The Natal Volunteers were constituted under Ordinance as far back as 1854. In 1873, 300 of the force took part in the Langalibalele Expedition and suffered casualties. The whole force was called out in 1879 to take part in the Zulu War, and at Isandhlwana Lieutenant G. Shepstone and 32 volunteers were killed. In 1896 a new Volunteer Act was passed; members became partially paid and had to undergo ten days' continuous training. Colonel William Royston was appointed Commandant, and Lieutenant Colonel Bru-de-Wold Chief Staff 0fficer. Colonel Royston had taken part in the war service above noted. He had passed through the ranks and knew what his force should be able to do and how they could be best taught. To the unwearied exertions of these two officers, and to the fact that the material was good, must be given the credit for the efficient state in which the force was found when the war broke out, - a state which enabled it to do work which could not have been excelled by regulars. On 28th September 1899 the whole of the volunteers in the colony were ordered to mobilise, ostensibly for ten days' training, and before the actual declaration of war much good work had been done. In the beginning of October the volunteers and police were distributed as follows:



Commanding Officer

Strength – all ranks


Natal Field Artillery

Captain Daniel Taylor

123 and 6 x 2.5 guns


Border Mounted Rifles

Major J. F. Rethman


Ladysmith and Acton Homes

Natal Carbineers

Lieutenant Colonel E. M. Greene

3 squad.  Ladysmith

1 troop Dundee

1 troop Colenso

Natal Mounted Rifles

Major R. W. Evans



Umvoti Mounted Rifles

Major George Leuchars


Helpmakaar District

1 troop southern border

Natal Naval Volunteers

Commander G.  Tatum


Ladysmith, 1 R.M.L.  9-pr, 2 Hotchkiss.

Estcourt, 15  men, 1 gun.

Colenso, 30 men, 2 guns

Durban Light Infantry

Lieutenant-Colonel T. M Cubbin



Natal Royal Rifles

Captain A. Williamson



Natal Bridge Guards


Various stations

Natal Volunteer Medical Corps

Major J. Hyslop


Chiefly Ladysmith

Natal Police



Natal Volunteer Veterinary Corps

Major Watson-Pitchford


Chiefly Ladysmith

A Hotchkiss gun detachment was in October raised on very short notice at Pietermaritzburg for service in the war, mobilised 21 strong, guns two 3-pounder Hotchkiss drawn by mules, sent to Ladysmith. There was also organised a transport and commissariat corps, Captain G. Geddie, 2 officers, 6 men, and 300 mules; other drivers were enlisted.

As was afterwards stated in despatches, one or other of these bodies was represented in every action fought in the Colony. On 2nd October the Natal Carbineers were ordered to patrol the Free State Border and observe the passes, and within the next few days the cyclists of the Durban Light Infantry were patrolling from Colenso to Springfield, covering 80 miles on bad roads in twelve hours. Along with the Natal Naval Volunteers the Durban Regiment was employed in building forts near Colenso. The Umvoti Mounted Rifles were watching the drifts lower down the Tugela, - an invaluable service, which they performed for many months; other bodies were on outpost duty.

On 12th October war was declared, the enemy entered Natal, and their movements were reported by the Carbineers. When Major Taunton reported the enemy's movement, the Intelligence Department discredited this, and he had to send a patrol to locate, or rather look into, the hostile laager. On the 17th, No. 1 squadron of the Border M.R., under Captain Royston, was fired on at the foot of the Tintwa Pass; and on the same night Captain Wales, Volunteer Staff, with a troop of Natal M.R., set out to patrol the Waschbank Valley, passing through several parties of Boers and covering 126 miles in forty-eight hours. On the 18th Sir George White asked the Natal M.R. for a bodyguard of 24 non-commissioned officers and men; Captain F. S. Tatham of the Carbineers was chosen as commander. On this date the enemy advanced in force, and the Border M.R. from Acton Homes and the Carbineers from Van Reenen's and other passes had, according to the GOC's orders, to retire nearer to Ladysmith. On the 20th the Umvoti men reported heavy firing at Dundee. This was, of course, the severe engagement fought by General Penn-Symons in order to drive the enemy off Talana Hill, which commanded his camp. It will be remembered that the general was mortally wounded. His successor, Brigadier-General Yule, finding that he was being threatened by very superior forces, started at 9 pm on the 22nd to withdraw his force to Ladysmith. Colonel Dartnell, chief commissioner of the Natal Police, was on the staff of General Penn-Symons at Talana Hill, and was beside the general when he fell. Two of the police acting as orderlies to Colonel Dartnell were wounded in the engagement. On the 20th No. 4 squadron of the Carbineers captured four Boer scouts.

On the 21st General French and Sir George White fought the battle of Elandslaagte. In his despatch of 2nd November 1899, para. 14, Sir George mentioned that before that battle the Natal Field Battery moved out with General French at 4 am; some of the Natal M.R. and Carbineers were also with him. When the enemy were found near the station the battery opened fire, but the position was strong, and the little guns were outranged; reinforcements had therefore to be got. Before the main action commenced one squadron from each of the 5th Lancers, 5th Dragoon Guards, and Natal M.R. were sent out to turn the enemy's right flank and harass his rear. Two squadrons of the Natal M.R. took part in the final pursuit. On the night of the 21st Sergeant Schroeder and Corporal Jones of the Umvoti M.R. bore the good news of the Elandslaagte victory to General Yule; to reach him they had to pass through large bodies of the enemy.

On the 22nd Surgeon Hornabrook, medical officer of the Natal M.R., when seven miles out from Ladysmith, met a Boer patrol of 25 men. Although alone he shouted to the party to surrender, as the Boers had been defeated and they were surrounded. The demand was promptly obeyed, the party giving up their rifles to three of their own number, and the triumphant doctor led his 25 prisoners into Elandslaagte Station. If this tale were not vouched for by the Natal Staff it would probably not be credited.

On the 23rd Colonel Royston got permission to send out Captain Wales and 24 of the Carbineers (Dundee troop), who had themselves arrived in Ladysmith from Dundee on the 22nd. Captain Wales was to endeavour to come into contact with Yule; he found the column at Van Tonder's Pass, to which place it had been led by Colonel Dartnell.

In his despatch of 2nd December 1899 Sir George White mentions that the Natal Mounted Volunteers were with him at Rietfontein on 24th October (see Imperial Light Horse). After the engagement was well developed "the Natal Mounted Volunteers, who had been with the Cavalry, had been recalled, and as the enemy showed some disposition to work round my left flank as if to cut me off from Ladysmith, I sent this force under Colonel Royston to work round the Boer right and cover my left flank, a movement which was most successfully performed." In a report to the Chief-of-Staff Colonel Royston drew attention to the gallant manner in which Major Taunton, Natal Carbineers, afterwards killed, and Major Sangmeister, Border Mounted Rifles, seized a kopje under heavy fire, and bringing a maxim gun into action speedily cleared out the enemy. Also, on the same date, to the gallant behaviour, and devotion to the wounded, under a heavy fire, of Captains Platt and Buntine of the Volunteer Medical Staff. Colonel Royston also detailed gallant acts on the part of Troopers Seed (Police) and C. E. J. Miller, D. A. Shaw, and Rowland Watts (Carbineers). The gun team alluded to lost 2 killed; the other casualties among the volunteers were - Border M.R. 9 wounded, Carbineers 2 killed, 10 wounded, and Natal M.R. 3 wounded.

On the 25th Colonel Royston took out the whole of the Mounted Volunteers to assist Yule, whose force was found eighteen miles out. The roads were beyond description, and the rear of the column had to wade, often beyond their knees, in liquid mud. On the 26th, Yule's column entered Ladysmith. On the 27th and two following days most of the Mounted Volunteers were out, and found the enemy gathering in great strength beyond Lombard's Kop. In describing the battle of Lombard's Kop, 30th October 1899, Sir George said that 200 Natal Mounted Volunteers were sent out on the evening of the 29th to hold Lombard's Kop and Bulwana Mountain; and the remainder of the Mounted Volunteers, with the 5th Lancers and 19th Hussars, moved out with 'General French at 3 am on the 30th to endeavour to cover the right flank in the main action. The Natal Field Battery formed part of Grimwood's force on the right of the infantry line. It will be remembered that General French could not get much beyond the Pass between Lombard's Kop and Bulwana; while Grimwood's Brigade was heavily pressed on its right, and the whole force had ultimately to retire on Ladysmith. In the same despatch, speaking of Colonel W. Royston, Sir George said "The services which Colonel Royston and the forces under his command have rendered to the State and Colony have been of the very highest value. In him I have found a bold and successful leader, and an adviser whose experience of the Colony and of the enemy has been of great value to me. Employed on arduous duty from the commencement of the campaign, in touch with the enemy, I have found him prompt and ready for every emergency; he and his force reflect the greatest credit on the colony of Natal." On the 30th the Natal M.R. lost Lieutenant Clapham killed and 3 men wounded.

In the despatch of 23rd March 1900, para 4, Sir George stated that on 31st October he sent the 2nd Royal Dublin Fusiliers and the Natal Field Battery to Colenso to assist in defending the bridges on the Tugela; but they were soon forced to retire farther south.

When the siege commenced the following were part of the garrison:


Volunteer Staff, including Medical and Veterinary



Natal Carbineers



Border Mounted Rifles



Natal Mounted Rifles



Natal Naval Volunteers



Hotchkiss Detachment



Natal Police




These formed the Volunteer Brigade under Colonel Royston, with Lieutenant Colonel H. T. Bru-de-Wold as Chief Staff Officer. The Naval volunteers were generally split up throughout the siege, part being on Caesar's Camp and part at Gordon Post. Between 1st November and the end of February the Natal Mounted Volunteers were frequently engaged. On 2nd November they were, with other troops, out reconnoitering; on the 3rd they were sent to cover the retirement of another force. On this occasion the Carbineers had Major Taunton and Sergeant Mapston killed, and the Border M.R. lost Captain Arnott and 11 men wounded. Section D of the defences of Ladysmith was placed under Colonel Royston. This included the thorn country north of Caesar's Camp and the Klip River Flats. Colonel Royston lost no time in building sangars and digging trenches, and soon had his section greatly strengthened. On 9th November the enemy attacked, firing 800 shells into the town; but their attack was driven off. On the 14th the Volunteers were out with Major-General Brocklehurst, and, along with the Imperial Light Horse, seized Star Hill; but it was not held permanently. When Sir Archibald Hunter made his deservedly famous sortie on 7th December to destroy the Boer guns on Gun Hill, his force consisted of 500 Natal Mounted Volunteers under Colonel Royston, 100 Imperial Light Horse (see that regiment), and a few Royal Engineers, artillerymen, and guides. The storming-parties were 100 Carbineers, Major Addison, and 100 ILH, Lieutenant Colonel Edwards. Two big guns were destroyed and one maxim brought back. Colonel Royston was among those specially mentioned in the body of the despatch. Sir George White had the ILH and Volunteers paraded on the following day, and, addressing them, said " that he did not wish to use inflated or exaggerated language, but the men of Sir Archibald Hunter's party were a credit, not only to the colony, but to the Empire. There was a lot of severe fighting to do, but it was a gratification to a General to have the help of such men."

Within the next few days Colonel Royston offered to supply volunteers to blow up Waschbank Bridge, but after the column had been paraded at night those in authority resolved not to send it out. On other occasions Colonel Royston made valuable suggestions, which were acted on.

The town and camps were during the siege constantly under shell-fire, and on 18th December one 6-inch shell bursting in the camp of the Carbineers killed 4 men, wounded 6 men, and destroyed 10 horses. The times were trying, but hard digging, sangar building, and brigade sports kept the men fairly fit. In the repulse of the great attack of 6th January 1900 the volunteers took a prominent part. The following is the report furnished by Colonel Royston to the Chief of the Staff : "I have to report that on Saturday, 6th inst., at about 4.15 am, I received information by telephone from headquarters that the enemy were making an attack on Wagon Hill. I at once despatched 80 men of the Natal MR, under Major Evans, to strengthen the outposts on the Flats, then held by 1 officer and 40 men Natal Police, attached to Volunteers, and 1 officer and 20 men Natal Carbineers. The Town Guard was also directed to stand fast at its post on the left bank of the Klip River. As it had been intimated that a battery of artillery would be placed at my disposal, I directed two squadrons Border MR, with one maxim, to accompany the guns. Major Abadie, at about 5.40 am, reported his guns in position near the point where the road to Caesar's Camp crosses the town rifle-range. On my arrival at the outpost line, at 5 am, the enemy were occupying the extreme south-eastern point of Caesar's Hill, well under cover amongst the rocks and bushes. About 50 men were visible from the Flats, but more appeared to be pushing on from the west in small parties. These men were being fired on from the thorn trees and from sangars below by my men as soon as they appeared in sight. A few minutes after my arrival the enemy advanced north along the top of the hill, firing at a party of 'Gordons' near a sangar about 500 yards to their front. I requested the officer commanding the battery to open fire, which he did with good effect, stopping the enemy's advance, and driving them into the rocks. As there appeared to be only a small party of the 'Gordons' opposed to the enemy at this spot, as far as I could see from below, I directed a squadron of Border MR, under Lieutenant Royston, to climb the hill and go to their assistance dismounted. This would be about 6 am. On my men joining the Gordons the party advanced towards the enemy in the rocks, but were at first driven back by their heavy fire, and the enemy again advanced. The battery again opened fire, and the 'Gordons' and the Border MR again advancing, drove the enemy over the point of the hill, and they never again mounted to the crest. At mid-day the enemy had retired about half way down the southern slope of the hill, but still kept up a heavy fire. Unfortunately, it was impossible to get at these with artillery fire from where the battery was limbered, owing to the danger of hitting our own people on the crest of the hill, and the officer commanding the battery did not consider it advisable, owing to the rough ground to cross, and to exposure to Bulwana, to advance any of his guns as far as our outpost line, from which point the enemy could be reached. Rifle-fire was kept up until the enemy finally got into the bed of the Fourie Spruit, where he could only be reached from the top of Caesar's Hill. A heavy fire was kept up until dark, when it gradually ceased, and the enemy appeared to be retiring up the Fourie Spruit. My casualties were 4 men killed and 2 officers and 10 men wounded. I wish to bring to notice the gallant manner in which the battery of artillery, under Major Abadie, stuck to its ground under the very heavy fire from the 6 inch gun and another long range gun on Umbulwana, and also the excellent practice made by the battery. I also consider that Lieutenant Royston, Border MR, did good service with his men. The behaviour of Captain Platt and Lieutenant Hornabrook, Vol. Med. Corps, in attending to the wounded throughout the day under heavy fire, deserves special mention; the last-named officer was wounded, besides having his clothes pierced by a bullet."

A detachment of the Natal Naval Volunteers, with a 3-pounder Hotchkiss, were part of the garrison on Caesar's Camp, and took part in the struggle. On Wagon Hill the Hotchkiss gun, manned by Volunteers under Captain Walker, was very heavily attacked. Case shot was used with some effect, but the gun detachment, having lost 2 killed, were driven back. Captain Walker succeeded in dismantling the breech before leaving.

One of the outposts which were first attacked on the Flats was held by Natal Police; the officer commanding it being absent, the senior non-commissioned officer, Sergeant Woon, although severely wounded in the neck, assumed command, and held the post until reinforced by a squadron of the Natal Mounted Rifles.

Colonel Royston was again most highly praised by Sir George White for his work on the 6th. The Naval Volunteers had 2 killed and several wounded, the Carbineers 4 wounded, the Natal Mounted Rifles had Lieutenant Richardson killed and several other casualties. Captain Wales of the Volunteer staff was killed, and the Police also had a few casualties.

On 18th January Lieutenant Colonel Bru-de-Wold was severely wounded by shrapnel. On the 22nd Troopers Inman and Agnew, Natal Mounted Rifles, volunteered to attempt to blow up railway bridges used by the enemy. These two men made their way through the investing lines, but found the bridges very closely guarded; eventually they succeeded in joining the troops south of the Tugela. On 1st March, the day after Dundonald rode into Ladysmith, Colonel Royston took out 150 Volunteers; he came in contact ''with the enemy; in this affair 1 officer and 2 men of the Police were wounded.

At the close of his despatch regarding the siege, Sir George White said: " The Natal Volunteers have performed invaluable service; their knowledge of the country has been of the very greatest use to me, and in every action in which they have been engaged they have shown themselves most forward and daring. The Natal Naval Volunteers have proved themselves worthy comrades of the land forces of the colony."

As in the case of the Imperial Light Horse, one portion of the Natal Volunteers took part in the relief of Ladysmith, while another portion was shut up in the town. As soon as the enemy had closed in on Ladysmith, they turned their attention to the force at Colenso: Dublin Fusiliers, Durban Light Infantry some Natal Naval Volunteers, and the Natal Field Battery. On 3rd November Colonel Cooper, who commanded this force, found it necessary to retire to Estcourt.

Sixty men of the Durban Light Infantry formed part of the personnel of the armoured train which at this time patrolled daily from Estcourt to Colenso. On 15th November a rail was removed or twisted, and the train was attacked; 2 men of the Durban regiment were killed, Captain J. Wyllie and 15 were wounded, and 19 were taken prisoners, of whom 8 were wounded, 1 mortally. A squadron of Carbineers and one of Imperial Light Horse came out to the help of the armoured train. These reinforcements drove back the enemy, killing 3. Some of the Durban Light Infantry, Natal Royal Rifles, a squadron of Carbineers, and some of the Police were present in the action at Willow Grange on 22nd and 23rd November under Colonel Martyr (see General Hildyard's Report of 24th November 1899). Four guns of the Natal Artillery were out on reconnaissance work in the same district about this time. On the 27th the Volunteers moved forward to Frere, but when General Buller arrived he sent most of them back to the lines of communication. On 9th December a detachment of Naval Volunteers, 2 officers and 47 men, joined the Naval Brigade of Captain Jones, RN, and with him worked the big guns throughout the relief operations. It was soon found that the services of the mounted men would be needed at the front, and a composite regiment was made up, including 1 squadron Imperial Light Horse, 1 squadron Carbineers, some regular Mounted Infantry, and some of the Police. This regiment was, on 15th December, in the battle of Colenso with Lord Dundonald, on the right, at Hlangwane Mountain; the Volunteers were heavily engaged, losing 4 men killed, 2 officers, Lieutenants D. W. M'Kay and R. W. Wilson of the Carbineers, and 6 men wounded. The regiment accompanied Dundonald to Potgieter'e Drift, Trichard's Drift, and Acton Homes (see Imperial Light Horse and South African Light Horse). The regiment remained with Dundonald throughout the great struggle to break through the chain of Boer defences. Like the remainder of Dundonald's Brigade they did fine work at Acton Homes on 18th January 1900, where the Carbineer Scouts were the first to discover the enemy; also at the seizure of Cingolo, Monte Cristo, and other important positions (14th to 27th February). In these operations the Volunteers suffered a few casualties.

At the crossing of the Tugela on 17th January Troopers D. Sclanders and F. T. Woods of the Natal Carbineers saved several men from drowning, and Sclanders got the Royal Humane Society's Silver Medal.

When Dundonald rode into Ladysmith on the evening of 28th February, he was accompanied by some Carbineers, Natal Mounted Rifles, Border Mounted Rifles, and Natal Police, the officers being Major D. M'Kenzie, Lieutenants Silburn, M'Kay Verney, Richards, Ashburnham, and Abraham. None of those present will ever forget this ride, probably the most memorable occasion in the lives of any of them.

To the regret of the whole Volunteer force Colonel Royston was invalided on 16th March. The hardships of the siege had weakened a tough constitution. He was seized by enteric and died on 6th April. The following sentence extracted from the 'Record' of the Natal Volunteers was penned by one of the officers who served under him: "Called to the command when the hand of a strong man was required to mould an embryo defence force into an efficient fighting machine, the achievements of the Volunteers, whether individually when detached for special duty, or collectively, more than justified the predictions made when he assumed the command, and had he been spared to complete the work he was so peculiarly fitted for, it cannot be denied that the Natal Volunteers would have played an even more important part in the concluding phases of the war than they did."

While General Buller was pounding away along the Tugela some of the Natal Volunteers under Major G. Leuchars were usefully employed about Greytown and the Zululand border. The Umvoti Mounted Rifles, about 80 strong, with 50 Police, were at Greytown and Tugela Ferry from the beginning of the war, and 2 guns of the Natal Field Artillery and 150 Natal Royal Rifles were after 10th January in the Melmoth Field Force operating from Eshowe. The Greytown force did most excellent work; they were practically isolated from 18th November to 13th February, when they were joined by Bethune's Mounted Infantry. During that period the posts and drifts held by the Umvoti Mounted Rifles and Police were repeatedly attacked. On 23rd November a commando 400 strong attacked 100 men holding the drift, but the enemy was driven off. The stubborn defence made by Major Leuchars and his men prevented an invasion from that quarter and had a great moral effect, as was proved by the tenor of despatches from General Burgher to General Joubert which were captured. In this affair Sergeant Major Ferguson was severely wounded.

After the relief of Ladysmith the Volunteer Brigade was allowed some time to recuperate, and was reorganised. On 3rd April 1900 it consisted of the Natal Carbineers, Natal Mounted Rifles, and Border Mounted Rifles, temporarily under Lieutenant-Colonel Bru-de-Wold. On the 8th Colonel Dartnell was appointed to command the whole of the Natal Volunteers and Police with the rank of Brigadier-General.

In General Buller's movement which commenced on 7th May for turning the Boers out of the Biggarsberg, and so clear Natal, the Volunteers were in the 3rd Mounted Brigade (see South African Light Horse). The Brigade was engaged almost daily between 10th and 19th May. Colonel Bethune co-operated from Greytown, and joined General Buller on 13th May (see Bethune's Mounted Infantry). Bethune's force was composed of 5 squadrons of his own regiment, 1 squadron Umvoti Mounted Rifles, two 12-pounder guns worked by men of the Royal Garrison Artillery, two 7-pounder guns, Natal Field Artillery, 2 Hotchkiss manned by the same corps, and 6 companies of the Imperial Light Infantry, a corps which was raised in the Colony. For seven months this force, or portions of it, had done good work in protecting the north-east of Natal from invasion or raids. On 19th May the Durban Light Infantry and Natal Royal Rifles were ordered to garrison Dundee. When Laing's Nek was turned by General Buller (see South African Light Horse), the Natal Mounted Volunteers were the advanced-guard of General Clery's force, which crossed the Nek itself on 12th June. Dundonald's Brigade had been split up, and the South African Light Horse were part of the turning force.

On 15th June General Buller issued an order recording his high appreciation of the services rendered by Brigadier-General Dartnell and the Natal Volunteers, and he asked the brigadier to release those men who required to go to their homes, and with the remainder to protect Dundee and the eastern portion of the Natal frontier. The latter duty involved much hard and responsible work. Captain Foxon and several men of the Natal Carbineers were wounded on patrol duty about the end of July 1900. During August, September, and October the Natal Mounted Volunteers were employed on the Natal border and in the Vryheid district, and had frequently brushes with parties of the enemy in a difficult piece of country. On 1st October Lieutenant Richardson and 3 men were wounded in a convoy affair. In his final despatch of 9th November 1900 General Buller said: "I cannot close this report without alluding to the great assistance I have received throughout the war from the colonists in Natal. Colonel (local Brigadier-General) J. G. Dartnell, CMG, will no doubt report through the proper channel upon the Natal Volunteers. I can only say that their services were invaluable to the Empire; that they took part in every engagement in Natal, and willingly remained in the field, though at great inconvenience to themselves, until they knew that their services could be spared."

On their return to Maritzburg and Durban the Volunteers got magnificent receptions.

On 21st September 1900 authority had been obtained from Lord Roberts to raise among the Natal Volunteers a composite regiment of 300 mounted men to take over the duties hitherto performed by the Volunteer Brigade, and thus facilitate the return of the remainder of the Brigade to their daily avocations. The Volunteer Composite Regiment was made up as follows:



Natal Carbineers



Natal Mounted Rifles



Umvoti Mounted Rifles



Border Mounted Rifles



Natal Field Artillery



Natal Royal Rifles



Durban Light Infantry



Hotchkiss Gun Detachment



Volunteer Medical Corps





The regiment, under Lieutenant Colonel Evans, Natal MR, did much hard and effective work down to the close of the campaign.

In his telegraphic despatch of 15th December 1900, Lord Kitchener mentioned that Colonel Blomfield, between Blood River and Vryheid, had driven the enemy in confusion from Scheeper's Nek, inflicting heavy loss, and he said, "Colonel Blomfield praised the conduct of the Natal Volunteers and Police." Two of the Volunteers were killed. The services of the regiment were particularly valuable during the great operations, February to April 1901, when seven columns under General French swept the Eastern Transvaal and drove the enemy into the south-eastern corner. On 24th April 1901 a party of about 20 Natal Police and 26 Europeans, chiefly civilians, engaged a strong Boer force near Mhalatini in Zululand, and drove them back. There were sharp casualties on either side, the Police losing 5 killed and several wounded. On 28th July 1901, near N'qutu, the enemy made a determined attack on a small column consisting chiefly of the Volunteer Composite Regiment. Major Edwards and several men were killed and several were wounded. The enemy was driven off with much loss. In September 1901, when Botha made an earnest endeavour to reinvade Natal, the whole of the Natal Volunteers were again called out and were hurried to the front. Botha having been driven out of the southeast of the Transvaal, the Volunteers were discharged again on 14th October 1901, but the Composite Regiment remained in the field. On 20th February 1902 a patrol of the regiment, consisting of one squadron under Captain Adams, and accompanied by Lieutenant CoIonel Evans, officer commanding, and Major Blunt, the staff officer to General Blomfield, made a night raid on a Boer farm near Hlobane, Vryheid district. Only one man of the force was wounded, but these two distinguished officers, who were present practically as onlookers, were killed. Colonel Evans was one of the best known and most popular citizens of Durban.

In March the regiment, under Major Bede-Crompton, was employed blocking the Drakensberg passes while the great drives in the Orange River Colony were going on. About the end of March Natal decided to raise 400 more mounted infantry. This was completed on 17th April, the Durban Light Infantry contributing a mounted contingent, and the new mounted infantry were, along with the old Volunteer Composite Regiment, put under Lieutenant Colonel Bru-de-Wold. They operated about the Buffalo River and the southeast of the Transvaal till peace was declared. As will be seen from the mentions, General Buller placed very high value on the services of the guides provided to his army by the Natal colonists.

Murray's Horse and the Colonial Scouts

Before Ladysmith was invested, the Hon. T. K. Murray, ex-Colonial Secretary, suggested that the Rifle Associations of Natal, which were on a different footing from the Volunteers, should be called out. The authorities did not see their way to adopt this suggestion, but General Wolfe-Murray, commanding the lines of communication, asked Dr Murray to come to Mooi River as soon as he could with the men he could gather. Forty-eight hours afterwards Mr Murray was at the appointed place with 80 well-mounted men, each carrying three days' rations. Within a few days the numbers had increased to 150, and during the first three weeks of November - a most critical period, as the Boers were pushing across the Tugela and the regulars were only arriving - Murray's Horse performed most valuable service, patrolling a very wide district, and probably leading the enemy to believe that lower Natal was better protected than it really was. The regular troops having arrived before the end of November, Murray's Horse was disbanded. The Lieutenant General ' Commanding in Natal issued the following order: "The services of the Irregular Corps raised by the Honourable T. K. Murray, CMG, having been dispensed with owing to the arrival of reinforcements from the Cape, the Lieutenant-General Commanding desires to place on record his high admiration for the patriotic spirit with which the men of this corps responded to the call to arms at a critical time, and the efficient manner in which they performed the military duties required of them".

In December 1899 another corps, known as the Colonial Scouts, was raised by the Natal Government; strength five squadrons, commanded by Colonel F. Addison, MLA. They were during part of 1900 chiefly employed in Zululand, and on the border of that country and the Transvaal. The corps did not see much fighting, but their presence in this district was very valuable. The Scouts provided a bodyguard of about 30 men to General Warren. The corps was disbanded in April, but the majority of the volunteers joined other irregular bodies - for example, "G" squadron practically became "F" squadron of Bethune's Mounted Infantry under their old company commander Major Menne, who afterwards raised Menne's Scouts. Steinaecker's Horse was also at first recruited from men of the Colonial Scouts, in which Steinaecker himself had been a non-commissioned officer.

The Mentions gained by the Natal Volunteers, Police, and Guides were as follows:

In General Hildyard's report, dated 24th November 1899, as to action at Willow Cirange fought on 23rd: "The services of Mr Chapman, who was unfortunately killed, were of the greatest value; his intimate knowledge of the ground alone made it possible to carry out the operation."

Captain Jones' report to Rear-Admiral Harris, of 2nd March 1900: Lieutenant N. W. Chiazzari, Natal Naval Vols., has been most useful, especially in getting into working order and working the punts across the river, both at Potgieter's and so, by which all the troops crossed.

Sir R. Buller's despatch of 30th March 1900 as to relief operations: Lieutenant N. Chiazzari, Natal Naval Vols., was in charge of a detachment who were associated with the Naval Brigade, and took their full share of the good work done by the brigade.

Sir G. White's Despatches: 2nd December 1899: Colonel W. Royston, commanding Natal Vol. force, in the terms already mentioned in the text. Col J. G. Dartnell, Chief Com. Natal Police, "rendered valuable service to the late Lieutenant Gen. Sir W. Penn-Symons and to Brig.-Gen. Yule when the Dundee column fell back on Ladysmith; his advice and experience were of the highest value, and I found him always ready and willing to help me in any way in his power." Captain F. S. Tatham, Mounted Rifles. Guides A. B. Allison, T. Lozton, and P. Greathead. Major H. Bru-de-Wold, Senior Staff Officer, Vol Force; Captain H. Platt, Vol. Med. Staff. Civilian Nurses B. Ludlow, S. Patterson, J. Charleson, J. Borlase, S. Lees, R. Shappere, H. Rose, A. Keightly, M. Brice, E. Stowe, D. Belton, I. Stowe, K. Hill, L. Yeatman, S. Otto, E. Early, M. Nicolson, C. Thompson, K. Driser, K. Champion, M. Tentney, R. Davies, S. Ruiter, E. Bromilon. Mr A. Henderson in charge of native guides.

23rd March 1900: Colonel W. Royston, commanding Natal Vol. Force, and in charge of Section D of defence. I can only repeat the high praise which I had the pleasure to bestow on him in my despatch of 2nd December. He commanded Section D in an admirable manner, and with his force, though much reduced in numbers by casualties and disease, continued to the end to perform invaluable service. He is an officer exceptionally suited to his important position aka commandant of the Natal Vol Forces, and I trust he may receive some equitable reward. Colonel Royston's gallant behaviour at Gun Hill, 1st December, was noticed in body of despatch. (To the regret of the Colony, Colonel Royston succumbed to illness after the relief.) Colonel Dartnell possesses an exceptional knowledge of the Colony and of native character. I am greatly obliged to him for the advice and assistance which he has always been ready to afford me, of which I have availed myself freely, and which I have found of the highest value. Captain F. S. Tatham, Mounted Rifles; Lieutenant Colonel E. M. Greene, Carbineers ; Majors R. W. Evans, Natal M.R.; F. J. Rethman, Border M.R.; H. T. Bru-de-Wold, CSO; J. Hyslop, PMO; Captain H. T. Platt, Medical Staff. Guides T. Allison, L. Ashby, H. Thornhill. Condrs. Macfarlane, Bell, Inglethorpe. Storeholder J. Keefe. Foreman Blake. Vols. with Bearer Coy.- J. Taylor, R. H. Coventon, W. Jackson, F. Ellis, P. Smythe.

Sir C Warren's despatch: 1st Feburary 1900: Colonial Scouts Lieutenants 0. Schwikkard, "A" Squadron, was employed upon a variety of duties; his remarkable knowledge of the ways of the country, and extraordinary power of resource, contributed in a great measure to expedite the progress of the force on many occasions.

Sir R Buller's despatches: 30th March 1900: Carbineers: Trooper F. C. Farmer rescued Lieutenant Mackay, who was wounded, under very heavy fire at Colenso. Major M'Kenzie, a Colonist of great experience and marked ability as a leader of irregular horse, has rendered excellent service throughout. Naval Vol. Ambulance Corps - Privates J. Domingo, F. Clark, G. H. Howard, G. Smith. Mounted Police - Inspectors Fairlie and Abraham.

19th June 1900: Mr (Hon. Major) O. Schwikkard, Assistant Director of Transport, as guide, interpreter, and transport official, was indefatigable, and his services were most useful. The General also expressed his indebtedness to the Hon. T. K. Murray for forming a corps of guides, Mr D. Hunter, Manager of Railways, and Mr W. G. Hamilton, Postmaster-General.

General Buller's final despatch: CoIonel T. M'Gubbin, as station commandant at various places. Major Bousfield, Natal Vols., has devoted his local knowledge, his professional skill, and his singular personal influence to making the administration of martial law easy; I owe him a deep debt of gratitude. Captain Cecil Yonge, Natal Vols., attached to Army Service Corps, and did excellent work. Colonel Dartnell was again mentioned as being unwearying in his efforts, while Sir W. Hely Hutchison, GCMG, Governor, Sir A. Hime, Prime Minister, Mr Hunter, CMG, manager of the Natal Railways, Mr Shaw, Chief Engineer, Mr Harrison, of the Public Works department, and the Colonial Nurses, were all most highly praised for assistance given. The General also said: "Early in the war a corps of guides was formed in Natal from colonists with local knowledge of the districts in which our forces were operating. These gentlemen rendered the greatest possible assistance. Foremost in every fight, always ready to undertake difficult or dangerous duties, they helped me equally in field operations, with supply, with transport, and in dealing with the Dutch inhabitants. To the Hon. T. K. Murray, CMG, at first, and latterly to Mr F. Struben, who were in charge, my principal thanks are due; but I am equally indebted to many others, among whom I must mention Mr F. Knight, the brothers Loxton, the brothers Alison, the brothers Whipp, the brothers Robinson, Mr Foster, Mr Macfarlane, Mr Godson, and Mr Otto Schwikkard, whose wonderful energy and great knowledge of transport details were invaluable.

The last sentence of General Buller's final despatch is as follows: "Colonists, I cannot close this report without alluding to the great assistance I have received throughout the war from the colonists of Natal. Colonel (local Brig-Gen.) J. G. Dartnell, CMG, will no doubt report through the proper channel upon the Natal Vols. I can only say that their services were invaluable to the Empire, that they took part in every engagement in Natal, and willingly remained in the field-though at great inconvenience to themselves-until they knew that their services could be spared."

Lord Robert's despatches: 2nd April 1901: Colonel Dartnell, as GOC Natal Colonists, has maintained the best traditions of the regular forces. His name stands very high in the estimation of the colonists, and he possesses the greatest influence over the natives. His advice was of much assistance in the earliest actions of the war, afterwards during the siege of Ladysmith, and finally in the general advance through the Biggarsberg to Laing's Nek, when Natal was cleared of the enemies of the Queen. Colonel Dartnell was awarded the KCB. Natal Carbineers - Major D. M'Kenzie. Natal Vol. Med. Corps - Privates E. Clark, J. Domingo, G. H. Howard, G. G. Smith. Natal Vols. - Colonel W. Royston (dead); Majors Bousfield, H. T. Bru-de-Wold, J. Hyslop, PMO. Struben's Scouts - Lieutenant R. H. Struben. Umvoti Mounted Rifles - Lieutenant Colonel G. Leuchars.

4th September 1901: Durban Light Infantry - Lieutenant Colonel T. M'Cubbin. Murray's Guides – The Hon. T. K. Murray, CMG. Natal Guides - A. F. Henderson, W. Knight, T. J. M. Macfarlane, W. M. Struben, A. Allison, M. Allison, G. G. Godson, S. Loxton, T. Loxton, E. P. Robinson, A. Russell, C. S. Whipp, R. T. Whipp. Natal M.R: Trooper Redpath.

Lord Kitchener's despatches: 8th August 1901: Natal VoI. Composite Regiment - Captain A. W. Smallie and Lieutenant Rundle, for marked good work near Nondweni, Zululand, July 28. Trooper Banwell for voluntarily taking messages under fire, same occasion.

8th October 1901: Zululand Police - Sgt. Gumbi, for gallantry and good service in defence of Fort Prospect, September 26.

8th December 1901: Natal Police - Sgt. Lane, for excellent work in defence of a convoy from Melmoth to Nkandhla, May 29. Sgt. A. J. Smith of the Police, and Trooper A. W. Evans of the M.R., got the DCM

8th April 1902: Natal Vols: Captain P. A. Silburn.

1st June 1902: Naval Vol. Composite Regiment - Sgt. Haine; capture of Gen. Emmett, March 15, chiefly due to him.

23rd June 1902: Natal Police Field Force - Sub-Insp. J. Hamilton; Sergeants Newson, Goode. Natal Vols: Captain E. K. Whitehead. Composite Regiment - Lieutenant Cols. R. W. Evans (killed in action), B. Crompton; Captain F. O. Stiebel ; Lieutenant J. W. V. Montgomery; Hospital Sergeant Major A. C. Wearner, Sgt. A. H. Bramwell.