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Gabbie, George 1323
Gaffnay, William 1760 part 1
Gaffnay, William 1760 part 2
Gage, James 594
Gale, Charles 526
Gale, Frederick George Officer
Gallagher, Edward 1813
Gallagher, James 1423
Gallaher, Patrick 1871
Galloway, Alexander 1622
Gamble, James 1458
Gamon, James 2625
Gamon, Thomas 1334
Gamon, Thomas 3062
Gardiner, John 3031
Gardiner, John 311
Gardner, Henry 653
Garner, William 1415
Garrard, John Jervis Officer
Garrett, Arthur Alfred 35131 part 1
Garrett, Arthur Alfred 35131 part 2
Garrett, Charles 1213
Garrett, Charles 1851
Garry, George 3140
Garvie, James 532
Garvie, Laurence 811
Garvie, William 862
Gascorgne, Daniel 2764
Gass, Richard 1662
Gauld, James 2797
Geddes, James George 3555
Geening, William Hansford 592
Gellender, Ernest Henry 26467
Geoffroy, John 2915
Geoghagan, Michael 2581
George, Albert Edgar 3117
Gerhandt, Charles 2280
Gibb, William 3250
Gibbons, John 1848
Gibbons, Joseph 38813
Gibbs, George 2506
Gibbs, Richard 1887
Gibbs, William 1669
Gibson, Henry George 861
Gifford, Gidion Arthur 810
Gilbert, Frederick 3272
Gilbert, Gilbert Benjamin 477
Gilbert, John 1230
Gilbert, Robert 2482
Gilchrist, David 550
Gilfillan, Duncan 422
Gilford, William 1085
Gill, Frederick William 3115
Gill, John 1773
Gillan, David 852
Gillespie, Hugh 2303
Gillett, Harry William 1316
Gillon, James 1310
Gilmour, Ernest Henry 3459
Ginningham, Stanley George 724
Ginsberg, Victor Simon 3155
Giri, Christopher 2688
Glaholm, George 2697
Glaholm, Thomas 1798
Glassford, James Robert 2745
Gleason,Harry 2989
Glen, Robert 1145
Glendon, Patrick 3494
Glover, Robert 2768
Goddard, Charles 1819
Godfrey, Andrew Gilbert 2191
Godfrey, Everard Charles 916
Godsal, William Officer
Godwin, Harold Harry Miller 35132 part 1
Godwin, Harold Harry Miller 35132 part 2
Gold, Jeassal 1021
Goldie, Joseph 1119
Goldsworth, Joseph Isaac 3055
Gomes, Cesar 1789
Gooch, Charles 2087
Gooch, Charles 3343
Gooch, Frederick 895
Good, William Alfred 2159
Goodfellow, Frederick 2680
Goodman, George 437
Goodwill, John 1852
Goodwin, David John 3132
Goodwin, George Alfred Officer
Goodwin, Harry 822
Goodwin, Victor 821
Gord, Henry 2352
Gordon, John 2327
Gordon, John 2924
Gordon, William 2665
Gorley, Christopher 1958
Gorman, Joseph 2403
Gosbell, Arthur 1197
Gosling, Alfred V
Gosnell, Frederick Charles 1917
Gotterson, John 2412
Gough, William 1612
Gouldin, Charles Freemantle 750
Goulding, Harry Hartley 748
Govier, Edwin Pearse 1327
Grabham, Alfred 1762
Grace, James Frederick 3432
Graham, Alexander 8
Graham, Alfred F
Graham, Arthur Edward 2393
Graham, George 3552
Graham, Harry 1292
Graham, Kenneth L
Graham, William Hawthorne 1252
Graham, William James 664
Grainger, Frederick 601
Grant, David 2728
Grant, James 1782
Grant, James 818
Grant, John 3501
Grant, John 604
Grant, Peter Madonald 2640
Grantzan, Furenck 1607
Granville, Frank 37534
Granville, Fred 1823
Grape, Frederick Reynold 2157
Gray, Charles Purson 4
Gray, Francis Frederick 1509
Gray, Frederick 3299
Gray, Frederick 3299
Gray, John 332
Gray, John 576
Gray, John Davie 572
Gray, Samuel 1495
Gray, Thomas John 147
Gray, William 2878
Green, John Thomas 2569
Green, Morris 3072
Green, Robert 402
Green, Thomas 3136
Green, Thomas William 2720
Green, William 844
Greene, John 2638
Greenhaugh, Reuban 856
Greenhill, Peter 1747
Greening, James 1027
Greenish, James 2979
Greenway, Henry Young 743
Greer, James 2030
Greer, Jenkin 2788
Gregory, Albert E
Gregory, Henry 2538
Gribbin, John 3078
Gribble, William John 1786
Gribble, William John 3339
Grier, J 2305
Grieve, Robert 946
Griffin, Harry 2481
Griffin, Walter Charles 959
Griffiths, Alfred 1778
Griffiths, Arthur 2561
Griffiths, Henry 689
Griffiths, John Thomas 2474
Grone, Louis 2443
Grove, Frederick 2471
Groves, Alfred 2406
Grubb, George 2969
Gruinson, Peter 2932
Guest, Ivor Arthur Melville 700
Guest, Montagne 2661
Gullett, Albert Edward 685
Gullett, Henry Hill 536
Gullett, Sidney 533
Gunningham, Henry 1089
Gunther, Adam 3313
Guthrie, John 275
Guy, Richard 1393