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Dale, Philip Alexander 3517
Dallamore, George 3137
Dallamore, Laurence Westerford 464
Dallow, James 2998
Dalrymple, William 2310
Dalrymple, William 2520
Dalton, Michael 1839
Daly, Clarence McGuiness 3463
Dampier, Alexander 3178
Dane, Samuel Frederick 2917
Danells, Arthur 1954
Daniell, Charles 1575
Daniels, George William 1972
Daniels, John 1498
Daniels, John 846
Daniels, Robert 934
Dant, Henry 632
Darch, Charles 2490
Davenport, John Lewis 1827
Davey, Horace 2279
Davey, James 3125
Davey, James 3125
Davidson, Alexander 503
Davidson, Charles John 535
Davidson, George 3206
Davidson, James 120
Davidson, William 390
Davidson, William 618
Davidson, William James 1115
Davies, Alfred 522
Davies, Arthur John 1141
Davies, Charles 154
Davies, John 2711
Davies, John Officer
Davies, Lewis 806
Davies, Lewis 854
Davies, Reginald David 1119
Davis, Alfred Edwin 674
Davis, Alfred John 2398
Davis, George 1561
Davis, George 3454
Davis, Jack 2340
Davis, James 2540
Davis, James 3102
Davis, John 3009
Davis, Nuna Daniel 184
Davis, Ralph 2025
Davis, Robert 3413
Davis, Sidney 2342
Davis, William 3214
Davison, George 43
Davison, William 2440
Daw, Thomas 122
Daw, William John 1513
Dawson, Charles Robert 1759
Dawson, Harry William Dent 2380
Dawson, James 2912
Dawson, John 1811
Dawson, John 2387
Dawson, John Edwin 1622
De Neri, Arthur 873
De Silva, Joseph 1429
De Young, Cornelias 3497
De Young, John 3419
Deacon, Arthur 3261
Deacon, Edmund Fred 2864
Dealange, Alex 2730
Dean, Samuel 2375
Deane, Edward 332
Delange, Alec 2164
Delbridge, Joseph 1413
Delbridge, Joseph 3144
Delbridge, Joseph 3424
Dempsey, Arthur 2315
Dempsey, Arthur 33
Dempsey, Charles 2219
Dempsey, Peter 1891
Dempsey, Thomas 2052
Dempsey, Thomas 3183
Dempster, David 576
Denby, Alfred 501
Denmuir, James 2006
Denmuir, James 3472
Denton, George 2805
Denyven, George Wayland 2716
Derbyshire, Samuel 20020
Desbrow, Charles 1425
Devine, Philip 1816
Dewhurst, Arthur 35778
Dexter, George Heywood 35128
Diack, Peter 1020
Diamond, Matthew 2712
Dickens, William 2397
Dickerson, Charles 796
Dickie, John 1889
Dickinson, George 2796
Dickson, Andrew 1299
Dickson, John 586
Dickson, William 776
Dillon, Andrew 2184
Dingle, William 1492
Dingle, William 1492
Dinsmore, James 3149
Divine, James 937
Dix, Charles F
Dixon, William 3292
Dixon, William John 2049
Dobbie, Thomas910
Dobbin, John 1294
Dobbin, John 3440
Dobbington, Robert 1450
Dobbins, Thomas 1531
Dobbs, John Moland 1349
Dobson, Cyril Harcourt Bertram 3549
Dockray, Thomas 505
Dodge, David 2606
Doering, Charles 781
Doherty, John 1604
Dold, Rudolph 1148
Domican, James 1956
Donald, David 867
Donald, William 874
Donaldson, David Davidson 430
Donaldson, James 2598
Donaldson, James 2893
Donaldson, Joseph 377
Donaldson, Peter 1803
Donavan, John 2249
Donnar, Alex 2351
Donovan, John Patrick 2966
Donovan, Myles 899
Doouss, William 566
Dorehill, Arthur Mair 3096
Dorehill, Arthur Mair 907
Dougherty, Robert 2066
Dougherty, William 2705
Dove, George Frederick 2173
Doveton, Douglas Hogson 229
Dovey, Alfred 2669
Dowd, Martin 929
Dowling, Robert 1308
Dowling, William 2500
Downie, Michael 1353
Downing, Charles 1671
Doyle, James Joseph 1062
Doyle, Thomas 127
Doyle, William 2664
Drake, Edward John 2194
Drake, Warren Henry 1208
Drake-Brockman, Ralph Evelyn
Drinkhall, Joseph 1970
Druce, Henry James 814
Drummond, Peter 1566
Drummond, Peter 1566
Drummoud, John Roberton 3251
Drummoud, Peter 3425
Dubied, Charles 790
Duckham, Frederick 2801
Duckham, Joseph William 35099
Duckham, Jospeh William 1740
Duff, George 1105
Duff, James K
Duffin, Archibald 1247
Dugdale, John 3104
Duggan, Mathew Francis, 3436
Dumphy, Michael 2939
Dunant, Samuel Lewis 3223
Duncan, Alexander 1944
Duncan, Alexander 473
Dunn, Alfred 1507
Dunn, John 1165
Dunn, John 1559
Dunning, Frederick 967
Dury, Edwin Rawdon 2343
Dwyer, William 1262
Dwyer, William 3029
Dyson, George Henry 2899
D'Arcy, Henry 2491
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