This corps did excellent and often very daring work in the Transvaal, chiefly in the neighbourhood of the Natal and Delagoa Railways during the second phase of the war. Night expeditions were numerous, and as the force employed was generally very slender, the true qualities of scouts had to be exhibited.
'Linesman', in his 'Words by an Eyewitness' (Blackwood: 1901), gives a very graphic picture of a night expedition and fight in the darkness, the actors in which on the British side were Menne's Scouts. They were raised and commanded by Major T Menne, who had seen service in the first six months of the war with the Natal Colonial Scouts in Zululand, and afterwards with Bethune's Mounted Infantry, and thus had gained great experience in the field. The nucleus of the corps was his own—'G'—squadron of the Colonial Scouts.
Along with Morley's Scouts, Menne's Scouts did much to protect the all-important railway communication between Natal and Pretoria, as well as to keep the Commander-in-Chief informed of the movements and strength of the enemy in the south and south-east of the Transvaal. The special work of the corps was sometimes particularly dangerous. In the beginning of May 1901 they lost Lieutenant Hemmingway and 2 men killed and several wounded. On 13th September at Platrand they had 2 men killed and Lieutenant H B Bradford and 1 man wounded. In November Menne's Scouts did the mounted work for the Leicestershire Regiment while the latter built the Ermelo-Standerton blockhouse line. The corps was disbanded at Pietermaritzburg on 1st January 1902.
Menne's Scouts won the following Mentions by Lord Kitchener:—
Despatch of 8th August 1901.—Captain F C Barker, for a successful raid at Joubert's Nek, July 29th, resulting in capture of laager and 7 men killed and 25 wounded Boers. Lieutenant A B Lubbock, at Joubert's Nek, July 15th, assisted Sergeant Cima to save a native scout whose horse had been killed, Boers at time being within 150 yards and firing heavily. Sergeant J C Cima, at Joubert's Nek, 15th July, in retirement of a patrol, native scout having been dismounted, rode back under heavy fire, leading Boer being within 70 yards, and brought native away with him, thereby saving his life.
8th, October 1901.—Troopers Peterkin and Glasborrow (killed). At Platrand, September 13th, Glasborrow went back to assist a dismounted comrade, and was mortally wounded. Peterkin then returned under heavy fire and attended to him.