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The Natal Veterinary Corps was raised about the middle of 1899 by Mr. Watkins-Pitchford, Principal Government Veterinary Surgeon of Natal. The headquarters of the unit were in Pietermaritzburg. Mr. Watkins-Pitchford was appointed to the command as Major, and he held that post during the life of the corps. He had as other officers a Captain and five Lieutenants, all Government Veterinary Officer. Later Captain S. T. A. Amos was appointed Adjutant and non-commissioned personnel to the number of 30 were enrolled. Shortly after formation two more Natal Veterinary Surgeons were appointed as Lieutenants.Delay in the receipt of veterinary field equipment and stores from overseas caught the new Natal Veterinary Corps unprepared to take the field. Nevertheless this condition was soon remedied from local sources, and by the time hostilities of the Anglo-Boer War broke out, the unit was ready to play its part, and did so most efficiently, often under very adverse and difficult conditions, in every theatre of the war, with a section attached to every mounted unit, and to the Natal Transport Corps of the Natal Volunteer Force. The corps performed similar excellent work during the Zulu Rebellion of 1906-1907, the unit then being well provided with all necessary field equipment and trained in its military duties.

During peace-time training periods an officer from the corps was attached to each mounted regiment, together with several non-commissioned personnel. This worked very well, and these detachments remained with those regiments on taking the field in war time. Results amply justified this arrangement at all times.

The colour of the facings of the uniform of the Natal Veterinary Corps was maroon, the shoulder straps, also the collar gorgettes, being of this colour. The uniform was the universal khaki, with felt hat, left brim turned up and fixed with a brooch formed of the block letters N.V.C. in gilt brass. The letters N.V.C. of similar metal were also worn on the shoulder straps. The badge was that of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons, with motto, "Vis Unite-Forte," and the buttons of gilt brass bore the figure in relief of a centaur.

In 1914 the Natal Veterinary Corps was absorbed into the South African Veterinary Corps, and the former (Natal) sound system was continued of attaching a section of the S.A Veterinary Corps to every mounted regiment, both in peace time and on active service.

Source: Short History Of The Volunteer Regiments Of Natal And East Griqualand, Past and Present. Compiled by Colonel Godfrey T Hurst, DSO OBE VD, Honorary Colonel of the Natal Mounted Rifles.


In October 1899 the NVVC was commanded by Major Watson-Pitchford with a strength of 10.  They were stationed in Ladysmith.  When the Ladysmith siege commenced the following were part of the garrison:





Volunteer Staff, including Medical and Veterinary



Natal Carbineers



Border Mounted Rifles



Natal Mounted Rifles



Natal Naval Volunteers



Hotchkiss Detachment



Natal Police






Regimental no: 
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(15 Records)

 Surname   Forename/inits   Regimental no   Rank   Notes 
AmosS TLieut.Served 29 Sep 1899 to 31 May 02
Source: Nominal roll in WO127
AmosS TLieutenantQSA (3) DoL Tr LN
Provisional list of recipients
Source: Ladysmith Siege Account and Medal Roll
ByrneJ PLieut.Served 29 Sep 1899 to 05 Jul 02 Died
Source: Nominal roll in WO127
ByrneJ PLieutenantQSA (1) DoL
Provisional list of recipients
Source: Ladysmith Siege Account and Medal Roll
CordyC HLieut.Served 29 Sep 1899 to 31 May 02
Source: Nominal roll in WO127
HutchinsonFLieut.Served 29 Sep 1899 to 31 May 02
Source: Nominal roll in WO127
PotterH HQM Sergeant.Served 29 Sep 1899 to 31 May 02
Source: Nominal roll in WO127
PotterH H1Quarter Master SergeantQSA (1) DoL
Provisional list of recipients
Source: Ladysmith Siege Account and Medal Roll
PowerW MLieut.Served 29 Sep 1899 to 31 May 02
Source: Nominal roll in WO127
PowerW MLieutenantQSA (4) DoL OFS Tr LN
Provisional list of recipients
Source: Ladysmith Siege Account and Medal Roll
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