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 Surname   Forename/inits   Regimental no   Rank   Notes 
AbdullaSheikQSA (1) DoM
Source: Mafeking Siege Account and Medal Roll
AbdullahSSource: WO100/283
AdamsBSource: WO100/283
AdamsBurnetQSA (1) DoM
Source: Mafeking Siege Account and Medal Roll
AdamsWSource: WO100/283
AdamsWQSA (1) DoM
Source: Mafeking Siege Account and Medal Roll
AhmedSSource: WO100/283
AhmedSQSA (1) DoM
Source: Mafeking Siege Account and Medal Roll
AldredThomas ADeputy Fort CommanderQSA (1) DoM. QSA (1) (Dep:-Fort:-Com: T. Aldred. Mafeking Town Gd.); BWM and Bi-lingual VM (Capt.). Christie's November 1992 £638. Dixpn's Medals August 1993 £950
Source: Mafeking Siege Account and Medal Roll
AlgieJ RSource: WO100/283
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