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Cabell, Hugh 2133
Cadwell, John 3503
Cadwell, John 511
Cain, Charles Alexander 970
Cain, George 322
Cain, Goerge 1076
Cain, James 1059
Cain, Thomas 1060
Caine, Joseph 1753
Cairncross, Herburt William 1462
Cairney, Daniel 1150
Cairney, Michael 3484
Cairns, G 1406
Calder, Michael 848
Caldow, James 1259
Callow, Henry 1209
Campbell, Alex 2993
Campbell, Alexander 1817
Campbell, Alexander 2612
Campbell, Angus 1032
Campbell, CharlesWilliam Rea 2432
Campbell, Duncan 1565
Campbell, Duncan 165
Campbell, Duncan 2332
Campbell, Edward Grainger 1916
Campbell, George 146
Campbell, George B
Campbell, Hugh 36119
Campbell, James 1401
Campbell, James 227
Campbell, James 3474
Campbell, James Anderson 450
Campbell, Robert 617
Campbell, Robert 923
Campbell, William 546
Campbell, William 59
Campbell, William Henry 1930
Campion, Frederick 2565
Candler, Lawrence Ethelbert 2114
Candlish, Alexander 3008
Cape, Robert 2292
Caplin, Frederick 647
Carey, John 2301
Carl, Frederick 3461
Carlow, James 310
Carlton, Trederio Walter 1929
Carmichael, Daniel 1246
Carmichael, John 1521
Carnal, George 3573
Carney, James 2963
Carney, James 2963
Carolin, Andrew 385
Carpenter,Andrew 708
Carr, Henry 2425
Carr, Samuel 328
Carroll, James Joseph 2880
Carson, Edward 1200
Carter, Alan 88
Carter, Arthur 2948
Carter, George 2195
Carter, James thomas 1388
Carter, Joseph 1151
Cartlidge, William 500
Carver, William Adophine 979
Carveth, H 3151
Caselberg, Eli 1411
Caselberg, Elia 3095
Casement, Thomas 630
Casson, William 417
Cattanach, William 2902
Catterall, Frederick 2532
Caulfield, Albert Barney 3267
Caun, Thomas Arthur 2400
Cavanagh, Michael 1205
Cavanagh, Robert 485
Cavanagh, Thomas 1436
Caven, James 3286
Cazalet, Lewis Percy
Chain, Joshua Hermann 488
Chaldraft, Alfred 1727
Chalmers, Alexander 625
Chalmers, William 1885
Chamberlain, Clement 36
Chambers, James 1480
Chancellor, Hume Frederick 2913
Chandler, Thomas 584
Chapman, Christopher 2091
Chapman, Edward John 767
Chapman, George 2151
Chapman, William 1975
Chappell, William 1976
Chappell, William John 2274
Chappoll, John 106
Charles, A
Charles, James 1736
Charles, James 3458
Charles, Thomas 2488
Charmand, Sidney 2034
Charter, Arthur Ernest 2441
Chater, Robert 573
Chavarri, Basil 3005
Cheen, George 2038
Cheetam, William 2215
Cheqwin, William 1430
Cherry, Joseph 3280
Chesse, George 3006
Chicken, Henry William 1483
Childe, Ernest Alfred Harper 35157 part 1
Childe, Ernest Alfred Harper 35157 part 2
Chilvers, John
Chisholm, William 2461
Chittenden, Sidney 2600
Chopping, James 1293
Christian, Frederick George 2991
Christian, George 2926
Christianson, William 2828
Christie, Arthur Joseph 483
Christie, Bentley 346
Christie, Edward 993
Christie, William 1692
Chudley, Ado 3543
Clague, Robert Hampton 498
Clair, William 2344
Clancy, John 2047
Clark, Daniel 3191
Clark, John 3293
Clark, John William 1351
Clark, Stephen 2169
Clarke, Christopher Harvey 1695
Clarke, George 795
Clarke, George Alfred 344
Clarke, William 2980
Clarke, William Henry 226 part 1
Clarke, William Henry 226 part 2
Clarkson, Ralph 345
Clay, Arthur 730
Clayton, Charles 492
Clayton, Frederick Howard 762
Clayton, Henry Albert 2601
Cleland, George 573
Clemence, Edward 1517
Clemence, Edward 3197
Clemence, Peter 1518
Clemence, Peter 3196
Clements, Arthur 1937
Clements, George Henry 812
Clements, Henry 1183
Clements, Thomas 1534
Clements, Thomas 1534
Clemes, John 3109
Clerk, David 3153
Cliff, James 771
Clifton, Arnold 1255
Clinton, Lys Henry 2410
Clitton, James 1950
Clough, George 1912
Clow, James 3141
Clyde, Robert 2966
Coad, John 1010
Coates, John William 669
Coates, Sidney William 516
Coates, William
Cobban, Alexander 824
Cobbing, Richard 3262
Cochran, Samuel 868
Cochrane, Archibald 1144
Cochrane, Edward 2342
Cock, James Nicholas 1114
Cock, Thomas 2139
Cocker, Harry 1164
Cocker, Joseph E
Cockett, E
Coe, Albert Edwin 299
Coffey, Herbert 358
Coffey, Thomas 394
Cohen, Samuel 182
Cohn, William Soloman 1174
Colbert, John 1260
Cole, Albert 2863
Cole, John Loxton 969
Cole, Thomas 2495
Coleman, Arthur George 1453
Coleman, D
Coleman, David 2996
Coleman, John Daniel 2206
Coleman, John Daniel 2938
Colgan, John William 580
Collender, Llewellyn Hymes 2394
Collier, Alexander 692
Collingwood, Walter 3457
Collins, Caleb 1630
Collins, Dominic 352
Collins, Frank 3065
Collins, George 38812
Collins, Henry 2643
Collins, James Bernard 2511
Collins, John Percy 2991
Collins, William 1211
Collins, William Barker 2426
Collinton, Ernest Charles 948
Colpitts, John 575
Comer, James 2063
Commons, James 3172
Commortan, William Arthur Officer
Compton, Sidney 668
Conley, William 1013
Connally, Francis 1866
Connolly, James Officer
Connolly, Sydeny 2681
Connolly, William 2455
Connor, Herbert 2677
Constable, Isaac 864
Conway, Harold 925
Cook, A
Cook, Alfred Sidney 203
Cook, Frederick 3544
Cook, Henry Newton 2884
Cooke, John Charles 1674
Cooke, Oscar Harvey 3482
Cooke, Robert 373
Coombe, Herburt Ambrose 224
Cooper, Albert John 705
Cooper, Alfred 2392
Cooper, Charles Herbert 271
Cooper, Edward 1874
Cooper, Harry Edmund 1287
Cooper, John 570
Cooper, Percival 3285
Cope, Henry Charles Edwin 2259
Coppin, John William 3439
Coppin, Thomas 770
Corbeth, Samuel 81
Corbett, William 1109
Corker, Henry 3020
Corkhill, George 1427
Corkill, George 1427
Corkill, George 290
Corkill, George 760
Corlett, John 1382
Cormack, Donald 807
Cornes, Robert Lacy 26
Cornwll, Mallalue Francis 2198
Corsellis, Henry Jesse 1422
Corsellis, Henry Jesse 3056
Cottle, Thomas Edward 308
Cotton, Andreww 266
Cotton, William 22
Coughlin, John Deniel 3502
Couldridge, John William 1455
Coulls, Albert Edward 35116
Couper, George John 2595
Courad, Gabriel Prentice 256
Couzers, John 2970
Coventry, Henry 2648
Coventry, Sholto 364
Cowan, Robert 1656
Coward, James 1155
Cowin, Thomas Curphey 1433
Cox, Douglas 2767
Cox, John James 1050
Coxon, John George 3469
Cozens, Frederick 3464
Crabbe, Arthur Horace 1800
Craig, Frederick 865
Cram, John 1604
Crammer, Charles 565
Craney, John 1167
Cravan, Sidney Howgate 3026
Crawford, John 104
Crawford, Richard 2791
Crawford,William 1801
Crawks, Andrew 1693
Crawks, Andrew 3022
Craze, John 1403
Craze, Joseph Robert 726
Creak, Walter Huntley 3341
Crenan, John 2245
Creran, John 3427
Crichton, George 1943
Critchlow, Henry 2817
Cromwell, William 2390
Crosby, James H
Croughan, James 1265
Crow, Joseph 1904
Crowe, Edmund 349
Crowe, Edmund 600
Crowe,Edmund 1055
Crowsby, Jasper 2934
Cruickshanks, William 213
Cubbin, William Thomas 1434
Cubitt, Alephonso Magnus 948
Culbert, John 1603
Cullen, Charles 2885
Culverwell, Henry 1006
Cumming, Boswell 2940
Cumming, George 2257
Cumming, George 2774
Cundall, H
Cunningham, John Henry 2914
Cunningham, Maurice 2960
Cunningham, Thomas 3309
Cunnon, Henry 1219
Curran, Peter 3284
Currie, Francis, Finlayson 2098
Currie, John 1280
Currie, Peter 569
Curtis, Bertran 1107
Curtis, Richard 2377
Cusick, Alfred 3035
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