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Qumbu, was founded in 1876.

On 20 November 1901 Veldkornet Wynand Bezuidenhout and 50 Cape Rebels advanced along the lower slopes of Gatberg near Ugie.  Captain Herbert Elliot with a number of white officers and approximately 300 black soldiers from the East Griqualand Field Force (Native Contingent) and Qumbu Native Reserves had already taken up a defensive position at Gatberg Nek after intelligence or Bezuidenhout's movements was reported by local informants.

Bezuidenhout’s Commando walked into the ambush at about 7am.  After a short skirmish the Rebels withdrew, abandoning 40 horses and pack animals and leaving behind four dead.

Captain H W D Elliot and 6 black soldiers were killed.  Captains Baxter and Everett were severely wounded and Captain Burmeister slight wound. The number of wounded black

The roll incorrectly records H H Peverett rather and H H P Everett.

see the forum posts on the Qumbu Native Reserve.

Regimental no: 
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(7 Records)

 Surname   Forename/inits   Regimental no   Rank   Notes 
BaxterALieutenantQSA (0). Wounded.
BerryE ICaptainQSA (0)
BurmisterALieutenantQSA (0). Wounded.
BurmisterW DLieutenantQSA (0).
GossE CCaptainQSA (0).
PeverettH HCaptainQSA (0). Wounded.
WrightE BLieutenantQSA (0).
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