The Wodehouse Yeomanry was a unit comprising farmers tasked with protecting local farms.
One man was killed and several wounded on 29 May 1901 in an action against 700 Boers at Buffelsfontein. 32 men of Wodehouse Yeomanry surrendered after the death of Keith Jackson.
There is a monument to Sergeant Keith Jackson in Buffelsfontein 'Erected by the Wodehouse Yeomanry in memory of their fallen comrade Sergeant Keith Jackson, killed in action at Buffelsfontein, Wodehouse District, on the 29th May 1901. Born 11th June 1838. Aged 62 years 11 months and 19 days. Peace, perfect peace'.
'Colonel' E H Stevens's biography is here.
Kaplan sold the SAGS (0) (Tpr J J Harding, 2nd Cape Yeo), QSA (0) (Tpr J Harding, Wodehouse Yeo) in August 2004.
City Coins sold QSA (0) (Tpr A Scott, Wodehouse Yeo) in August 2016. Scott served 1 January 1901 to 31 July 1901. City Coins note that of the 60 medals awarded to the unit, approximately 50% were returned to Woolwich.
City Coins in December 2004 and Spink in July 2019 sold QSA (0) (Tpr M Clark, Wodehouse Yeo).