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Fairfield, James 1533
Fairless, Joseph 1855
Fairley, William 2484
Fairley, William 2821
Fairley, William 2894
Fairweather, James 307
Falconer, William 2388
Faragher, Albert 938
Faraher, William Henry 1366
Farley, John William 823
Farly, Bernard 2954
Farmen, William 35117
Farmer, George 86
Farmery, Stephen 3334
Farquharson, Robert 2165
Farr, Hugh 343
Farrar, Benzamin 1643
Farrell, John 2093
Farrell, Thomas 2061 part 1
Farrell, Thomas 2061 part 2
Farrell, Thomas 2061 part 3
Farrell, Thomas 2061 part 4
Farrell, Thomas 2061
Farrell, Thomas 2881
Farrow, Thomas 1251
Fearn, David 537
Feeny, Andrew 2353
Fegal, John 2333
Fegan, Fred Charles
Fennell, James 2889
Fensham, John Frederick 1587
Fenton, George 3509
Fenton, Melville D
Ferguson, Bernard 2703
Ferguson, David 2646
Ferguson, Donald 3207
Ferguson, Duncan 2428
Ferguson, Joseph George 470
Ferguson, Malcolm 765
Ferguson, Peter 50
Ferriman, William 1617
Field, Alfred Hallowes 2420
Field, Alfred Percival
Fielding, James 1470
Fielding, James 3107
Fielding, Oswald Johnston 148
Fieldson, Joshua William 1758
Finch, Earnest 3006
Fine, Benjamin 1409
Finlayson, William 753
Finn, Walter 2618
Fisher, Arthur 2610
Fisher, John Blair 1761
Fisher, William 2735
Fisque, Albert Henry 2673
Fitzgerald, James 3522
Fitzgibbon, Robert 3105
Fitzsimmons, Michael 95
Flack, Ronald 1194
Flauders, Robert 582
Flavell Angustus Frederick 2199
Fleming, Thomas 2760
Fletcher, Arnold 1440
Fletcher, Arnold 1440
Fletcher, Oswald 488
Florida, Charles Henry 741
Floyd, Joseph 629
Floyd, Thomas 3243
Flynn, Louis 3099
Flynn, William Bernard 3215
Foley, Patrick 119
Foord, Phillip Charles 2090 part 1
Foord, Phillip Charles 2090 part 2
Foord, Phillip Charles 2090 part 3
Foord, Phillip Charles 2090 part 4
Foord, Phillip Charles 2090 part 5
Foord, Phillip Chas 3485
Foord,Philip B
Foot, Isreal Abel 2415
Forbes, Archibald 721
Forbes, Finlay 2960
Forbes, Robert 595
Ford, Thomas William 2148
Ford, William Albert 207
Ford, William Henry 3241
Foreman, Frank 2186
Forster, Alfred 1910
Forster, John 1012
Forster, Robert 1831
Forsyth, William 1147
Forsyth, William 3073
Foster, Frederick Francis
Foster, James 2467
Foster, Jas 3442
Foster, John 1829
Foster, John 2036
Foster, William Lee 2685
Foubister, William Hess 1841
Fourie, Cornelius 3420
Fowle, Robert 663
Fox, George Charles Officer
Fox, Harlold Edmund 427
Foy, Henry 245
Fozzard, John 475
Fragan, Edward 3541
Frame, William 434
Francis, L
Francis, William Richard Thomas 1417
Fraser, Alex 2583
Fraser, Anthony 1056
Fraser, Anthony 602
Fraser, John William 1224
Fraser, Peter 918
Fraser, Simon 2417
Fraser, Thomas 2959
Fraser, William 156
Freckleton, Alfred 3167
Frederick, Wilfred 2273
Frederickson, Waldof 3211
Freeman, Joseph 2338
Freeman, William George 2960
French, Charles 2248
French, Thomas 580
Frewan, John Barnard 2240
Fryan, Thomas 2819
Fryers, David 2924
Fullen, Michael 1186