Article Index

There is just a single page for this unit including the sole name of Trooper C L Bowker. His CC clasp is crossed through. The page is sandwiched between Cathcart DMT and Cathcard TG in WO100/280p212. The roll page is dates 15 June 1908.

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 Surname   Forename/inits   Regimental no   Rank   Notes 
BowkerC LEmployed as despatch rider to military at Cathcart and acted on occasions as orderly to Commandant Cathcart. Acted as guide to Colonel Lukin from Teaan (?) to Seymour. Employed as scout for military. Employed by Deputy Administrator of Military Law to collect wagons and ????? commandeered for military purposes. Executed all military duties required of him while Trooper in Special Mounted Police force at Cathcart.

Source: Medal rolls
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