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Sackett, John 665
Sackville, John 1282
Sainsbury, Frederick 3547
Salisbury, Charles Kingsley 3281
Salmon, Thomas Henry 177
Salter, George 953
Salters, John 232
Saltmarsh, George 1856
Sampson, Edward Gadd 3437
Samways, Sydenham 2289
Sanders, Arthur Thomas 1984
Sanders, Josph Thomas 9739
Sanders, Robert James 2450
Sanderson, John 3164
Sanderson, Robert 1543
Sandham, George 77
Sandham, Robert 676
Sands, William 2286
Sands, William 2900
Saner, Charles Berry Officer
Sara, William Harold 461
Sarah, Hugh H 2502
Saudrey, John Gifford 881
Saunders, Alfred 2459
Saunders, James Moran 2444
Saunders, William Haenry 2746
Saundry, John 2267
Savage, Frank Aswald 2935
Savage, Hugh 615
Savant, Charles 2547
Savory, Thomas Walter 2383
Scales, Walter 2050
Scanlan, James Leslie 2509
Scarbook, William 87
Scarfe, F
Schayot, Frank 2546
Scherer, Charles 1268
Schiaffino, Louis 3001
Schmieder, Johannes 2816
Schorder, Joseph Paul 1826
Schreiner, James 1925
Schultz, Charles 2973
Schwabe, Charles 709
Schwartz, Henry 2909
Schwartz, Morrice 355
Scott, Harry 82
Scott, James 1305
Scott, James 608
Scott, James 693
Scott, James Alexander 1626
Scott, John 37407
Scott, Joseph 3011
Scott, Norman 3
Scott, Thomas 1555
Scrimgeour, William 1192
Scudamore, Reginald Arthur 3257
Scully, Charles 1228
Seale, Robert William 239
Sealeaf, John Joseph 3012
Searchfield, Edwin 1257
Searle, Frank 712
Searle, William George 1931
Seawright, Robert 2980
Seddon, James 1506 part 1
Seddon, James 1506 part 2
Seddon, James 1506 part 3
Seddon, James 1506 part 4
Seddon, James 1506 part 5
Segrave, Owen 142
Selcombe, Samuel 640
Sellers, John William 737
Selman, Cyril 1918
Semple, Hugh 1867
Seno, Engenio 3248 part 1
Seno, Engenio 3248 part 2
Seno, Engenio 3248 part 3
Seno, Engenio 3248 part 5
Seno, Engenio 3248 part4
Seriven, Arthur 1347
Sexton, John 1188
Sexton, John 3345
Seymour, Louis Irving 7
Seymour, William 3234
Shakerley, Charles 255
Shannon, John 963
Shannon, William 3537
Sharp, Alexander 441
Sharp, Howard Graham 1718
Sharpe, Charles Edwin 657
Sharpe, George James 2514
Sharpe, Harry 798
Sharpe, William 1163
Sharper, William 2579
Shaw, Albert 1057
Shaw, Alfred 2785
Shaw, Alfred 3258
Shaw, Harry 1940
Shaw, Harry Charles 494
Shaw, John 1602
Shaw, John 2118
Shaw, R 490
Shaw, Richard 845
Shaw, Thomas 3042
Shaw, Thomas 3556
Shea, James 2670
Sheldrake, William 1790
Sheldrake, William 1790
Shelley, William Joseph 3493
Shelton, Henry John 1234
Shepard, Ambrose David 540
Shepherd, Wilson 1198
Sherraw, James Stewart 2416
Sherrington, James 2322
Shields, Alexander 1215
Shields, Fred 1397
Shiell, Walter Durrant 634
Shillets, John William 786
Shimmin, James 1111
Shimmin, John 834
Shimmin, William 279
Shine, John 3240
Shipley, John 1121
Shipley, John Robert 282
Shodroske, Francis Patrick 238
Shooter, James 1014
Short, Henry 1780
Short, John 1504
Short, John 3090
Short, William 1771
Sim, John 606
Sim, Thomas 3033
Simmett, James 1187
Simmons, B 2320
Simmons, Edward Patrick
Simmons, Nicholas 2782
Simons, Charles 3233
Simpson, Herbert Dalziel 2694
Simpson, Matthew 1614
Simpson, Matthew 3245
Simpson, Richard Davis 2188
Simpson, Robert Crossman 1556
Simpson, Robert Inglis 2371
Simpson, Sidney 905
Simpson, William 442
Sinclair, Alexander
Sinclair, Alexander 3303
Sinclair, Duncan 267
Sinclair, Duncan Macdonald 777
Sinclair, Ephrain 799
Sinclair, Harry Francis 1640
Sinclair, James Alexander 1221
Sinclair, James Alexander 3478
Sinclair, John 1527
Sinclair, John 1527
Sinnott, Harry Joseph 2935
Sitka, Joseph 1677
Skaberg, John Jacob 672
Skekcos, Dennis 1214
Skews, Samuel Francis 1897
Skidmore, Arthur 1190
Skinner, William 757
Skirrow, Wilfred 495
Skuse, Charles Erenest 2220
Skuse, Charles Ernest 3416
Slactery, Patrick 1254
Slann, Alfred 2341
Slater, Frank 220
Slater, Sidney H 1554
Sleep, William John
Slight, Charles 2903
Sloman, Daniel 2129
Small, Frank 47
Smallery, Thomas 178
Smart, John 391 part 1
Smart, John 391 part 2
Smart, John 391 part 3
Smart, John 391 part 4
Smart, John 391 part 5
Smart, William 607
Smeaton, Charles W 1676
Smith, Adolph 761
Smith, Albert Edward 250
Smith, Alexander 383
Smith, Alfred Beattie 1342
Smith, Arthur John 1830
Smith, Bernard 1528
Smith, Bernard 3320
Smith, Charles 1913
Smith, Charles T 966
Smith, Daniel 2961
Smith, Frank 124
Smith, Frank 2031
Smith, Frank Poole 1714
Smith, Frank Poole 35098
Smith, George Jasper 3075
Smith, Harry Hawke 423
Smith, Henry Charles 472
Smith, James 611
Smith, James 987
Smith, James Nelson 2001
Smith, John 1781
Smith, John 1320
Smith, John 1394
Smith, John 1694
Smith, John 1781
Smith, John 2572
Smith, Joseph Solomon 1447
Smith, Matthew 432
Smith, Richard 3015
Smith, Richard 673
Smith, Robert 1729
Smith, Thomas 2496
Smith, Thomas Edward 160
Smith, Thomas George 3126
Smith, Thomas George 928
Smith, Thomas Robert 54
Smith, Thomas William 2814
Smith, William 1461
Smith, William Carr 2999
Smith, William Edward Charles 3168
Smith, William Officer
Smth, James 2144
Smyth, Gerald William 304
Smyth, W
Smyth, William 1479
Sneddon, John Percival 2976
Sochall, Hyman 1296
Soho, Paul 3446
Solery, Nicholas 2055
Sosa, Jose 2987
Soulsby, Robert 3002
Southward, John Spencer 1182
Southwood, Isaac Henry 1118
Sowdew, William Hosking 218
Sowdew, William Hosking 2551
Spangler, Martin 2376
Speake, John Officer
Speirs, Daniel 1195
Spence, Thomas 2099
Spence, Arthur Baldwin 779
Spence, John William 1608
Spence, Thomas 2099
Spencer, Clifton 3228
Spooner, Walter 1923
Springer, Frederick Joseph 660
Spry, Robert 1338
Stafford, John 1789
Stafford, Samuel 180
Staines, Frederick 1873
Stainsby, Robert W 1139
Stainton, John 1396
Standish, Thomas 927
Stanham, Arthur 2512
Stanton, Richard 3471
Stanwell, Robert Alfred 1682
Stark, Herbert Spencer Officer
Statham, Darcy 2931
Staunton, John 3231
Stead, William 2043
Steadman, George 3551
Steele, Alfred 718
Steele, David 1261
Steele, John 1058
Steele, John 312
Steele, Thomas 1631
Steele, William Edward 749
Steele, William Henry 1122
Steeple, George 1767 part 1
Steeple, George 1767 part 2
Steer, George Percy 2228
Steere, Thomas 35097
Stephens, Ernest John 71
Stephens, Hugh 1325
Stephens, Richard 73
Sternslow, Andrew Joseph 989
Stevendon, Denholm Brown 2630
Stevens, Charles William 2059
Stevens, James 2170
Stevens, James 2170
Stevens, James 2724
Stevens, James 2922 part 1
Stevens, James 2922 part 2
Stevens, James 2922 part 3
Stevens, James 2922 part 4
Stevens, James 2922 part 5
Stevens, John Graham 579 part 1
Stevens, John Graham 579 part 2
Stevens, John Graham 579 part 3
Stevens, John Graham 579 part 4
Stevens, Paul 3171
Stevenson, Caleb Thomas 2988
Stevenson, Percy Alexander 449
Stevenson, William Bowie 466
Stewart, Allen Martin 3498
Stewart, Finlay 803
Stewart, James 3246
Stewart, James Alexander 829
Stewart, John 2908 part 1
Stewart, John 2908 part 2
Stewart, William 3539
Stirton, Charles 2126
Stoate, William Henry 1653
Stocker, Henry Eugene 152
Stockett, Alfred Walter 723
Stockman, Edward 2430
Stokes, William 211
Stone, Ernest 397
Stone, James 2656
Stone, Percy Augustus 2913
Stone, William 1719
Stonestreet, George David Officer
Stonham, Arthur 2512
Storey, James 2691
Storm, Walter 1876
Storyan, William 1065
Stott, Joseph 626
Strangham, James 1581 part 1
Strangham, James 1581 part 2
Strassun, Harris 3169
Strauch, Conrad Ernest 2787
Straughan, James 1581
Streadfield, Robert 2135
Strofield, Charles 1649
Strong, Alfred 2255
Strongwell, Thomas 2758
Stroud, Richard George 335
Stroyan, William 105
Stuart, A 2951
Stuart, Alexander 623
Stuart, Donald Richard 132 part 1
Stuart, Donald Richard 132 part 2
Stuart, John 37
Stuart, Wilfred 3462
Stubbs, Frederick 292
Stubbs, Robert 2288
Stuthridge, Albert 3289
Sugarman, Max 210
Sullivan, John 3515
Sullivan, John Frances 2777
Sullivan, Morry 3516
Sullivan, Nicholl 2865
Sullivan, Patrick 2860
Sullivan, William Henry 2917
Summerlee, Henry 2475
Summers, Andrew 562
Summers, Joseph 3066
Sumner, Ernest Officer
Surman, Thomas Hendy 924
Sussman, Samuel 2997
Sutherland, David140
Sutherland, George 179
Sutherland, George 3058
Sutherland, John 753
Sutherland, Robert 684
Suttie, Archibald 3333
Sutton, Alfred 2736
Sutton, Alfred 327
Sutton, Alfred
Swan, George 448
Swan, Thomas Edmund 2136
Swandon, James 141
Swanson, Charles 2599
Swanston, John 2048
Swanston, John Percy 3054
Sweeney, Josph 2494
Swift, George 1464
Swindells, Henry C 2151 part 1
Swindells, Henry C 2151 part 2
Swindells, Henry C 2151 part 3
Swindells, Henry C 2151 part 4
Swindells, Henry C 2151 part 5
Switzer, John William 456
Sword, William 2069
Sykes, Sydney Richard 980
Syme, William 2476
Symonds, Herbert 2564
Symons, A 3060
Symons, Algernon 1289
Symons, Algernon 3060
Symons, Algernon 41996
Symons, Bertie 469
Symons, Henry Herbert 276