This page contains pictures of miniature QSAs.
My thanks to DNW, Spink, Dixon's Medals, British Medals and Liverpool Medals for the permission to reproduce their images.
Group to J Adye
Fort Itala VC group attributed to Maj Bradley RFA
DoM and DSO group to Col G Bridges, RA. DNW May 2017
Medals to Lt E M Burton, RE.
Unattributed DCM MM group
Miniature DSO
DSO GV group with Elandslaagte QSA
Group to Brigadier General E M Colston, CMG, DSO, MVO, Grenadier Guards, 2nd Baron Roundway. DNW Jun 05 £410
Miniature group to Brigadier General Claude Stuart Rome, 11th Hussars and Queens Bays. DNW Dec 05 £350
Miniature group to Acting Captain R T Down, CVO, DSO, Royal Navy. DNW Dec 05 £720
Group to J D Ferguson
Miniature group to Major General Sir John G Dartnell, KCB, CMG, Natal Volunteer and Mounted Police Force. DNW Jun 05 £700
Group attributed to Lieutenant General D G Johnson, VC, CB, DSO, MC, South Wales Borderers. DNW Jun 04 £780
Major H E Worthing, OBE, DCM and dated Bar, Rifle Brigade. DNW Jul 05 £450
Group to Col C W Profeit, RAMC. DNW Mar 07
Group to Major P G Rigby. DNW Dec 06. £600
Miniature VC group attributed to Surgeon Major Edmund B Hartley, VC, CMG. Dominic Winter November 2017
Sudan DSO group attributed to Brig Gen C Lambton, Northumberland Fusuliers. Spink Nov 11 £380
Group attributed to Maj Gen S Macdonald, RAMC. Spink Nov 11 unsold
Great War DCM group to RSM J Mathieson, HLI. Spink Nov 11 £220
Miniature medals of Brig Gen D McKenzie. Kensington Bond Oct 13
MBE QSA group
Long campaign group
Defence of Mafeking group
Miniature QSA with 24 clasps
CMG (1915) DSO (1898) group to Brig Gen D R Sladen, KOSB. Noonan's January 2025 GBP 300
Unattributed DSO and bar group. DNW Sep 10 £310
Unattributed Royal Household group of 13. DNW Jun 05 £360
VC OBE group
Group of 10 miniatures to Col A E Waldegrave Courtney, RASC. DNW Sep 10 £260
Group to Maj Gen Western, RWKR
group to Brig Gen Westmorland. DNW Sep 08 £1,200
Unattributed miniature group
Medals awarded to Capt H Taprell Dorling. DNW Jun 13
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