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Nancarrow, Sidney Herbert 2898
Nankervis, William 48
Nash, John 1326
Neal, Alfred 2979
Nechin, Leon 3027
Neck, William 1875
Neck, William Henry 3538
Neil, James 3034
Neill, James 2402
Neilson, Otto 3316
Neish, Robert 1539
Nelson, George 633
Nelson, James 1015
Nelson, John Joseph 1684
Nelson, Woodward 436
Nettle, Mathew 1408
Nettle, William Edwin 1156
Nevinson, Thomas 1419
Newcater, Alexander 408
Newman, Albert 102
Newman, Henry 1523
Newman, Percy Albert 2952
Newsain, Charles 1728
Newton, Arthur 3529
Newton, Daniel Lee 2742
Newton, Edward Charles 2937
Newton, Frederic 3124
Newton, Frederick Daniel 2210
Nicholl, Robert Alexander 954
Nicholls, Thomas 577
Nicholls, William Barrett 2596
Nichols, Richard 2053
Nicholso, EdwardAlbert 61
Nicholsom, John 585
Nicholson, Alexander 2071
Nicholson, Thomas 1757
Nicholson, Thomas 35103 part 1
Nicholson, Thomas 35103 part 2
Nicol, John 2009
Nielson, Oile 1792
Ninow, Albert 35155
Nisbet, John William 2464
Nisbett, Hugh 2297
Nixon, John Andrew 1641
Nixon, Robert George 1175
Nixon, Thomas Highmore 3157
Nobile, Edward 1421
Noble, John 155
Noble, Joseph Francis 1547
Noble, Thomas 403
Noble, William 508
Nolan, Alfred 1869
Nolan, George Henry 519
Nollenzie, James Henry 1664
Noonan, John 3507
Noran, William Morris 1379
Norman, Charles 1548
Norman, Stanley 2291
Norton, Herbert 2008
Norwood, William Henry 190
Nott, James 3112
Noy, William 1569
Noy, William 1569
Nugent, T
Nugent, T
Nulburn, Albert Edward 3534
Nutt, Robert 1314
Nye, John 37518
Parent Category: South African units attestation
Category: Railway Pioneer Regiment
Hits: 3178