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The Imperial Military Railways (IMR) were formed from an amalgamation of Orange Free State Government Railways, the Netherlands-South African Railway Company and the Pretoria-Pietersburg Railway.

The IMR was commanded by Lieutenant-Colonel Sir Percy Girouard.

At the end of the war, in July 1902, the IMR became the Central South African Railways in July 1902

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(3198 Records)

 Surname   Forename/inits   Regimental no   Rank   Notes 
AbbottC LSource: WO100/252
AbrahamsJSource: WO100/252
AbrahamsJSource: WO100/252
AbramsJ WSource: WO100/252
AckerleyGSource: WO100/252
AdairW RSource: WO100/252
AdamEmilSource: WO100/252
AdameRSource: WO100/252
AdameT LSource: WO100/252
AdamsASource: WO100/252
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