 50 men

1/Essex – Major Nason, Lieutenant Roberts West, 1 warrant officer and 72 men

RAMC – Majors R J Copeland, C J Holmes, Captains E Morphew, E J Crawford, J J W Prescott, A Chopping, H L Anderson, W R Blackwell, Lieutenants E W Sibberont, W M Power, and 6 men

Indian Medical Service – Captain O’Meara, Hon. Lieutenant G Gill

Nursing Sister Rees

Indian Staff Corps. – Major W W Chitty, Captain Lane, Lieutenant R B Shuttleworth

2/DG – Lieutenant J M Hill

RE – Captain Stokes

1/Irish Rifles – Captain Harvey

2/Suffolk – Captain kent

2/Connaught Rangers – Colonel Vivian

Reverend Berry

1/Somerset Light Infantry 120 men

1/Scots Fusiliers – 30 men

2/Lincoln – 48 men

12/Lancers – 2 warrant officers and 11 men

Due Bombay Nov 12.


London Times, 05 Nov 02 (Wednesday)

p11c The Dilwara sailed for South Africa yesterday from Southampton with over 1,200 officers and men of mixed regiments. Included were 47 officers.


Cape Times Weekly Edition, 05 Nov 02

p1 Dateline Durban, Oct 28. The Orotava sailed for Bombay on the 25th with the York & Lancaster Regiment on board.


p2 The Ortona left Cape Town Monday with troops for India.


London Times, 06 Nov 02 (Thursday)

p9a The Orcana left for England Oct 28, with the following invalids:

1/Leicesters – Lieutenant G D Nash

RAMC – Lieutenant H C Croly

Bechuanaland Rifles – Lieutenant P T Galbraith

Sick laying down, 38; sick convalescent, 181

Wounded laying down, 8; wounded convalescent, 3

With the following on passage home:

Remount Dept. – Captain O Macnamara

2/Gloucesters – Lieutenants R Wilkinson, D Burges

RGA – Lieutenant H Wadlow

RFA – Captain H W Hill

4/R Innis. Fusiliers – Lieutenant C W Chaloner

RAMC – Captains P Evans, F W Begbie, Lieutenant F F Ritchie and 56 men

Veterinary Lieutenant A G Todd

Reverends E Fuchs, J L Stewart

Civil Veterinary Surgeons Watson, Souter

Civil Surgeons J Knox, H J Cullum, J Jamieson, W McQueen, F G Adyr Curran

Nursing Sisters A N Ferguson, H C Parcer, H Lampett, A F Plunkett, J Murdock, J N Umerod, E Andrews

Field Intelligence – Mr Ginsberg

3/R Fusiliers – Lieutenant P B Ackroyd

Due Southampton Nov 18


The Plassy sailed form Durban Oct 22, for Bombay and arrived Bombay, Nov 4, with the following:

74/RFA – Captain Lewis, Lieutenants Armitage, Ramsay and 84 men.

77/RFA – Major Geddes, Captain Davies, Lieutenants Robinson, Hill and 75 men

79/RFA – Captain Keyworth, 2/Lieutenant Maitland and 79 men

1/R Sussex – Majors Scaife, Crawford, Captains Green, Mackenzie, Lieutenants Villiers, Willett, Bellamy, Gilpin, 2/Lieutenants Paget, Jemmett-Browne, Drinan, Mitchell, Wilberforce, Birkett, Atkins, Beeton, 1 warrant officer and 532 men

1/R Munster Fusiliers – Captain Maclonghlin, Lieutenant Blaine, 2/Lieutenant Gill and 352 men

RAMC – Lieutenant Colonel Baker, Captains Penny, Martin, Lieutenants Baker, Babington and 6 men

Veterinary Dept. – Lieutenants Bartlett, Quinland, Beattie


The Montrose sailed from Durban for Bombay with the following:

1/W Yorks. – Lieutenant Harrington and 130 men

1/S Staffs. – Lieutenant Bonnor

2/S Staffs. – 92 men

2/Cameronians – Lieutenant Ferrers and 91 men

7/DG – Lieutenant Lindsay and 153 men

1/Middlesex – Lieutenant Whiteman and 60 men

6/DG – 14 men

2/Essex – 2 men

RAMC – Captain Selby, Lieutenant Oreilly and 3 men

1/Yorks. & Lancs. – Captain Cresson, Lieutenant Ruel, and 2 men

Details – 6 men

Due Bombay Nov 7.


The Goorkha left for England Nov 1, with Lieutenant J F Straker, Late 24/Imperial Yeomanry


The Assaye should have been shown as having left Point Natal for "India”, not "England”, as previously reported.


London Times, 07 Nov 02 (Friday)

p6a The Orient arrived Queenstown yesterday morning and disembarked 3 officers and 134 men of the 6/Dragoons, 15 officers and 443 men of the 2/Munster Fusiliers, (Lieutenant Colonel Clough, CB in command) and 1 officer and 7 men of the Leinster Regiment The Orient will leave for Southampton in the evening with 34 officers and 340 men and details. One death on the voyage - Private Robert Smith, 18 Hussars.


London Times, 08 Nov 02 (Saturday)

p10 a & b Table here showing Army expenditures in South Africa for 1902-03.


The Sundia is due to leave Southampton for South Africa with the following:

Welsh – Major Harkness

1/H Light Infantry – Major Richardson, DSO

2/Devonshire – Captain C A Lafone

2/Somersetshire Light Infantry – Captain Peacock

2/Norfolk – Captain Bellamy

1/S Lancs. – Captain Bailey, DSO

2/Gloucestershire – Captain B O Fyffe

1/A & S High. – Lieutenant Long

1/Worcestershire – Lieutenant A J Fisher

2/Northamptonshire – Lieutenant Knatchbull-Hugessen

2/R Scots Fusiliers – Lieutenant Makgill Crichton-Maitland

1/R Lancs. – Lieutenant Foster

1/Innis. Fusiliers – 2/Lieutenant Weston

2/Leinster – 2/Lieutenant Atkinson

1/D o C Light Infantry – 2/Lieutenant Miers

2/Norfolk – 2/Lieutenant Stone.


The Golconda left Cape Town yesterday for Ceylon with 2/R W Kent Regiment on board.


The Walmer Castle left for England Oct 29 with the following on passage home:

RE – Colonel R L Hipphly

RGA – Captain J C Burnett

N Staffs. – Major A R Hoskins

1/ Liverpool – Captain S A Denham

1/Yorks. – Captain E Warner

1/Essex – Captain J C H Newman

1/DG – Lieutenant E H Reeves

3/S Staffs – Captain E de R Jervis

Cameronians – Captain M L Pears

Connaught Rangers – Captain A P Vigors

1/ RB – 2/Lieutenant W Swaine

Imperial Yeomanry – Lieutenants A S Blundell, J A Samuel

ASC – Lieutenant Colonels F A Trench, G O Welsh, Captain E J Slaughter, Lieutenant A C Ferguson

AOD – Captain A G Partridge

APD – Captain A J V Durrell

Reserve of Officers – Major G B Whishart

RAMC – Major M O’Halloran, Lieutenant J H R Winder, Lieutenant & Quartermaster A Hawkey and 9 men

Veterinary Dept. – Major A Bostock

3/M I – Captain W E Campson, 2/Lieutenant F G Senior

Civil Surgeons A Hart, R Millers

Nursing Sisters M M Bond, M M McLeish, W Halliday, M E Tippetts, E Johnson, M Montgomery, E G Eastmead

South African Irregular Corps – 71 men

Time expired men, mixed units – 378 men

Due Southampton 15 Nov


The Dominion sailed Nov 3 from Port Natal for Southampton via Aden, Port Said, Alexandria, & Malta. Due Southampton Nov 29

For Egypt:

2/Berks. – Lieutenant Colonels Burney, MacCracken, Major Rhodes, Captains Macdonnell, Feetham, Ready, Lieutenants Collins, Thornton, Lucas, MacDonnell, Steele, 2/Lieutenants Hemp, Sparrow, Wighton, Sawyer, Duberly, Waller, Daws, Murphy, Slaughter, 2 warrant officers and 607 men

For Malta:

1/R Dublin Fusiliers – Majors Shadforth, Rutherford, Maclear, Captains Croveand, Riccard, Lemesuries, Lieutenants Smithwick, Little, 2/Lieutenants Wodehouse, Knox, Whyte, Brown, Johnson, Hoey, French, 1 warrant officer and 671 men.

1/KRRC – 4 men

3/Warwicks – 5 men

1/Yorks. Light Infantry 2 men

For England:

RAMC – Major Nicolls and 5 men

Civil Surgeons Nankervie, Inman

APD – Lieutenant Colonel Reid, Captain O’Hara

2/Seaforths – Captain Grant

1/Leicesters – Lieutenant Robinson

4/Derbys – Captain Bernal,

2/W Yorks. – Captain Paget

AOD – Captain Bernard

1/Connaught Rangers. – Captain Sarsfield

1/H Light Infantry – Major Garland

For Aden:

RA – Lieutenant Bradbury

The Dominion will bring home from Egypt the 2/Leicestershire Regiment for Guernsey, and from Malta the 1/W Kent. Regiment for Shorncliffe


London Times, 10 Nov 02 (Monday)

p5b Note Here: General Manning appointing Major H Rattigan, Staff Officer to the Somali Field Force. Also inspection tour w/ Manning & Cobbe.


p7a Note Here: The Somaliland Operations. (update)


p7c The Ortona has left Durban for India with 1,500 troops.


The Montrose and Orotava have arrived at Bombay from Natal.


The Golconda left Cape Town for Ceylon with the 2/W Kent Regiment on Friday.

The Dunvegan Castle arrived at Southampton on Saturday with troops from the Cape.


The Orient arrived at Southampton from Queenstown and landed the remainder of the troops, 34 officers and 347 men.


London Times, 11 Nov 02 (Tuesday) Nothing Noted.


London Times, 12 Nov 02 (Wednesday)

p8c The Arundel Castle left for England Nov 5 with the following on passage home:

35/Imperial Yeomanry – Captain H Clarke, Lieutenants W H Tomkins, S Moorhouse and 134 men

34/Imperial Yeomanry – Lieutenants J F de Rees, G Green Price and 176 men

RGA – Captain A R Green

Civil Surgeon D W McGavig

Nursing Sister E M Halliwell

33/Imperial Yeomanry – 87 men

36/Imperial Yeomanry – 84 men

Details – 103 men

Due Southampton Nov 26


The Scot left for England Nov 5 with the following on passage home:

Staff – Brigadier General E A H Alderson

1/KOSB – Major M G Wilkinson

2/Manchesters – Captain A G Tillard, Lieutenant G P Waymer

RA – Captain H L Griffin

RGA – Major D Arbuthnot

Essex – Captains B A Warry, W A Vincent

2/H Light Infantry – Captain A J Morten, Lieutenant H S M Harris

3/H Light Infantry – Lieutenant S Beveridge

R W Kent – Captain & Quartermaster J Couch

1/ Liverpool – Lieutenant G M Dean

6/Middlesex – Lieutenant J F M Bingley

RE – Lieutenant C E Vickers

4/RB – Lieutenant R P Burrowes

4/R Dublin Fus – Major C H Tippet

R Lancashire – 2/Lieutenant A J Pott (on appointment)

ASC – Colonels H Morgan, H G Rice, Major S S Long, Captains H Cracroft, W H Barton, A Norton, F W Stringer, C E McVittie, Lieutenants R Hammersley Smith, H N Foster, H N Cadell, P R Napier, C D E Upton, E H Blamey and 134 men

AOD – Lieutenant T Rees

RAMC – Majors S H W Austin, G A T Bray, Captains W Jagger, D E Curme, Lieutenant & Quartermaster A J Chalk

Imperial Yeomanry – Captains A C Webb, J R Mitchell, Lieutenant E H B Laing, Vet Captain J H Lockwood.

Reverends R Wells, A W Dawes

Civil Veterinary Surgeons E P Argyle, A B Holland, E Ashworth

Civil Surgeons G W Milne, G J J Keigwig, G Stewart

Nursing Sister G Napier

Due Southampton Nov 22.


Note here article concerning transport service giving numbers, etc. ( shipping )


The Golconda left Natal Nov 8 for Mauritius.


The Assaye has arrived at Bombay from Natal.


Cape Times Weekly Edition, 12 Nov 02

p30 The Kinfauns Castle arrived here yesterday with the following named military passengers: Lieutenant Colonel E K G Aylmer, Colonel Cantwell, Captain W H N Cantlin, Captain E S Dickin, Captains R Gordon, B R M Glossop, Leschallas, A C Northey, J van der Byl, M G E Woodman, Prowse, H D Radcliffe Lieutenants Irvine, Lang, Love, S L Paddon, A H Reynolds, N A Stebbing, C Thorburn Major A D Miller, Captain & Mrs. Page, Sergeant C J Aschdeacon, Sergeant-Major and Mrs. Lobb.

The Briton sails today for England with the following named military passengers: Colonel Borton, Lieutenant Bonverae (RN), Major & Mrs. White, Major & Mrs. Richards, Captains Deacon, H Gorle, Piggott, Toljambe, G F & Mrs. Walton, C Norrington, Miller, Lieutenants Howard, Halton, Blackett, McCombie.


London Times, 13 Nov 02 (Thursday)

p11e The Dilwara, from Southampton for the Cape, has arrived St Vincent.


London Times, 14 Nov 02 (Friday)

p9a The Ortona has left Point Natal, for Mauritius, Andaman Islands, Rangoon, Madras and Colombo with the following:

For Mauritius:

2/RB – Colonel Metcalfe

RE – 39 men

RAMC – 9 men

For Andaman Islands:

1/ Liverpool – 1 company

For Rangoon:

1/ Liverpool – Lieutenant Colonel Schletter, Major Nicholson, Captains Rawlinson, Finch, Lieutenants Owen, Prince, Vince, Hudson, 2/Lieutenants Dixon, Wilcox, 1 warrant officer and 610 men

2/E Yorks. – 50 men

Driscoll’s Scouts – Colonel Driscoll

1/Buffs. – Captain Baird and 46 men

1/R Fusiliers – Lieutenant Gubbin and 49 men

For Madras:

1/Leicester – Lieutenant Colonel Carleton, Captains Melville, Crocker, Challinor, Faichnie, Lieutenants Puckle, Grant, Davies, Miles, Arculus, 2/Lieutenants Tronson, Ferris, Hildebrand, Bomford, 1 warrant officer and 520 men

O/RHA – Lieutenant Colonel Phillpots, Major Fanshowe, Lieutenants Davidson, Stanley and 156 men

P/RHA – Captain Thompson, Lieutenant Awdry and 81 men

RAMC – Lieutenant Colonel White, Captain N Faichnie, Lieutenants E McDonnell, F G Richards, F S W Walker and 5 men

Civil Surgeons Dolby, Linnell

3/Northumberland Fusiliers – Captain Young and 1 man

1/Middlesex – Lieutenant Spence

Veterinary Dept. Lieutenant Steele


The Golconda left Point Natal Nov 8 for Colombo with the following:

2/R W Kent. – Major Mounsell, Captains Lees, Venables, Back, Beresford, Isacke, Lieutenants Lister, Tulloh, Dinwiddy, Hewitt, Case, Morris, Hibbert, Stevenson, 1 warrant officer and 619 men

RAMC – Captain E E Ellery and 5 men

Civil Surgeons Huey, Gibbon

En route for China 6 men of the 1/Derbys


London Times, 15 Nov 02 (Saturday) Nothing Noted


London Times, 17 Nov 02 (Monday)

p10f The Walmer Castle arrived Southampton Saturday with officers and 360 men from mixed corps.


The Nubia left Southampton Saturday with about 400 troops for South Africa.


The Aurania left Durban Saturday for Bombay.


London Times, 18 Nov 02 (Tuesday)

p11d The The Ionian left Natal for Bombay. The Montrose left Bombay for Natal. The Sardinia, Southampton for Cape Town left St Vincent last night.


London Times, 19 Nov 02 (Wednesday)

p10d The Briton left for England Nov 12 with the following on passage home:

2/R Munster Fusiliers – Captain G D Macpherson, Lieutenant P G Barret and 65 men

2/Northampton – 2/Lieutenant C S Lindsay

19/Hussars – Major D R Apthorp

Imperial Yeomanry – Lieutenants F J Day, A F Wagner

4/ Liverpool – Captain W Swindlehurst

2/Life G – Captain the Hon. M B Lyon

1/Suffolk – Lieutenant E E Pearson

5/R Warwick – Captain C F Whitley-Deans-Dundas

RE – Captain P H Casgrain

RB – Major E A F Dawson

2/L N Lancs. – 2/Lieutenant R H Logan

4/Bedford – Lieutenant B Croft

6/Middlesex – Lieutenant R F C King

1/Worcester – Major C H D Cass

1/W Riding – Captain J G Whish, 2/Lieutenant W T McG Bate

3/KRRC – Captain H F F B Foljambe

2/Norfolk – Lieutenant Colonel C E Borton, Lieutenant J C Atkinson

14/Hussars – Captain D M Miller

ASC – Captain F C Norrington, Lieutenants H L Pearne, E N Kerney, Lieutenant & Quartermaster F E Wordley and 15 men

RAMC – Major J Meek, Lieutenant E C Parkes and 8 men

APD – Major G D Collings

Late Kitchener’s Fighting Scouts – Lieutenant H E Packwood

Reverend J Ryan

Civil Surgeons A A W Merrick, A A Martin, W E V Lewis, A E B Jones, W Sisam, S Forsdike, M T Male, F W Warren, K C Edwards, W E Graves

South African Irregular Corps – 51 men

M P – 97 men

43/RE – 22 men

Due Southampton 29 Nov


The Aurania and Ionian have left Durban for India with details.


The Sunda arrived at Cape Town yesterday and left for Simon’s Bay.


The Gascon arrived at Southampton yesterday with 700 officers and men


The Orcano arrived at Southampton yesterday with 400 invalids. There were 3 deaths during the voyage.


p11c LG, Nov 18. Captain the Hon. C H C Guest, 1st Dragoons, to be A D C to Brevet Colonel (Local Brigadier General) J F Burn-Murdoch, CB


Cape Times Weekly Edition, 19 Nov 02 Nothing Noted


London Times, 20 Nov 02 (Thursday)

p11a The Ionian left Point Natal Nov 15 for Bombay with the following:

2/Devon – Major Masterson

1/Dorset – Major Rosher

2/R Scots – Lieutenant Manners

6/Dragoons – 2 men

I/RHA – 2 men

18/Bengal Lancers – Captain Corbyn

Veterinary Dept. – 1 Sergeant

RAMC – Lieutenant P H Henderson and 3 men

Due Bombay 29 Nov


The Aurania left Point Natal Nov 15, with the following:

Gordon High. – Captain Macnab, 2/Lieutenants Ross, Kerr, Macmillan and 180 men

1/Dorset – Captains Lowry, Codrington, Lieutenant Hyslop and 110 men

2/Irish Rifles – Captain Massey and 69 men

2/R W Surrey – 2/Lieutenant Scott and 175 men

2/Gloucester – Captain Whylock, Lieutenants Shipway, Baker, 2/Lieutenant Craven and 415 men

2/Yorks. – 2/Lieutenant Howard and 86 men

2/Cheshire – Lieutenant Rich, 2/Lieutenant Sherringham and 51 men

1/E Lancs. – Lieutenants Hardcastle, Norton, Scrafton and 58 men

Reverends Rice, Thomas

Veterinary Dept. – LieutenantSwanston

RAMC – Majors Hind, Phipps, Brannagan, Lieutenants Roach, Dinnas

RGA – Captain Forestier-Walker

3/Hussars – 4 men

73/RFA – 2 men

1/Durham Light Infantry – 1 man

For duty on voyage:

1/Northumberland Fusiliers Captain Courson and 1 man

Civil Surgeons Parkhurst, Holroyd

RAMC – 2 men


London Times, 21 Nov 02 (Friday)

p3a Note: Dateline Dubbar Waterhole, Nov 12. Major Rattigan on inspection tour. Also Dateline Burao, Nov 14.


p5f The Sicilia arrived at Bombay yesterday morning.


London Times, 22 Nov 02 (Saturday) Nothing Noted.


London Times, 24 Nov 02 (Monday)

p7c The Scot arrived at Southampton from South Africa with about 425 troops.


London Times, 25 Nov 02 (Tuesday) Nothing Noted.


London Times, 26 Nov 02 (Wednesday)

p12f The Dominion arrived at Malta from the Cape and landed the 1/R Dublin Fusiliers


p14b The Goth left for England Nov 21 with the following on passage home:

8/Hussars – Lieutenant A C Currell

Imperial Yeomanry – Captain C J Dyke, Lieutenant C V Talbot

Civil Surgeons C S Miller, S G Gordon

Due Southampton Dec 13.


The Lake Manitoba left Point Natal Nov 23 for Bombay with the following:

1/W Yorks – 31 men

2/Somerset Light Infantry – 2/Lieutenant Foran

1/Northampton – 109 men

2/E Surrey – Lieutenant May

1/R Scots – Lieutenant Smith and 129 men

1/W Riding – 2/Lieutenant Lewis and 97 men

2/Bedford – 2/Lieutenant Ruck and 75 men

2/Connaught Rangers – 2/Lieutenant O’Sullivan and 39 men

2/Wilts. – Captain Richards and 60 men

79/RFA – 2/Lieutenant T Warren and 4 men

77/RFA – 6 men

64/RFA – 1 man

RAMC – Captains Johnson, J D Alexander

1/Gordon High. 10 men

1/Sussex – 9 men

Indian Troops – Conductor Rickets

Veterinary Dept. 4 Sergeants

Indian Medical Service – 2 warrant officers

Indian Native Forces – 94 men

Native Followers – 466 men

2/Northumberland Fusiliers – Lieutenant Bromfield (Indulgence, 2nd class)

For Duty on Voyage:

3/Middlesex – Captain Fisher

Civil Surgeons Richie, Sharp, and 6 men

En Route for:

Ceylon – 2/W Kent – 2 men

Hong-kong – 1/Derby – 2 men


Cape Times Weekly Edition, 26 Nov 02

p27 The Kinfauns Castle arrived here yesterday with the following named military passengers: Captain Dunbar Anderson.

The Kildonan Castle sails for England today with the following named military passengers: Major General Oliphant, Colonels Matthews, S Thompson, Lieutenant Colonels Kirkpatrick, G A Ashby, Captains M B Parker, Mitchell, J Robertson, Dykes, Baxter, G C Rigley, Lieutenants R H Crake, Ferguson, E Northern, P R Clifford.


London Times, 27 Nov 02 (Thursday)

p7f The Carisbrook Castle left for England Nov 19 with the following on passage home:

RA – Captain G H Riach

RE – Lieutenant Colonel J F Liverson

RHA – Captain B Atkinson

2/DG – Captain C A Escombe, Lieutenants M C Pinching, R Fernie

7/Hussars – Major R L Walter, Captain C E G Norton, Lieutenants F Henderson, J M Thomson

2/Dragoons – Captain W L Long

1/Welsh Fusiliers – Major G F Barttelot, Lieutenant C R C Hill

RB – Colonel A R Pemberton

Manchester – Captain W P Newbigging

5/Lancers – Lieutenant S S Williams

11/Hussars – Lieutenant R M York

1/Leinster – Captain G I P P O’Shee

2/R Lancs. – Captain W T Mangles

1/Derby – Major M B Phelps

3/Oxford Light Infantry – Lieutenant R S G Higgins

3/W Kent – Captain W F Tufnell

R Garrison – Captain A F Douglas

2/Devon – Lieutenant C H M Imbert-Terry

RA – Captain C F Phipps

ASC – Captain H S Buckle, Lieutenants G Chambers, H S N Wright, Lieutenant & Qm. J O G Donnelly

Imperial Yeomanry Lieutenant H F W Falkner

AOD – Lieutenant F H Phillips

Reverend S S Steuart

RAMC – Lieutenant Colonel J Lees-Hall, R H S Sawyer, Major T B Winter, Captain L Adams-Williams, Captains & Qms. E Thowless, R Adams, E Houghton, Lieutenant & Quartermaster F W Hall, Lieutenants W Riach, T White, D L Harding and 38 men

Intell. Dept. – Lieutenant C Peddie-Field

P o. W L H – Lieutenant H G McGubbin

Civil Surgeons B S O Mannsell, J Stewart, G A Herklots, R T Herron, G Elliot, D P Watson, P L Craig, A H Corley, J H Douglas, J O G McDonough, J Freeman, W Rogers, R P Marshall, G Phillips, M H Downey, P Coffey, W Elder, H L Meggitt, T,J, Wright, T R Robertson

Dental Surgeons E H Wyand, R J Green, T R Chambers

South African Irregular Corps – 50 men

Due Southampton Dec 6.


London Times, 28 Nov 02 (Friday)

p11a The Arundel Castle arrived Southampton yesterday morning with over 500 yeomanry from South Africa.


London Times, 29 Nov 02 (Saturday)

p8e The Aurania, from Durban, arrived at Bombay yesterday.