This page contains pictures of QSAs in groups with other campaign medals.
My thanks to DNW, Spink, Dixon's Medals, British Medals and Liverpool Medals for the permission to reproduce their images.
Group to Lance-Sergeant F. Allen, Royal Army Medical Corps. DNW Dec 2011
Pair to Pte E A Andrews, 7th Hussars. DNW Jun 13
A rare KSA to the RM/RN. One of 33. DNW Mar 12 £2,300
Group to Arthur Barrick, RN, DNW MAr 12 £850
Group to Captain J W Barry. DNW Jun 09 £4,500
A Beck, Shropshire Light Infantry
Group to Major W. Bell, Army Service Corps including the Greek Ware Cross. DNW Dec 2011
Medals to Colonel G E Benson, RA
Group to Lt J S Birch, IY, who served with the Egyptian Service 1884 - 1912. DNW Sep 12
Regimental Sergeant-Major J. C. Bithell, Canadian Grenadier Guards, late Northumberland Hussars Imperial Yeomanry and Lord Strathconas Horse. DNW Dec 08 £1,100
Pair to Captain Boardman, CMR
Six to Captain J. W. Boughton, Royal Army Service Corps, late 2nd County of London Imperial Yeomanry and 1st/13th Battalion London Regiment. DNW Dec 08 £1,500
Capt S V Bowden, RA. DNW May 11 £2,100
Medals awarded to Lieutenant-Colonel 2nd Earl Brassey, Viscount Hythe, West Kent Yeomanry. DNW Sep 08 £2,900
Cmdr R W Bromley, RN. DNW May 11 £5,000
Natal QSA pair to Private R. J. Brown, Royal Marine Light Infantry, severely wounded at Tientsin. DNW Dec 2011
Lt Col J Camilleri. DNW Mar 11 £3,500
Renamed group to S H Chapin, a Boer War DSO recipient
Group to Serjeant J G Coates, Army Service Corps, late Commissariat and Transport Corps. DNW Dec 2011
Medals to CQMS Arthur Conlan, Lancashire Fusiliers. DNW Mar 12 £1,250
Ashanti Star and QSA to Sgt J Connor, Shropshire LI, KIA near Belfast 1 Jan 1901. Spink Jul 11 £850
Maj O M Conran, R Lanc Regt. DNW May 11 £1,300
Balloon Section Defence of Ladysmith and 1914 Mons group of six awarded to 2nd Lieutenant C. E. Cullen, an original member of the Royal Flying Corps and one of only 37 R.F.C. recipients of the Army LS & GC. DNW Dec 08 £3,600
Warren Hastings survivor, L B Cumberland
Raised date QSA group to Major Sir F Curtis, LHS. DNW September 2017 GBP £7,500.
Group to Capt S H Van Ryck de Groot, Civil Surgeon. Bonhams Mar 13
Major J G Y Delmar-Morgan, RAF, RNVR and Cpl IY during the Boer War. Spink Apr 11 £2,600
Pair to AB J W Dennis, HMS Terrible. DNW July 2017
Order fo St John, Service Brother's badge, grroup to Supply Officer R C Done, SJAB. DNW Mar 12 £850
[OBE] group to Capt W B Drake, SWB. QSA (8) named to Lt, Damant's Horse. Spink Apr 11 £2,700
Lt Col W D Du Pre, RA and IY. DNW Jul 11
Group to Colonel C. De Putron, Lancashire Fusiliers, Late LNLR and MID for the siege.
IY group to G Emmingham
Six medals to Honorary Captain E. Epps, Army Veterinary Corps, late Royal Field Artillery. DNW Dec 08 £780
Pair to Pte A H Godbehear, SLI. Bonhams Mar 14.
Scarce campaign group to Chief Stoker E Goodwin, RN. QSA named to HMS Terrible. Spink Apr 11 £1,500
Long service group to Sgt W W Gray, SAFA, SAMR and CMR including the Union od SA MSM (unmounted). DNW Mar 12 £2,600
Private F. W. Green, St John Ambulance Brigade, who served aboard the American hospital ship Maine during the Boer war and the Boxer rebellion. DNW Dec 08 £2,200
Group to G Griffin, IMR, late Baker's Horse. SAGS named in a later style. Spink Apr 12
Group to Chief Engine Room Artificer 1st Class G. Hatch, Royal Navy, who served in the Defence of Ladysmith in Powerful's Brigade. DNW Mar 05 £1,600
Group to Captain Dodworth. Correspondent in the Sudan and Lt 19th Hussars in the Boer War. All renamed. DNW Sep 04 £300
Chief Boatswain W. Jones, Royal Navy. DNW Mar 05 £750
Group to Chief Stoker T. Gately, Royal Navy who served on HMS Magicienne. DNW Mar 05 £490
Medals of Able Seaman A S Churcher, RN. DNW Mar 07 £1,300
CERA W A Dobbie served on HMS Sybille and at Jutland. DNW Mar 07 £850
A Duncan served in the Natal Naval Volunteers during the Ladysmith siege. DNW Mar 07 £1,400
Campaign medals to E G Bainbrige KCB. Liverpool Medals Dec 05 £4,850
Group to F S Rank who served with the TMI during the Boer War. Fusilier Militaria Jan 06 £975
Group to J Murphy RN for service aboard HMS Terrible. Liverpool Medals Dec 05 £900
Group to J Murphy RN for service aboard HMS Terrible. Liverpool Medals Dec 05 £900
QSA and Turkish Iftihar Medal awarded to James Platten. Superintendent of Huts for Troops during the Boer War. DNW Dec 05
Group to Chief Master Mechanic W Jones who served in the balloon secrion of the REs and was No 30 in the RFC. DNW Jun 06 £5,300
Pair to Colonel L S Mellor, Liverpool Regiment, who commanded his battalion during the siege of Ladysmith, and was twice MID. DNW Jun 05 £1,400
Group of five to Mate Lalloo Hemow, Army Bearer Corps, formerly a Dooly Bearer in the Supply and Transport Corps. DNW Mar 05 £4,200
Pair to Lieutenant R De la Porte, FID, late Rimmington's Guides containing 8 clasps. DNW Jun 05 £2,100
Lieutenant Colonel A J Welch, KOSB, a Gallipoli veteran who commanded at the First Day of the Somme. DNW Jun 05 £1,700
Group to H Lugg who served at Rorke's Drift and in Natal during the Boer War. DNW Jun 05 £26,500
Pair to to 1071 Ordly R Hill St John Amb Bde. Fusilier Militaria Jan 06 £775
RIM QSA group to Commander A J G Piffard. DNW Mar 07 £2,500
Six to Lieutenant Colonel W H Pinches, RAMC, Surgeon of the 21st Lancers at Omdurman. DNW Sep 06 £8,200
Rear Admiral R S MacFarlan, RN, who survived a hit on HMS Warspite. DNW Jun 05 £3,200
Albert Redclift served in the Cape Victualling Yard during the Boer War. DNW Mar 07 £580
CPO A Sparks served in the Naval Brigade from HMS Terrible. DNW Mar 07 £1,600
Group to A/CPO F Stephens, RN. DNW Mar 07 £1,700
Group to Colonel Sir Simeon Stuart, Baronet. DNW Mar 07 £1,700
BSA CM and QSA with clasps including Relief of Mafeking and Relief of Kimberley to Pte W C Jeffrey, 7th Hussars. Liverpool Medals Dec 05 £1,950
Group to WO J R Makin who was awarded the Hong Kong Plague Medal 1894. DNW Jul 04 £4,300
Lt T J Walker, RIM, survived the wreck of the Warren Hastings. DNW Mar 07 £1,200
Awards of Lt W G H Way, RN. DNW Mar 07 £1,700
Campaign group to Chief Stoker W G Wicks, RN. DNW Mar 07 £1,600
Pair to Engineer J G Yates, RIMS Canning. Liverpool Medals Dec 05 £1,100
BSACM group to C Guy, 7th Hussars. DNW Sep 12
An unusual group to the three Hamilton brothers, all of whom were killed or died in the Boer War. DNW Mar 12 £4,600
8 Clasp QSA to QM & Capt J A Harmer, RAMC. DNW Sep 08 £880
Lt Col C Heathcote-Drummond-Willoughby, Cheshire Regt. DNW May 11 £2,100
QSA and Tibet Medal to F Herbert, Royal Fusiliers. Liverpool Medals, February 2018, GBP 1,295
Group to Maj J Hickman, RAMC. Bonhams Mar 13
Trio to Gunner Charles Higgins, Royal Navy, formerly seconded for service with the Chinese Government. DNW JUl 10 £3,100
SQMQ M H Hodge, 6th DG
Group to Mr A Hossack, IMR including the South African War Service Medal and a property pass. Spink Apr 12
Group to QM & Maj E Houghton, RAMC. DNW Sep 12
Group to Pte A Jones, Rifle Brigade. Spink July 2017
Medals to Lt Col C L Josling, RAMC. Bonhams Mar 13
Campaign medals to Sgt E C Jourdain, Northamptonshire Regt. Spink Nov 13
Campaign medals to Duffadar Kala Khan, Corps of Guides. DNW Sep 13
Campaign group to Pte J Keane, 2/RB. British Medals Sep 12 £1,675
Boer War DCM group to Serjeant M. Kenny, Royal Irish Regiment, late Connaught Rangers. DNW Sep 2011 £4,600
Campaign medals to Capt F V B Kirwan, Royal Fusiliers. DNW Sep 13
Medals to Pte A Knowles, KTG
Group to Superintendent Lamb, Hull Corps. Noonan's January 2025 GBP 950
Campaign medals to Tpr J Lane. Bonhams Sep 11 £4,560
Sgt Maj L Legg, R Battery RHA
Hong Kong trio to Private Mangham, Shropshire LI. Noonan's January 2025 GBP 2,200
Vet Maj H T W Mann, AVD. DNW May 11 £2,600
DoK group of 9 to R McArthur including a rare three clasp CGHGSM. City Coins August 2014
Hong Kong Plague group to W Merchant, SLI. DNW Sep 12
Royal Household group of 13 to Sidney Miller. Spink December 1988
Medals to Assistant Surgeon J Moore, ISMD. Bonhams Mar 13
Reverend R Moseley, ACD. DNW May 11 £2,300
QSA and RAF LS&GC group to W Nance
Bronze campaign medals to Dooly Bearer Beswi Narsunloo, S and TC. DNW Sep 13.
Group to Gunner George Nelson, RGA. Spink Apr 12
Pair to Sapper D Nevard, RE. DNW Sep 10 £880
QSA (0) HMS Terrible group to AS J J Newton, RN. DNW Dec 2011
T H Ogden earned three of the six medals he wore
2905 QMS R J Owen RE
Jameson Raider's group to Sgt W T Pescod, ILH. KIA 27 Apr 1915. Spink 12
Rear Admiral R S MacFarlan, RN, who survived a hit on HMS Warspite. DNW Jun 05 £3,200
Group to E Phelips
Natal Police long service group to A Prendergast
QSA with all 26 clasps
Group to Sgt J Reed, Essex Regt. Liverpool Medals Aug 07 £4,500
RSM S H Reynard, Cape Town Highlanders. DNW Jun 09 £1,100
Ed VII Cape LG&GC group to Sgt W Reynolds. DNW Mar 12 £1,800
SM J L Robinson, SLR & ASC
Group to Head Conductor H F J Rose, 1st KFS and FID during the Boer War. London Mdal Co. September 2017. GBP 1150
Union of South Africa MSM group to Jameson raider SSM F. K. âPaddyâ Ryan. DNW Feb 2016
'Wepener' QSA to Ld Stoker D J Sandford, RN, HMS Doris. DNW April 2017
Medals to Private G. Saunders, North Staffordshire Regiment, who served in the Maxim Gun Section at the battle of Firket, 7 June 1896. DNW Dec 2011
Group to Dr L Sells, X-ray export, attached RAMC. Bonhams Sep 10 £1,762
DoK group to Pte W Sharrock, Cape Police. DNW Sep 12
Group toStaff Sgt George Sherwood, T Bty, RFA and Vickers Maxim Battery in China. Spink Apr 12
Trio to Private T Smith, Shropshire Light Infantry. Noonan's February 2025 GBP 3,400
Group to CPO Albert Smith, RN. QSA named to HMS Forte. 29 Gambia clasps to HMS Forte. DNW Mar 12 £1,200
9 clasp QSA to Spl F W B Smith, Damant's Horse. DNW Sep 10 £4,000
Cpl H J Smith, 66th Co IY. DNW Jul 11
QSA and AGS pair to Pte J Southworth, Liverpool Regiment. Spink Apr 11 £650
Trio to B Steel, RNR, reputedly the last man to step off RMS Titanic before her maiden voyage. DNW July 2017
Group of 9 to Major Percival Theodore Stern, Canadian Garrison Artillery, late Imperial Yeomanry. DNW Mar 09 £1,600
Medals to Colonel D S Stewart, CB, Northumberland Fusiliers. Spink July 2017
Cape LS&GC group to H G Stewart, CMR
Gtoup to Capt A Stokes, RN. Mids, HMS Powerful on the QSA. Spink Apr 12
Group to Pte H Sumner, Lancashire Fusiliers. Spink July 2017
Group to Captain and WM C M Taylor, Royal Army Veterinary Corps, late Army Service Corps. DNW Dec 2011
QSA (3) CC OFS Tr (1702 Ordly, St John Amb Bde) and St John Ambulance Medal (1702 Pte., Crewe Div.). DNW Sep 2011 £750
Group of 9 to Trooper A Tibbenham, Life Guards. DNW Sep 10 £1,100
Group to WO F H Tilke, Devon Regt including a single clasp Elandslaagte and KSA (1) SA02. DNW Dep 11 £1,900
QSA to Captain G M Tufnell, Essex Regt
QSA (1) DoM (R. Villet, Mafeking Town Gd.). DNW Sep 2011 £1,250
Medals to G T Vince who served on HMS Beagle and lost his life in the Antartic. DNW Sep 12 £5,500
Pair to Pte E H Von Plaster, KTG. DNW Jun 13
Iron Cross and QSA to Alexander Von Stosch
Group to Major W J Wade, ASC. DNW Dec 2011
VR Cape LS&GC group to Sgt F A A Wallinger, CMR. DNW Sep 12
Medals to Capt G Warren, AG. DNW Dec 13
Pair to Gunner W. H. Watkins, Q Battery Royal Horse Artillery. DNW Sep 2011 £1,200
Group to L/Cpl G F Webb, 5th Dragoon Guards, laters 1st Dragoon Guards. Spink Apr 12
Cape LS&GC group to Sgt W Webster, CMR. DNW Mar 12 £1,500
Group to R Whyte. Wepener to Brabant's Horse. DNW May 92 £380
Group to Acting 2nd Sick Berth Steward H. Wildman, Royal Naval Auxiliary Sick Berth Reserve and St. John Ambulance Brigade. DNW Dec 08 £2,200
Group to Staff Serjeant-Major T Wilkin, Army Service Corps, late Commissariat and Transport Corps. DNW Dec 2011
Sgt Maj C E Metcalfe. DNW Dec 10 £6,200
CGH and QSA pair to SM W K Wilson, Brabant's Horse. Spink Apr 11 £320
Campaign medals to Sir Guy Fleetwood Wilson, GCIE KCB KCMG, a distinguished Civil Servant who held a number of senior appointments in the War Office, was Financial Adviser to Lord Kitchener in South Africa 1901-02 and ended his career as a Financial Member of the Supreme Legislative Council of the Governor-General in India
Trio to Sapper A Worboys, RE. Spink Apr 11 £520
QSA and Yorkshire IY Medal
Colonel Sir John Young with his remarkable awards. DNW Jun 09 £4,100
Group to Vet Jemadar M Ali, Indian MP Train. DNW Jun 13.