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Clarke's Light Horse were part of the Tembuland Field Force.

Recruitment commenced on 1 July 1901.  Most of the members served until 30 April 1902.

See the forum posts on Clarke's Light Horse

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(44 Records)

 Surname   Forename/inits   Regimental no   Rank   Notes 
BentleyE W6PrivateServed 1 July 1901 to 30 April 1902.
Source: WO100/239.
BentleyJ12PrivateServed 1 July 1901 to 30 April 1902.
Source: WO100/239.
BentleyT E2SergeantServed 1 July 1901 to 30 April 1902.
Source: WO100/239.
BentleyW15PrivateServed 1 July 1901 to 30 April 1902.
Source: WO100/239.
BlomJ A46PrivateServed 18 February 1902 to 30 April 1902.
Medal returned.
Source: WO100/239.
BooyzenJ52PrivateServed 1 to 19 March 1902.
medal issued by EGMV.
Source: WO100/239.
BoucherA40PrivateServed 13 February 1902 to 19 March 1902.
Medal returned.
Source: WO100/239.
BoucherT47PrivateServed 21 February 1902 to 30 April 1902.
Medal returned.
Source: WO100/239.
Bradlyf37PrivateServed 16 December 1901 to 30 April 1902.
Medal returned.
Source: WO100/239.
CalverleyW35PrivateServed 15 September 1901 to 14 January 1902.
Source: WO100/239.
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