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A town in Cape Colony, founded in 1853 and named after the Scottish Dutch Reformed Church minister, Dr William Robertson.

The town originally relied on farming and wagon building in the early days. The railways ended the wagon building industry and this was followed by a brief period of ostrich farming and afterwards by wine making.

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 Surname   Forename/inits   Regimental no   Rank   Notes 
BarryHSource: WO100/285
BarryJohnSource: WO100/285
BrettHSource: WO100/285
Buter JuniorJ HSource: WO100/285
Butter SeniorJ HSource: WO100/285
ChapmanFSource: WO100/285
ChapmanT BSource: WO100/285
CillursCSource: WO100/285
CillursW HSource: WO100/285
CohenLSource: WO100/285
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