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Hack, Thomas 888
Haden, Henry 3403
Hage, James 853
Haggerty, John 187
Haidinger, James Joseph 38815
Haines, William 2270
Hains, Melville Reginald 35124
Halding, Joseph Arthur 2975
Hall, Arthur Herbert 1691
Hall, Charles 2954
Hall, Charles 645
Hall, Edward 2668
Hall, John 1942
Hall, Robert 2439
Hall, Robert 3511
Hall, Robert Edward 1582
Hall, Septimus Ward 2645
Hall, Thomas 545
Hall, Thomas Chalmus 35100
Halvey, William 418
Ham, Joseph 70
Hamet, William Warren 1982
Hamilton, James 2350
Hammant, Arthur Ernest 331
Hammond, John 288
Hampton, Richard Henry 1806
Handasyde, George Harris 1680
Handley, Richard 2555
Hanley, Christopher 2360
Hanlow, Percy 37471
Hanna, Joseph 1026
Hannan, Frank James Henry 2589
Hannan, Michael 2667
Hannay, Fred 3030
Hannay, Frederick 326
Hanneman, William 2520
Hanrahan, Patrick James 2957
Hanrahan, Patrick Joseph 2611
Hansbury, James 204
Hansell, Frederick 1842
Hansen, Herman 1969,
Hansen, Thorvald 2193
Harbottle, Roger 2492
Hardie, William John 115
Hardiman, William 630
Harding, John 2698
Hardingham, John 1777
Hardingham, John 3406
Hardwick, Arthur 2501
Hardy, Richard 2985
Hardy, Samuel 1914
Hare, Fred 2508
Hargreaves, Joseph 374
Harker, George 2171
Harlaw, John Henry 2554
Harmer, Charles 2473
Harmer, Ernest 1570
Harnett, John 1259
Harper, Frank 3921
Harper, James 1605
Harper, James 25631
Harris, Alfred Henry 2370
Harris, Fred 3322
Harris, John 2613
Harris, John 3270
Harris, John 3409
Harris, Maurice 2582
Harris, Robert Duckett 838,
Harris, Samuel 3116
Harris, William Frederick 1404
Harris, William Henry 1935
Harrison, Henry 1392
Harrison, James 2700
Harrison, Patrick William 1788
Harrison, Samuel Albert 3003
Harrison, William 1253
Harston, Walter 2505
Hart, Charles 435
Hart, Frank 1832
Hart, Herbert 3071
Hart, Peter 868
Hartley, John 1290
Hartley, John James 1328
Hartley, William Arthur 1808
Harvey, Gus 2145
Harvey, John 41
Harvey, William Henry 2714
Haslam, William 2971
Haslow, William 2181
Hastie, James 593
Hastings, Henry
Hattam, William John 836
Haughton, Frederick Samuel 689
Hauralaw, Partick J
Hawkens, Edward 835
Hawkins, John 2939
Haworth, Richard 1138
Hay, William 3524
Haydon, James 2968
Hayes, Jas 2331
Hayne, Robert 424
Haynes, Charles 116
Haytread, James Barnard 329
Hazelby, Benjamin 1973
Heard, William 137
Hearld, Samuel 538
Heath, Albert Edward 149
Heath, Harry 734
Heath, Robert 1782
Heath, Walter 3219
Heaton, Thomas 687
Heberley, Joseph 1690
Heberley, Joseph 1690
Hedley, Thomas 24
Heeley, Clement Frederick 57
Hemens, John Henry 1130
Hemens, John Henry 897
Hemmingway, Herbet 2792
Henderson, Alexander 37405
Henderson, Arnot 245
Henderson, George 37404
Henderson, Robert 165
Henderson, Robert 3064
Henderson, William 2325
Henderson, William 2808
Hendrie, George Thorn 894
Hendry, George 2516
Henley, William 114
Henry, Ernest Albert 2335
Henry, James 2963
Henshaw, Thomas 1886
Henwood, Richard 2550
Herald, William 2756 part 1
Herald, William 2756 part 2
Heraud, William 1372
Herbert, Arthur 1030
Herd, David 651
Herd, Robert 778
Herring, George 1134
Hetherington, Walter 1476
Hetherington, Walter 1476
Hewitt, James 2644
Hewitt, William 58
Hewitt, William E
Heydenrych, Thomas George 553
Heywood, Alfred Alavie 2250
Hickey, Francis 3013
Hickey, John 1766
Hicks, Frederick James 2399
Hicks, Frederick Jas 2790
Hicks, Henry 497
Hicks, Joseph 1495
Hicks, Stephen Henry 764
Higgins, Alfred 2642
Higgins, James 1799
Higgins, James 964
Highton, Thomas 2622
Higson, Ernest Thomas 2825
Hill, Fred 1231
Hill, Frederick T
Hill, Frederick T
Hill, Frederick T
Hill, Frederick T
Hill, Frederick T
Hill, George Pilcher 1638
Hill, John 2689
Hill, William Richard 1724
Hillcoat, Gavin 797
Hills, Samuel 2556
Hilton, William John 1802
Himlin, James Harris 1279
Himsworth, Benjamin 961
Hirsch, George 891
Hitchen, Charles Evan Parry 3300
Hitcheus, John Henry 582
Hobbs, Sidney G
Hobson, Charles 788
Hobson, James William 2965
Hockey, Thomas 1713
Hocking, Charles 293
Hocking, Frank 1807
Hocking, William John 3012
Hocking, William John 3012
Hodges, Albert Arthur 2672
Hodges, George Frederick 2868
Hodgkinson, John Henry 1371
Hodgson, Scott 2585
Hodgson, Tom Harrison 3160
Hodson, Harry 2195
Hogan, Dennis 3051
Hogarth, Charles 904
Hogg, Andrew 1701
Hogg, James 2218
Holden, Jonathan 19
Hole, Frederick 784
Hole, William James 965
Holes, Robert 2970
Holland, John 2238
Holland, John 2721
Holloway, Ernest Marshall 530
Holloways, Lewis 3045
Holman, James 1717
Holman, William Henry 1705
Holmes, Arthur Edward 728
Holmes, Charles 2982
Holmes, John 502
Holness, Charles 985
Holt, Frank 3430
Holt, William Harry 756
Holyoak, Alfred Frederick 1090
Homer, Ernest 1580
Honey, James 1267
Honey, William 389
Honnet, Hugh Anthony 29
Hooper, Isaac George 1865
Hope, John Vermon 123
Hopkins, Charles 1645
Horn, J
Hornsby, Thomas Brodrick 520
Horrill, John H 2040
Horsley, William James 264
Hosking, James 2809
Hounet, Percy White 273
Houseman, Charles Lawrence 559
Houston, Daniel 2750
Howard, Albert 1699
Howard, Charles 801
Howard, James 2316
Howells, James 2634
Howie, James 169
Howland, James 1906
Howlett, James 2312
Howson, George 754
Hoy, Henry William 3479
Hoy, William 162
Hudson, Douglas 2060
Hudson, Douglas 2060
Hudson, Frederick 37527
Hudson, William 2809
Hughes, David 2276
Hughes, Frederick Arthur 2266
Hughes, George 3212
Hughes, James 2882
Hughes, Thomas 2740
Hughes, William 2244
Hughes, William F 2588
Hugo, Harry 2264
Hugo, Harry 2762
Hulme, John 455
Hulme, William 802
Hulton, Roger 223
Hume, Peter Robertson 3530
Hunkin, John 35101
Hunt, Charles 1921
Hunt, George Sayer 857
Hunt, Samuel 3475
Hunter, Arnold 1524
Hunter, Arthur 3329
Hunter, John 1243
Hunter, John 952
Hunter, John Reid 2286
Hunter, John Reid 34
Hunter, Peter1568
Hunter, Robert 398
Hunter, William 3420
Hurst, John 1088
Hurst, John 1652
Hutchings, Thomas 2861
Hutchinson, John 2895
Hutchison, John 1021
Hutt, Stanley B
Hutton, Charles Edward Officer
Hutton, Henry Andrew 518
Hyde, Charles Thomas 990
Hyde, Frederick 23
Hynd, James 323
Hynes, John James 860
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