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Oakley, David 2978
Oates, Joseph 1924
Odell, John 1459
Oesterle, John 411
Offer, John 3332
Officer, William 2813
Oldfield, Monleith 3438
Oliphant, John 1356
Oliver, Gabriel 3490
Oliver, George 1514
Oliver, Henry 1512
Olney, George 2433
Opie, Alfred Charles 35
Opie, John 2957
Orchard, Charles 2866
Ord, Joseph 3520
Orman, William 1560
Ormond, Samuel 3192
Orr, James 186
Orr, Robert 2957
Ortner, Evan George 3283
Osborn, Charles 912
Osborne, Edwin 1711 part 1
Osborne, Edwin 1711 part 2
Osborne, Edwin 1711 part 3
Osborne, Edwin 1711 part 4
Osborne, Edwin 1711 part 5
Osborne, John 1501
Otley, Henry 205
Ovey, Augustus 2079
Owen, Edward 2016
Owen, Owen William Officer
Owens, Frederick 3523
O'Brien, Francis 1849
O'Brien, Frank 3417
O'Brien, James 1546
O'Brien, James 60
O'Brien, Joseph 3535
O'Brien, Patrick 3193
O'Brien, Thomas 1665
O'Brien,Peter Copper 230
O'Connor, Christian John 3069
O'Connor, John Martin 1709
O'Hara Dennis 1576
O'Neil, Henry 1180
O'Neill, John Patrick 2246
O'Shannessy, Thomas 2984
Parent Category: South African units attestation
Category: Railway Pioneer Regiment
Hits: 2959