Town Guards
Frank Greaves was born at Leicester, Eng
Frank Greaves was born at Leicester, England on 6 May 1857 and migrated to Natal, South Africa in 1881. Boarded the Dublin Castle to South Africa. He was a Jeweller by trade. In 1883, established the business in Newcastle as watchmaker,jeweller, optician under the name of Frank Greaves.Mr.F.Greaves married Miss Locke from Dorchester England in1886.Established the first Newspaper called Newcastle Advertiser [Exists still today] He was responsible to raise funds for the Town Hall clock. 10 August 1901, elected Mayor of Newcastle.Sir Henry McCallum,Governor of Natal, appointed Mr Greaves as a justice of the Peace. Mr greaves was a member for Newcastle of the first Natal Provincial Council 1910. The Hon Frank Greaves served as a member of the Provincial Council until he was elected by his conferes as a Senator in 1916.He held the latter office until he resigned in 1929. Appears in South Africa who's who Page 166. Hon, Frank Greaves died on the 15 June 1944 age 87 years and 1 month. He is buried at the old Newcstle Cemetary.Street in Newcastle is also named after him. His son also frank was educated at Michaelhouse,Natal.Served in the Natal Carbineers and RFC,elected Town councillar the day war was declared. Resigned as Town Councillar in 1940 and joined 3rd F.F.B as Company Commander and later Company Commander S.A.E.C. boarded in 1943 same rank[Major] with Natal Scottish.Mayor of Newcastle 1921/23.Awarded the V.D. in 1935.Whereabouts of Major. Greaves medals are unknown.