The following information about the Namaqualand Town Guard is taken from two pages of information inserted before the QSA Medal roll (WO100).
The Namaqualand Town Guard Battalion was formed by the amalgamation on 15th October 1901 of the O'oklep Town Guard, the Concordia Town Guard, and the Port Nolloth Town Guard. The first named was enrolled in March 1900 by Captain Logan, RA, late Adjutant of the Cape Garrison Artillery. The two latter were enrolled by Lieut-Col. Shelton, DSO, OC Namaqualand, in January 1901, and formed numbers 5, 6, and sections of number 8 Company of the Battalion.
The Members of the Namaqualand Town Guard Battalion at O'okiep were employed in manning and constructing the defence works at O'okiep and Nababeep, and for many months carried out picquet, guard, escort, and other duties, including mounted escort to Convoys. For a period of 30 days they defended the Town successfully from the attacks of the Boer and Rebel forces under their Commandants Smuts, Maritz, and Van de Venter.
At Concordia No. 5 Company and section of No 8 Company (late Concordia Town Guard) was employed in manning and constructing defence works and carried out picquet, guard, and escort duties. On the approach of the Boers and on the order of those in command at Concordia, this Company surrendered the place, without firing a shot.
At Port Nolloth the Companies there were employed in manning and constructing defence works and carried out picquet, guard, and escort duties. On the approach of the Boor forces along the Railway towards the Coast, they were engaged in manning the defences at Port Nolloth and blockhouses on the Railway until the arrival of the relief forces under Colonel Harry Cooper.
At Garies there was a section of No. 8 Company of the Battalion which was engaged in duties similar to those described above and who saw active service against the enemy.
The following are extracts, among others, from District Orders recognising work done by the Battalion. 10th May 1902. Paragraph 4.
"Extract from Orders by Colonel Cooper A.D.C. ,C.M.G. ,
"O.C. Commanding N.F.F. has much pleasure in publishing
"following extracts from telegrams he received last night
"from Lieut-General J. French, K.C.B.
"Matjesfontein 6th May.
"Please tell Shelton and O'okiep Garrison how much
"I appreciate and admire the gallant and determined
"front they have shewn in very trying circumstances".
3rd July 1902.
Lieut-Col. Shelton has received the following telegram from O.C. C.C.F. which is published for information.
"Begins G. 3563 June 4th Prime Minister desires to "convey to you his high appreciation of the gallant
"defence of O'okiep by the Officers and men of C.C.F. under your command".
With the exception of some 40 men of the 5th Warwicks (Militia) and 10 men of the Cape Garrison Artillery the Garrison which defended O'okiep was composed of the Namaqualand Town Guard Battalion.
The QSAs to the Namaqualand TG were issued without clasp and are often seen with the Cape Copper Company Medal for the Defence of 'O'okiep.