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KWT is in the Eastern Cape on the banks of the Buffalo River at a height of 390m above sea level.

The town was founded by Benjamin d'Urban in May 1835 and named after William IV.  Abandoned briefly in Dec 1836, it was re-occupied in 1846 and became the capital of British Kaffraria between 1847 and 1865 when it was incorporated into Cape Colony.

Regimental no: 
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(671 Records)

 Surname   Forename/inits   Regimental no   Rank   Notes 
AdamsG CSource: WO100/283
AdamsonW HSource: WO100/283
AdeyJSource: WO100/283
AdkinsG1PrivateEnrolled 03 Dec 01
Source: Nominal roll in WO127
AdkinsGSource: WO100/283
AinslieG SSource: WO100/283
AlbrechtF FSource: WO100/283
AlbrechtF FSource: WO100/283
ApplebyA TSource: WO100/283
AshenhurstJ HSource: WO100/283
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