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Melmoth is a small town in Natal. Shaka, King of the Zulus, was born in Melmoth around 1785. The town was established when the British Government annexed Zululand in 1887. One of the magistracies that was established was named after the resident Commissioner and Chief Magistrate of the country, Sir Melmoth Osborn. Situated at a height of 800m, the countryside surrounding the village was ideal for growing trees, particularly wattle.

Document signed by President Hulley
Document signed by President Hulley

There appears to be 14 QSAs to this unit. All the men on the roll received the no clasp QSA. Robbins, Bond and Lewis have clasps listed but these have been crossed out.

The medal roll can be found in WO100/283p204.

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(17 Records)

 Surname   Forename/inits   Regimental no   Rank   Notes 
Bond, Member B H.  B HMemberAlso served NMR earning OFS, Tr, Elandslaagte and DoL and issued off that roll.
ChandlerR W (jnr)Member
ChandlerR W (Snr)Member
ClarkL HMember
CressyBernardMemberAlso served as a conductor with the ASC
FortuneTVice President
FrereL HMemberQSA (0).  City Coins Mar 03
HulleyAPresidentQSA (0)
LewisC WMemberAlso served Natal Police (1063) earning Tr & Natal and issued off that roll.
LiversageH AMember
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