London Times, 01 Dec 02 (Monday)

p10c The Staffordshire disembarked the 2/R Warwick Regiment Saturday at Plymouth.


The Briton arrived Southampton Saturday with nearly 500 troops.


The Staffordshire arrived at Southampton yesterday and landed 300 officers and men from South Africa.


London Times, 02 Dec 02 (Tuesday)

p6f The Sunda left for England Nov 25 with the following on passage home:

1/E Lancs. – Major F S Derham, Captains E R Reade, W H Cooper, E F Rutter, Lieutenants E E Coventry, R A Gossett, E J Wolseley, A C Aubin, 2/Lieutenants P O E D’Esterre, C E Gallagher, E T Mansfield, Captain & Quartermaster W Holbourn and 337 men.

1/R Welsh Fusiliers – Lieutenant Colonel Sir R A W Colleton, Major P R Mantell, Captain H D Mayhew, Lieutenants W Harris, E A T Bayly

1/R Sussex – Captain R C Griffin, Lieutenant J S Cameron, and 213 men

1/Northumberland Fusiliers – Lieutenants A C Temperley, C A R Stower, E P A Riddell

14/Hussars – Lieutenant the Hon. H Grosvenor

2/Dragoons – Major R Adams

2/Worcester – Captain H D Milward

2/Seaforth High. – Major G C Feilden

3/S Wales Bord. – Lieutenant T S C Cotgrave

RFA – Captain R D Wylde

RGA – Lieutenant L A D Napier

ASC – Captain D C E Grose

RAMC – Lieutenant Colonel R D Donaldson, Captain S H Withers

Border Scouts – Lieutenant G C C Webb

R Munster Fusiliers – 104 men

Due Queenstown Dec 17, to land 1/E Lancs. , remainder to Southampton


London Times, 03 Dec 02 (Wednesday)

p7a The Sardinia arrived at Cape Town yesterday afternoon from Southampton.


The Dilwara arrived Monday at Durban from Southampton.


Cape Times Weekly Edition, 03 Dec 02 Nothing Noted


London Times, 04 Dec 02 (Thursday) Nothing Noted.


London Times, 05 Dec 02 (Friday)

p8d The Kildonan Castle left for England Nov 26 with the following on passage home:

31/Imperial Yeomanry – Lieutenant Colonel Viscount Fincastle, Majors H M Walker, S Campbell-Johnstone, F W MacKenzie, Lieutenants W Bruges, A M McDonald, C J Mayall, J R C Heathcote, Lieutenant & Quartermaster C J Cowan and 135 men

28/Imperial Yeomanry – Captain W M Fowler, Lieutenants F S Clay, G Bentley, G F Lind, F W Grantham, A E Rawlins and 78 men

3/DG – Captain A O Mitchell

19/Hussars – Lieutenants C R McClure, E Northen

Wilts. – Captain G C Rigby

2/ Duke o C Light Infantry – Lieutenant Colonel G A Ashby

2/R Munster Fusiliers – Major A E O Congdon

2/Shropshire Light Infantry – Captain C P Higginson, Lieutenant P R C Groves

Leicester – Lieutenant C T M Hare

2/Worcester – Captain B O Richards

ASC – Major P O Sandilands

Gordon High – Captain G S G Crauford

2/Norfolk – Lieutenant S H W Crawford

2/Leinster – Lieutenant A N Bredin

KOSB – Lieutenant J F M Ferguson, 2/Lieutenant R H Crake

3/W Surrey – Captain W J Grant

Reserve of Officers – Captain A J Moseley

AOD – Captain G E Blandford

RAMC – Majors R L McLeod, J R Black, Lieutenant & Quartermaster J Attwood and 12 men

5/Victorian M I – Lieutenant J R Matthews

3/Canadian M I – Lieutenant F N Gibbs

Indian Medical Service – Lieutenant Colonel S J Thomson, Captain J C Robertson

Veterinary Dept. – Major S Duff-Gillespie

Civil Surgeons F A Wall, A C Zeitz, R Thomas, G T Kevern, J S Clarke

29/Imperial Yeomanry – 23 men

APO – 22 men

Due Southampton Dec 13.


London Times, 06 Dec 02 (Saturday) Nothing Found


London Times, 08 Dec 02 (Monday)

p11c The Carisbrook Castle arrived Southampton from the Cape Saturday with about 160 troops.


London Times, 09 Dec 02 (Tuesday)

p5e The Saxon left for England December 3 with the following on passage home:

1/DG – Major General R A P Clements, Brigadier General J F Burn-Murdoch, Staff Lieutenants S C Holland, R C Longworth.

16/Lancers – Captain C E St J Harris, Lieutenant J B Robertson, Lieutenant & Quartermaster J L Hart.

R Dragoons – Captain the Hon. C H C Guest

RA – Major R M B F Kelly, Captain A M Campbell, Lieutenant H Buckle

RE – Major F A Moloney, Captain F K Fair

2/Cameronians – Major A V Usher

1/Welsh Fusiliers – 2/Lieutenant Sir F C R Price

Connaught Rangers – Major O H Pedley

2/Wilts. – Major N D Macdonald

ASC – Captain W H Maturin

APD – Captain G G Hewlett

AOD – Captain W Brown

Due Southampton Dec 20.


The Galician landed at Southampton yesterday, 50 Boer prisoners en route to the Continent.


London Times, 10 Dec 02 (Wednesday) Nothing Noted.


Cape Times Weekly Edition, 10 Dec 02

p27 The Kinfauns Castle sails for England this afternoon with the following named military passengers: Colonel King, Lieutenant Colonel B Smith, Major Tufnell, Major Dill, Captains Hale, C Langton, Langton, P R Creed, Younger, Conner, James, J Fryer, Barry, T E Clark, Garcia, G B Crisp, Toljambe, P W Game, A F and Mrs Taunder, Lieutenant & Mrs. McCulloch (RN), Lieutenant Part, Majors Molyneaux, G M McKenzie, B Drake, Hadow, Lieutenants Wonsley, R Pigot, W T Synnott, S A Thompson, H E O B Traill, R C Campbell

The Orotava. arrived here this morning with 43 Boer prisoners who are to be tried for treason. 1,000 Boer prisoners were landed at Durban.


London Times, 11 Dec 02 (Thursday) Nothing Noted.


London Times, 12 Dec 02 (Friday) Nothing Noted.


London Times, 13 Dec 02 (Saturday) Nothing Noted.


London Times, 15 Dec 02 (Monday)

p6c The Kildonan Castle arrived Southampton Saturday morning brought about 300 troops home form South Africa.


London Times, 16 Dec 02 (Tuesday)

p8c The Staffordshire left Southampton yesterday for the Cape with 80 men of the Northampton Regiment and details of Colonials, Engineers, and RAMC Lieutenant Colonel Fortescue, 4/KRR in command.


The Plassy is scheduled to take 1/H Light Infantry and 4/Mountain Battery from South Africa to Egypt in January.


London Times, 17 Dec 02 (Wednesday)

p7f Doune Castle left for England Dec 7, with the following on passage home: Captain E L H James, W Kent. Regiment


The Kinfauns Castle left for England Dec 10 with the following on passage home:

7/DG – Lieutenant J Lopdell

8/Hussars – Major Lord Garnock

20/Hussars – Captain J W James, 2/Lieutenant F A H Part

Imperial Yeomanry – Lieutenants C G Jones, C F Clarke, W S G Morris, C Russell, R S Ward, C L Flick, A M Holden, H D McIntyre, T N Phillips, R Nickols, L B Worthington

Remount Dept. – Major H V S Ormond

RFA – 2/Lieutenant P W Game

Wilts. – 2/Lieutenants C A Hawker, A H Pepper

2/Scots Fusiliers – 2/Lieutenant W M Black

2/Somerset Light Infantry – 2/Lt/ T Nisbet

Warwick – Lieutenant F R Tarleton

3/Munster Fusiliers – 2/Lieutenant R Leahy

4/RB – Captain P R Creed

H Light Infantry – Captain R G I Chichester

Innis. Fusiliers – Lieutenant R J Manders, 2/Lieutenant W D Kenny

Dublin Fusiliers – Captain G Hudleston

Buffs – 2/Lieutenant L H Soames

RAMC – Lieutenant Colonel R Porter, Major G Wilson, Lieutenant & Quartermaster W J C Talbot

AOD – Major C W Tribe

W Aust. M I – Captain A F Thunder

Civil Surgeons T A Meeke, W H Grant

Due Southampton Dec 27.


The Montrose left for England Dec 11 with the following on passage home:

1/ Liverpool – Captain J M Longfield, Lieutenants L R Schuster, F A Finney and 251 men

1/Leicester – Captain B C Dent, 2/Lieutenant C F Burr and 245 men

2/E Surrey – Captain V H M de la Fontaine, 2/Lieutenant F B Storey and 111 men

1/S Lancs. – 2/Lieutenant J L Hutchinson and 74 men

2/Shropshire Light Infantry – Major C A Wilkinson and 102 men

1/Durham Light Infantry – Captain A C Tucker, Lieutenant A E H Garsia, 2/Lieutenant C O Rowlandson and 260 men

1/York & Lancs. – 82 men

2/Middlesex – Lieutenant Colonel F B Lumley, Major C R Dyer, Captain H P F Bicknell, Lieutenant P O Willis

1/KOSB – Lieutenant Colonel J E G Headlam, Staff Captain J C M Connell, Lieutenant L N Bruce

2/W Yorks – 2/Lieutenants C G M Slade, E T Welshman

2/R Lancaster – Lieutenant F G Theobald

Cameronians – 2/Lieutenant D H Thorburn

8/Hussars – Lieutenant H F Partridge

2/Devon – Captain H B Gardiner

RFA – Lieutenants A K Digby, K H Devett, R H Carrington

RAMC – Lieutenants B F Wingate, L M Purser, R F M Fawcett and 29 men

2/E Yorks – 25 men

South African Irregular Corps – 151 men

Due Southampton Jan 7.


Cape Times Weekly Edition, 17 Dec 02

p27 The Walmer Castle arrived here yesterday afternoon with the following named military passengers: Major Cameron, Captain F C Georgson, Colonel Inglesby and Family, Lieutenant Colonel Longhead, Captain Darvall, Captain Sell.


London Times, 18 Dec 02 (Thursday).

p9e The Staffordshire from Southampton, left Queenstown last night for the Cape. She embarked 26 officers and 482 men form the following: R Irish, Northumberland Fusiliers, 3/Middlesex, 3/Worcestershire, the A & S High., 2/Leicestershoire, and 2/S Wales Bord.


London Times, 19 Dec 02 (Friday)

p4d The Sunda arrived at Queenstown yesterday from Cape Town and landed 12 officers and 333 men of the 1/E Lancs. and a draft of 104 men of the R, Munster Fusiliers. The vessel will proceed to Southampton to disembark 21 officers and 483 men


London Times, 20 Dec 02 (Saturday)

p6a The Dilwara left for England December 10, with the following on passage home:

For Gibraltar:

102/RGA – Major C E Jervois, Lieutenant C H Mortimer, 2/Lieutenant A G Thomas and

80 men

For Nigeria:

12/Lancers – Major E Crawley

For England:

1/Innis. Fusiliers – Colonel R L Payne, Lieutenant & Quartermaster J A Page

2/W Kent – Lieutenant A H Pullman and 116 men

4/Survey Section, RE – Captain H W Gordon and 16 men

RE – Captain A C Scott and 9 men

2/Leicester – Lieutenant F le M Gruchy

Reserve of officers – Major W Fitzpatrick

4/R Lancaster – Lieutenant R F Awdry

KRRC – Major E W Thistlethwayte, Captain W H Fenner

W Surrey – Captain H St C Wilkins

1/Worcester – Captain J C Mitchell

RFA – Majors H W Addington, CB Dunlop, Captain C G Stewart

Norfolk Militia Artillery – Captain C H Walker

Munster Fusiliers – Captain W A Hutchinson

1/W Riding – Major C V Humphrys

3/L N Lancs. – Captain A de M Bellairs

2/DG – Lieutenant & Quartermaster J Hopkins

2/Devon – Lieutenant J A H Britton

Dorset – Major A A Chichester

1/Yorks – Major G C S Handcock

3/V B Liverpool – Lieutenant P R Bland

2/Northumberland Fusiliers – Major & Quartermaster J Thomson

2/Lincoln – Lieutenant H E Dawson

7/Hussars – Captain & Quartermaster F Durmam

RAMC – Captain M M Rattray, Lieutenants R B Black, R L Popham, D O Hyde and

147 men

ASC – Captains T C L Rivis, J L Jesse. Lieutenants G P Dean, H R Lever,

F B Delavoye, F W Garvey, L B Ray, L M S Page, B S A

Douglas-Hamilton, Lieutenant & Quartermaster O G Jones and 98 men

AOD – Major R K Scott and 25 men

APD – Captain T S Coppinger

South African L H (Late) – Captain T Collins

Reverend RE Skone

Veterinary Major L J Blenkinsop

R N – Captain W L Down.

Civil Veterinary Surgeon A J Sellars.

Nursing Sisters A Garriock, A Kuys

9/ASC – 41 men

York & Lancs. – 20 men

57/RGA – 20 men

Due Southampton Jan 1.



London Times, 22 Dec 02 (Monday)

p10a The Orotava left for England December 13 with the following on passage home:

2/E Yorks – Lieutenant Colonel F S Inglefield, Major E A Ogle, Captains E T Marshall, S Soote, Lieutenants C P Berthon, B Lawrence, C P B Riall, H W Stenhouse, C L Estridge, G Boyd, 2/Lieutenants C M Smith, G N Robins, J B Trimble, R S Hopkins, Captain & Quartermaster F C Cunningham and 290 men

30/Imperial Yeomanry – Lieutenant Colonel J L N Birch, Captains X R A de la Chapelle, G H Allan, Lieutenants L C V Bathurst, H L Graham, K C Hopkins, G T Gates, W J Blokley and 117 men

33/Imperial Yeomanry – Captain J E Cochrane, Lieutenants W B Anley, J L Matthews, L H College, A C Watson, Lieutenant & Quartermaster R Hartigan and 67 men

34/Imperial Yeomanry – Captain E G Williams, Lieutenants R Power, C R Roch, H Hogarth, C Russell, G Miller, and 146 men

35/Imperial Yeomanry – Lieutenant Colonel R Fitzmaurice, Major A L Champion, Captains A L Trevor-Boothe, J J Scanlan, Lieutenants A Parkes, P Garrard, C G Westhead, B J Swannell and 120 men

36/Imperial Yeomanry – Lieutenant Colonel M H Nunn, Major RE Hutton, Captains C A Thimm, A L H Kyle, Lieutenants A G H Davis, B H Bunny, J Radcliffe, Lieutenant & Quartermaster F C Tredgold, Surgeon Captain A H Ahern and 191 men

Remount Dept. – Major J F A Herbert

2/Devon – Captain A J E S Sunderland

Rl. Garrison – Captain J E Rose

ASC – Lieutenant J Mcnalty (? Lieutenant A G R McNalty)

RAMC – Lieutenant R H Woodley, Lieutenant & Quartermaster J CB Whitehorn and 29 men

E Yorks – Captain B St C St Clair-Ford

Civil Surgeon R H Caughey

Due Southampton January 2.


The Sunda from Cape Town arrived Southampton Saturday, bringing 200 men of the Sussex Regiment and 350 details.


Note Here: Colonel J F Burn-Murdoch, CB, arrived Southampton Saturday on board the Saxon, and has reached Sevenoaks. Met by father Canon Burn-Murdoch


London Times, 23 Dec 02 (Tuesday)

p4a The Sardinia left Point Natal December 16 for Bombay, with the following:

1/Northampton – Lieutenant Alstow and 72 men

1/Lincolns. – 65 men

1/Cameronians – 2/Lieutenant Dodds and 58 men

1/Somerset Light Infantry – 49 men

2/KOSB – Lieutenant Logan-Home and 85 men

2/KRRC – 100 men

1/Devon – 2/Lieutenant Featherstone and 103 men

1/Norfolk – 2/Lieutenant Sparling and 186 men

2/A & S High. – Lieutenant Scales and 149 men

1/Seaforth – Lieutenant Nairne and 151 men

Returning Boer Escourt:

2/Connaught Rangers – Lieutenants Wise and Kinsman and 35 men

1/Devon – Lieutenant Gunning, 2/Lieutenant Moung and 39 men

On Duty:

RHA – Major Lawless

2/Scot Fusiliers – 2/Lieutenant More (for voyage out and return)

RAMC – Major R P Bond and 6 men

Civil Surgeon Priehard

Indulgence Passages – N M I (?) – Captains Lane, Ryan


London Times, 24 Dec 02 (Wednesday) Nothing Noted.


Cape Times Weekly Edition, 24 Dec 02 Nothing Noted


London Times, 25 Dec 02 (Thursday)

p6c The Avondale Castle left for England December 16, with the following on passage home:

32/Imperial Yeomanry – Major E W N Pedder, Captain & Adjutant R Fairclough, Captain C H Bertram, Lieutenant & Quartermaster R J Pringle, Lieutenants G P R Jacques, F J Wane, F S Povah, L F B Reece, J G V Donne, F E Nicholas, W H Napier, E A Brierley, P Beaumont, F Lukey, C J T Stweart, W Godson, Surgeon Captain R McLelland, Veterinary Lieutenant H G Westgate and 175 men

29/Imperial Yeomanry – Major A D Kirby, Captains H F Montgomery, A Ricketts, L L Hewson, A Gorringe, Lieutenants P Heslip, D J Ross, H H Brooke, F O Kelly, R A Shaw, Hon. C G Brabazon, C Crawford, Lieutenant  & Quartermaster J W Bayliss and 120 men

37/Imperial Yeomanry – Lieutenant Colonel the Hon. J G Beresford, Major H J Pack-Beresford, Captain & Adjutant H C S Clarke, Captains J F Ramsay, J M Simpson, V L Gordon, Lieutenants Hon. N Gathorne-Hardy, F Pawlett, E P Ashley, C P Atthill, H B Marony, M C McKeen, W R B Gillespie, Lieutenant & Quartermaster W H C Baddley, Surgeon-Captain F W Jackson and 298 men

38/Imperial Yeomanry – Lieutenant Colonel F W Towsey, Captains M F Collchester-Wemyss, E Bayle, R Britten, R Sanderson, J Golding, H Munn, Lieutenants A Morris, C Davey, J Harris, S Waters, H Hanson, F Cranfield, F Chaplin, E Hartford, H Mackworth, E Unsworth, C S Burnett, Lieutenant & Quartermaster H Adams and 204 men

31/Imperial Yeomanry – Captain W N Stewart, Lieutenants A Profeit, A Shiell, J L Eliott-Lockhart

27/Imperial Yeomanry – Lieutenants A E Trembath, F W Green, W E N Fowler

28/Imperial Yeomanry – Lieutenants H F Dening, E Cornforth

Imperial Yeomanry Details – Lieutenant & Quartermaster F J Head and 38 men

RAMC – Lieutenant Colonel A S Rose, Captains H W H Read, W B Winkfield and 10 men

APO – Lieutenant R A Moffatt and 8 men

Due Southampton January 7.


The Norman left for England Dec 17, with the following on passage home:

Imperial Yeomanry – Captains J F H Buckley, A J Crosby, J G Hodding, P A Charrier, T J S Suffield, Lieutenants H CB Sparrow, H L Norton-Smith, A G Gwyne, F C Hitchcock, W H Ridge, E H Bramwell, Veterinary -lt. R A Edwards

ASC – Major W I S McCormick, Lieutenants F W Wright, W W Herring-Cooper, G B Dartnell, 2/Lieutenants A Herklots, R B de la Motte, Lieutenant & Quartermaster A Munday, W J Kelly and 8 men

20/Hussars – Major W D Whatman

2/Worcester – Major J H S Gibb, Captain J P S Maitland

3/Middlesex – Lieutenants J C Phillips, H N Rowlatt

4/Lincoln – Major T W Pinder

2/ S Wales Bord. – 2/Lieutenant H C Prescott

4/S Stafford – Captain G H Whitehouse

2/N Stafford – Lieutenant J E Chambers

2/R Irish – Captain G H P Colley

AOC – Major A Y Barton, Captain P G Davies and 30 men

RE – Lieutenants W C Macfie, C L Corry

1/S Stafford – Captain F M Colvile

APD – Major R W P Lodwick, Captain A B Morgan

Reserve of Officers – Captain A St J Seton

Reverend C G C Lillington

Veterinary -Lieutenant W M Miller

Late Brabant’s Horse – Captain H R Cholmondeley

Remount Dept. – Major Carleton-Smith

Due Southampton Jan 3.


The Raglan Castle left for England Dec 18 with Captain R B N Gunter, 3/Yorks, on board.


London Times, 26 Dec 02 (Friday) Nothing Noted.


London Times, 27 Dec 02 (Saturday) Nothing Noted


London Times, 29 Dec 02 (Monday)

p8e The Dilwara has arrived at Gibraltar from Cape Town, and has landed 3 officers and 80 men, RGA


The Kinfauns Castle arrived at Southampton Saturday morning with a large number of officers from South Africa. Also landed were 90 bluejackets and 50 marines from the Monarch.


London Times, 30 Dec 02 (Tuesday) Nothing Noted.


London Times, 31 Dec 02 (Wednesday) Nothing Noted


Cape Times Weekly Edition, 31 Dec 02 Nothing Noted and ends the series.

The End of a Rather Long List.