Town Guards
Following is Army Order Record in Britis
Following is Army Order Record in British National Archives: W0100/277
Provisional Transvaal Constabulary (Note:fancy script this line only; rest is typed)
Army Orders South Africa.(Note:underlined)
Army Headquarter
8th June 1900
Provisional Mounted and Foot Police Force.(Note:underlined)
A limited number of men are required for enrolment in a Provisional Mounted and Foot Police Force for employment in the Pretoria District occupied by British Troops. Volunteers for this force are now called for from the Imperial Yeomanry and colonial Corps from all portions of the British Empire, which are now serving in South Africa. Engagments for the Force will be for 3 months, to be extended (with the man's consent) to six months, if found necessary later. Men joining this force will revert to their Corps if found unsuitable for police duties and also on completion of any limited engagement. Men enroling in the Proviional Mtd. and Foot Police Force who are found suitable for police duties will have first claim to the appointments, in any peramnent(sic) police force, which may be created in this state when the Country is settled, appointments carrying non-commissioned rank will be reserved for those members of the Porvisional Mounted and Foot Police Force who may posses the necessary educational qualification.
Pay etc.- Men volunteering for this force from the Imperial Yeomanry and Colonial Corps will bring with them their uniform, arms and equipment in the case of mounted men saddlery included.
A Goverment horse will be provided by the State, for each mounted man. Consolidated pay will be issued, which will include. Regimental pay at present rates, and allowance in lieu of free rations and forage.
The rates of pay for the several ranks will be as follows:-
Lieutenant 25/- per diem Corporal 12/- per diem.
Sergeant 15/- per diem Private 10/- per diem
Officers commanding Imperial Yeomanry and Colonial Corps are requested to call for Volunteers for the Provisional Mounted and Foot Police Force from their own corps and will forward a list of the officers, N.C. Officers and men offering thir services whom they can thoroughly recommend, to the Military Governor Pretoria, to reach him as soon as possible.
Owing to the nature of the duties that the Provisional Mounted and Foot Police Force will be called upon to perform only the most relable and steady N.C. Officers and men should be recommended for appointment.
N.B. Candidates from the African Corps will find a knowledge of the Dutch language a great advantage but this knowledge is not compulsory.
In cases where men have a knowledge of Dutch, Officers Commanding will record the fact when forwarding their recommendations.
By Order
(sgd.) W. Kelly, M. General
D.A. General.