Lydenburg is a town in the Eastern Transvaal.

Raised by the District Commissioner primarily to keep order and for the defence of the town. Were several times under fire and did good work. 

See the forum posts on the Lydenburg Mounted Police.

Regimental no: 
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(12 Records)

 Surname   Forename/inits   Regimental no   Rank   Notes 
ArmstrongJSource: QSA and KSA rolls
BernardWSource: QSA and KSA rolls
DavyO HSource: QSA and KSA rolls
De LormeF WSource: QSA and KSA rolls
EdwardsH LSource: QSA and KSA rolls
KellyJSource: QSA and KSA rolls
MackeyASource: QSA and KSA rolls
MorrisonASource: QSA and KSA rolls
OatsWSource: QSA and KSA rolls
StevensG ASource: QSA and KSA rolls
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