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This corps was raised, on a modest basis as regards numbers, about the time Lord Roberts landed at Cape Town.  Their leader, Captain Driscoll, was a British resident in Burma, who made his way to the front, and whether his motives were love to do something for the mother country, ambition, or mere love of adventure, he most certainly did work of the highest value throughout more than two years' hard campaigning.

The corps took part in General Brabant's operations in February and March 1900 for clearing the north-eastern portion of Cape Colony (see Cape Mounted Rifles); and when Colonel Dalgety occupied and defended Wepener, 3 officers and 52 men of Driscoll's Scouts were with him.  During the siege Lieutenant Weiner and about a dozen non-commissioned officers and men were wounded.  After Wepener was relieved the corps was attached to the Colonial Division under General Brabant, and were in the advance through the east of the Orange River Colony to the line Senekal to Hammonia; the right or eastern end of that line being largely left to the keeping of the Colonial Division during June and July 1900, when the operations for surrounding the enemy were in progress.  The corps were present at the severe engagement fought by General Rundle at Biddulphsberg on 29th May.  They had several casualties in this action and in the fighting during June and July before Prinsloo's force was surrounded.

In a telegram dated 12th July the 'Daily Telegraph' correspondent said: "Captain Driscoll, leader of the Scouts bearing his name, captured four armed Boers single-handed and brought them prisoners into camp.  This was a splendidly plucky feat.  Driscoll's Scouts are rendering General Rundle most valuable service".  Another correspondent mentioned that at the time Captain Driscoll was quite alone.  He had been taking coffee at the door of a store, when he saw four armed Boers go round the house.  In a second he had "covered" them, and they agreed to hand over their arms.  He then marched them to his men some miles away.

Sir Archibald Hunter, in his despatch of 4th August 1900 regarding the surrender of Prinsloo, said, para 26: "The following day, the 26th, I entered Fouriesburg with my mounted troops, and found that the town had already been occupied by a portion of Sir Leslie Bundle's Division, headed by Driscoll's Scouts, after a forced march from Commando Nek of twenty-five miles".  The corps were very highly thought of by Sir Leslie Bundle, and he kept them as scouts for his division when the bulk of the Colonials were taken north to the Transvaal on the trail of De Wet.

The corps were for a time under Major General Hector MacDonald in the Bethlehem district, and in October they were attached to a column based on Harrismith under Brigadier General Campbell.  Under these leaders they did a great deal of marching and skirmishing.  In November and December they were with Bruce Hamilton, under whom they had constant hard work, which they performed to the general's satisfaction.  He frequently complimented them.

In the second phase of the war the corps was greatly augmented in numbers; having done well and made a name, it got recruits.  The despatch of 8th July 1901 shows that the strength in May was 422 men and 489 horses.  At that time, and for some months previous, they had been operating in the Orange River Colony both east and west of the railway, along the Vaal river, and in the south of the Transvaal.  Early in February they were engaged near Ladybrand, and had some casualties.  On the 24th they lost 2 killed and 6 wounded, and on the 26th had further losses in the Winburg district.  On 4th March Lieutenant Moss was severely wounded near Jagersfonteiii in the south of the Orange River Colony.  On the 2nd a party of 50 had been sent to join a column.  They were surrounded by 300 Boers, but about 35 got into a kraal, which they held for twenty-four hours until relieved.  On 16th March Lieutenant MacMinn and several men were wounded.  Driscoll's Scouts were for a considerable time in the column of Colonel Western, who was frequently credited in the despatches with useful captures made chiefly in the neighbourhood of the Vaal.  Near Parys, on 19th April 1901, Lieutenant Norman Breslin was severely wounded.  In August Western's column was taken to Cape Colony, and operated for a short time against Myburg about Jamestown.  In September the corps was taken to the south-east of the Orange River Colony, where for about four months they operated under General Knox, Colonel Rochfort, and Colonel Western.  In the despatch of 8th January 1902 Lord Kitchener remarked that Colonel Rochfort's troops, under Lieutenant Colonel Western and De Moulin and Major Driscoll, were moved to the west of the railway in pursuit of straggling bands of the enemy.

In the despatch of 8th February 1902 Lord Kitchener said: “On the 26th January Major Driscoll, whose column had called at Petrusburg to obtain supplies there, learned that on the previous evening Nieuwhoudt's commando had been seen in the vicinity of Makaw's Drift on the Modder.  He at once started in pursuit, and crossing at the drift, came up with the Boer force, which was in movement on the Boshof road about eight miles to the north of the river.  A short engagement ensued, in which Major Driscoll was successful in capturing 17 prisoners, including 2 field-cornets, 12 waggons, 69 riding-horses".  Driscoll was then sent to the extreme south-west of the Orange River Colony.  The despatch of 8th March 1902 mentions that in February Western and Driscoll's troops moved north towards Boshof; Driscoll's Scouts had an engagement on the way at Simon's Valley, capturing 6 prisoners, 180 horses, mules, some cattle, waggons, and ammunition.

The enemy having been very aggressive in the south-west of the Transvaal in February and the first half of March, Driscoll's Scouts, acting as one of Colonel Rochfort's columns, were taken to the valley of the Vaal.  About 11th April they crossed the river, and paid some surprise visits to various likely resorts of the enemy.  A forced march on the 15th resulted in a successful surprise near Schweizer Reneke, when 57 prisoners were taken, including two of De Wet's staff.  Other efforts also met with success.  After this Driscoll's Scouts took part in the final great drives in the Western Transvaal under General Ian Hamilton, which Lord Kitchener said were extremely successful.

The following Mentions were gained by the corps:—

LORD ROBERTS’ DESPATCH: 2nd April 1901.—Captain D P Driscoll.  

LORD KITCHENER'S DESPATCHES: 8th May 1901.—Lieutenant Breslin, in command of a post near Kroonstad, attacked by Boers on 27th February 1901, held out from morning till midnight.  Sergeant Pogson for assisting on same occasion.

8th August 1901.—Quartermaster R J M'Kinnery, at Maatjesspruit, July 7th, rallied a troop without an officer; materially checked enemy, who were pressing rear-guard.

LORD KITCHENER'S FINAL DESPATCH.—Major D P Driscoll, Captain C F Smith, Lieutenant K Sartorius, Regimental Sergeant Major F J Kirkwell, Squadron Sergeant Majors J Ellis, W Morgan, J Hunt, and Sergeant S P Pontas.

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AbadieTNominal roll #2 (A1)
AbbeyT WNominal roll #1 (A2)
AbbeyW RNominal roll #1 (A1)
AbidieW JNominal roll #1 (A2)
AbrahamT CNominal roll #2 (A1)
AbrahamT HNominal roll #1 (A1)
AckomJ CNominal roll #1 (A1)
AckomS RNominal roll #2 (A1)
AckomT C207PrivateSlightly wounded. Near Klerksdorp, 7 July 1901
Source: South African Field Force Casualty Roll
AckroydJ RNominal roll #2 (A1)
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