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Rabie, Johannes Jacobus 655
Rabinowity, Aron 1689
Rabinowitz, Soloman 1684
Radcliffe, Arthur 3481
Radin, Joseph 1402
Raeside, John 433
Raffter, Edward William 619
Raften, Chales Angustus Lacy 2119
Rainsbury, Sydney 2003
Ramsay, John 324
Ramsey, Thomas 2539
Ramsey, William 1159
Ramson, Robert 3274
Ranesbury, Alfred 2002
Rathmell, George Robert 206
Rawer, Joseph 624
Rawlinson, George 2045
Rawstorme, Godfrey Adam 439
Ray, James 1633
Ray, Philip 170
Ray, Phillip 170
Rayfield, Jack 1355
Raymond, John 543
Rayner, Charles 1919
Rayner, Edward 3044
Rayner, Harry 1698
Read Fleming 744
Reddrop, Warren John 2140
Reddy, Thomas 622
Redfern, Charles Harry Officer
Redford, John 2983
Redmond, Lewis 1295
Reece, William 2751
Reece, William 960
Reed, Frank Edward 1890
Reed, Nicholas John 3323
Reed, Richard 1428
Reeling, Thomas 1162
Rees, Jenkin 2339
Rees, Robert 317
Rees, Samuel 2658
Reeve, Albert 3118
Reid, James 3016
Reid, James Grey 2483
Reid, Mathew Henry 1315
Reid, Robert Alexander 1663
Reid, William 183
Reinhold, Carl William 1704
Rennie, James 3525
Renshaw, William 800
Rephan, William 3456
Reynolds, Frank 1899
Reynolds, Rupert Robert 2436
Reynolds, William J 2019
Rheme, Harry 1468
Rhodes, R
Rhodes, Richard Percy 2942
Rich, Arthur 2749
Rich, Arthur 2956
Richards, Charles 2941
Richards, Enoch 2789
Richards, Ernest 3039
Richards, Hubert Ashton 2722
Richards, James 270
Richards, James Philip 1365
Richards, John Arthur 279
Richards, Stanley 383
Richards, Thomas 1364
Richardson, Henry 1384
Richardson, John Balfour 362
Richardson, John Jackson 763
Richardson, Joseph 983
Richardson, Robert Johnson 393
Richardson, Thomas 1526
Richardson, Thomas 2042
Richardson, Thomas 217
Richardson, Thomas 3152
Richardson, Thomas 944
Richardson, Walter 558
Richaws, James 270
Richmond, Frank 3008
Richmond, James 425
Richmond, Walter 429
Ricketts, Arthur 1435
Ridding, William 1242
Ridding, William 1242
Riddle, James 3265
Riddle, Thomas Charles 3113
Ridgway, Alfred 1659
Ridley, George 2214
Ridley, Richard Alfred 1103
Rigby, Alfred 368
Rigby, John 2995
Rigg, Peter 1706
Riley, John 3177
Riley, Thomas 1756
Rimmer, Richard 2166
Rinnell, Fred J 1562
Riordan, Timothy Joseph 342
Ripley, James Buchlanan 2457
Ripper, H
Ritchie, James 2062
Ritchie, John Mackay 805
Roberge, Joseph Arthur 681
Roberts, Edwin 627
Roberts, George 711
Roberts, Harry 3330
Roberts, Henry 216
Roberts, Henry 529
Roberts, James 3329
Roberts, James 351
Roberts, John Therdore 2914
Roberts, Lusington 752
Roberts, Philip Arthur 644
Roberts, Reginald 3027
Roberts, Thomas Henry 3170
Roberts, William John 1948
Robertson, David 217
Robertson, David 3225
Robertson, Harry 2037
Robertson, Hugh 2452
Robertson, Hugh 2872
Robertson, James Campbell 652
Robertson, John 287
Robertson, John 816
Robertson, Robert 2235
Robertson, Robert 35133
Robertson, Thomas 1264
Robertson, William 172 part 1
Robertson, William 172 part 2
Robertson, William 172 part 3
Robertson, William 172 part 4
Robertson, William 172 part 5
Robertson, William 1959
Robinson, Abraham 2134
Robinson, Albert 3548
Robinson, Daniel 1034
Robinson, Fred 89
Robinson, William 2203
Robson, James H 940
Robson, Robert 378
Robson, Robert Ernest 1399
Robson, William 1133
Roche, Harold 723
Rock, Henry 2357
Rockman, Alfred George 2925
Rodda, George 716
Rodger, Leslie 804
Rodgers, Frank 482
Rodgers, John 2068
Roe, William Henry 189
Rogers, Alfred John 218
Rogers, Edward 1128
Rogers, Harry 2143
Rogers, James 2573
Rogers, Louis 701
Romaines, Thomas 3540
Rook, Louis 2548
Rooney, Bernard 1768
Rooney, Bernard 1768
Rooney, Bernard 3470
Rose, C
Rose, George 3466
Rose, William 2676
Rose, William Henry 920
Rosenberg, Joseph 2919
Rosenberg, Louis 2529
Rosinberg, George 2949
Ross, George 1838
Ross, George 43052
Ross, High 1729
Ross, James William 1617
Ross, John3013
Ross, W 634
Roswear, James 1108
Rouch, James Henry 457
Rous, James Couper Officer
Rowe, Benjamin 30
Rowe, Benjamin Henry 840
Rowe, Martin 131
Rowe, William 2690
Rowe, William 3204
Rowe, William 65
Rowe, William Henry 1629
Rowillard, Richard A Officer
Rowrke, John 1238
Roy, Martin 922
Rudd, Charles 1878
Rudolf, Peter 2470
Rule, Charles 1368
Rule, Edwin 1772
Rule, Edwin 2408
Rule, Edwin 3408
Rule, William Edward 2363
Rummey, David 1357
Rumney, David 1313
Rumney, William 1367
Rumsey, Charles 3004
Russell, Charles 1934
Russell, Ernest 252
Russell, Harry Albert 2117
Russell, John 1258
Russell, Milton 3184
Russells, Harry Albert 2879
Rust, Alfred 2659
Rutter, John 540
Ryan, George Whitney 1008
Ryan, John 2967
Ryan, Miles 1332
Ryan, Myles 3068
Ryan, Peter 35
Ryder, Aaga 662
Rymer, George 25
Rymer, George 305
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