County: Berwickshire
Issued on: Return
Dates of presentations: 12/10/1901, 21/02/1902, aft. 23/06/1902 (?)
Number issued: 24 or 34
Gold medals, to:
12/10/1901 presentation
1st Volunteer Active Service Company, King's Own Scottish Borderers –
7263 Sergeant James BROWN
6955 Sergeant John HASTIE
7258 Corporal R. AITKEN
6956 Corporal [Sergeant] William HOME
7049 Bugler Hugh McTEER [McTier]
6957 Private William W. ALLAN
6958 Private Thomas COLTART (absent - serving in S. Africa; see 3rd V.A.S.C.)
7037 Private George Johnston ELLIOTT [Elliot]
7017 Private John FLINT
7038 Private Henry GILLIES (absent)
7018 Private John KIRKCALDY (died, Pretoria, 02/07/1900 - medal given to his family)
7020 Private John LIVINGSTONE (absent)
7019 Private Joe McKenzie LOW [Lowe]
7039 Private Archibald MARTIN
7021 Private William MIDDLEMISS
7022 Private Thomas PATERSON
7040 Private Peter ROBERTSON
"Colonel Lord Binning presented to them the South African medal, followed later on by a gold medal from the town of Duns".
The above unreferenced quote suggests the presentation was made by the Lord Lieutenant of Berwickshire (Colonel Lord Binning) on 12/10/1901, at the Market Cross, Duns. However, I have been unable to corroborate this, and a Duns Town Council minute implies that they were in fact posted to the recipients: "Councillor Wilson asked what was to be done in the way of presenting the medals to the local members of the Yeomanry. Provost Swainson – The same as was done with the Volunteers. Councillor Wilson – What was that? Provost Swainson – Send the medals with a note from the Clerk" (Berwickshire News, 09/07/1901).
Seventeen medals supplied by Mr George Gibson, watchmaker & jeweller, Market Place & Easter Street, Duns, at a cost of £20 4s 2d.
21/02/1902 presentation
19th (Lothians & Berwickshire) Company, 6th Bn. Imperial Yeomanry –
Major Sir James P. MILLER, Bart.
8402 Sergeant-Major Thomas STEPHENSON
8428 Private Fred McALPINE
8503 Private Charles NEWMAN
8499 Private Harry Furzey PAYNE (not on Berwickshire News list of recipients - perhaps presented later)
8517 Private Charles SABAN
20th (Fife & Forfar Light Horse), 6th Bn. Imperial Yeomanry –
9214 Private Thomas Stalker HAPPER
The medals were sent to the recipients by post with a covering letter from Provost Swainson.
Although on display in Gibson's shop window in July 1901 (see below), internal wranglings within the Town Council over the manner of the presentation resulted in a six month delay. The yeomen eventually received their medals in February 1902, when they were unceremoniously posted to them with a covering note from the Provost: "The Council had hoped that a suitable opportunity for a public presentation of the medals would have occurred before now, but regret that they have been disappointed in this respect".
Supplied by Mr George Gibson, watchmaker & jeweller, Market Place & Easter Street, Duns, at a cost of £9 16s.
aft. 23/06/1902 presentation (?)
2nd Volunteer Active Service Company, King's Own Scottish Borderers [2nd V.B.K.O.S.B.] –
Lieutenant Ronald Erskine Christie THOMSON
7264 Lance-Corporal William David Herald HALLIBURTON
7282 Private John KINNAIRD
8464 Private Robert COCKBURN
6958 Private Thomas COLTART [Colthart]
8452 Private Michael MORAN [Morran] (invalided)
8453 Private Thomas PALMER
8461 Private Adam STOREY [J. Storey]
8468 Private [Bugler] John Alexander STOREY
7261 Private William WRIGHT
No record of this presentation has been found, but it is plausible that the second contingent would have been honoured in the same way as the first. However, the difficulties encountered with regard to the Yeomanry medals may have left little appetite for another presentation.
"Duns Volunteer companies have supplied one officer and nine men for active service at the front" (Southern Reporter, 14/02/1901).
Obverse with the arms of the "BURGH OF DUNS" and the motto "INVICTUS".
"On one side of the medal the town arms and motto are engraved, and on the other the name and a record of the service of the recipient".
Supplied by Mr George Gibson, watchmaker & jeweller, Market Place & Easter Street, Duns.

Berwickshire News, 30th July 1901

Berwickshire News, 26th February 1901
Private Payne example illustrated in Hibbard (ex Charles Lovell Collection).
Private Newman example sold through Baldwin’s, 25/09/2019, for £1,400.
Private Martin example held in the collection of the King's Own Scottish Borderers museum, Berwick-upon-Tweed.
Volunteer Service Gazette, 18/10/1901
Berwickshire News, 03/03/1903
Hibbard #C7
Southern Reporter, 29th November 1900
DUNS. – The scheme of welcome arranged and then abandoned by the Burgh Commissioners, in consequence of opposition to a temperance dinner, has been taken up by the two Companies of Volunteers. It is intended to receive the Volunteers at the station, thereafter a march to the Parish Church, in order to attend a short thanksgiving service, and then to entertain them to a public dinner, at which there will be no restriction as to temperance drinks. The following are the Berwickshire Service Volunteers, viz: – Lieut. R. STODDART, Greenlaw; Sergt. W. HOME, Corp. A. AITKEN, Privates T. COLTERT, J. FLINT, J.M. LOWE, J. LIVINGSTONE, W. MIDDLEMISS, J. PATERSON, G.J. ELLIOT, H. GILLIES, A. MARTIN, T. ROBERTSON, Bugler H.M. TIER, Duns; Sergt. J. HUME, Privates A.R. WOOD, and J. ELLIOT, Coldstream; Privates T.A. MARSHALL, J. MARTIN, J.T. WOOD, Ayton; R.M. LYAL, Greenlaw; G. BOLTON and J. CHISHOLM, Lauder, H.A. MITCHELL, G.B. ROBERTSON, C.M. SMITH, and T. WALLACE, Earlston; R. FOREMAN, and A. McVIE, Chirnside. There are still in South Africa – Sergeants J. HASTIE and J. BROWN, Duns; and Private W. DALLAS, Chirnside.
Southern Reporter, 6th December 1900
At a meeting of the Burgh Commissioners on Monday evening, Provost Swainson presiding, estimates were received from the different jewellers in the town for the provision of a gold pendant medal for the Duns Service Volunteers, in acknowledgement of their active service in South Africa. The estimate of Mr George Gibson, watchmaker and jeweller, was accepted, and seventeen medals ordered. The medal will bear the town arms, the name of the recipient, and a record of the service for which it is given.
Southern Reporter, 10th January 1901
On Friday afternoon, Sergeant James BROWN and Private William ALLAN, of the Active Service Company, arrived home from South Africa. Both were in hospital and unable to come with the man contingent some weeks ago. They have now quite recovered. They were met at the station by a number of friends, who cordially welcomed them home.
TOWN COUNCIL. – The Burgh Commissioners met for the first time under the provisions of the Town Councils (Scotland) Act, 1900, on Monday evening, Provost Swainson presiding. …….
……. A specimen of the gold medal to be presented to the local Volunteers in acknowledgement of their service in South Africa, was exhibited. It bears the town arms and motto, and on the reverse the name and record of service of the recipient. The account for seventeen medals, supplied by Mr George Gibson, watchmaker, amounting to £20 4s 2d, was approved, and ordered to be paid.
Berwickshire News, 15th January 1901
Duns Town Council.
The Clerk submitted for inspection one of the 17 gold medals obtained for presentation to the Volunteers from Duns who served in the South African campaign. On one side of the medal the town arms and motto are engraved, and on the other the name and a record of the service of the recipient. The Council expressed satisfaction with the medal, and authorised payment of the account of Mr George Gibson, watchmaker and jeweller, Duns, for the same, amounting to £20 4s 2d.
Southern Reporter, 14th February 1901
Duns Volunteer companies have supplied one officer and nine men for active service at the front. These left on Monday afternoon for the depot at the K.O.S.B. at Berwick, and had a hearty send off. Berwickshire has in all provided 29 men for the Service Company of the Borderers now being formed.
Berwickshire News, 9th July 1901
Councillor Wilson asked what was to be done in the way of presenting the medals to the local members of the Yeomanry.
Provost Swainson – The same as was done with the Volunteers.
Councillor Wilson – What was that?
Provost Swainson – Send the medals with a note from the Clerk.
Councillor Wilson – I would be very much against that.
Provost Swainson – Has any one any idea what is to be done with the money raised by the County? I heard that it was intended to give a watch to each man.
Councillor Wilson – I think it would be very nice if we could give them a supper or something of the kind, and present the medals there.
Councillor Scott – I think we had better take that up also at our special meeting.
Provost Swainson – The Yeomanry themselves will be giving the service men a treat.
Councillor Wilson – But we cannot go to anything of that kind unless we are invited. I think the town of Duns should come to the front and give an entertainment to the Yeomanry. We could then present the medals. It would be very little expense; it would almost pay its own way.
Councillor Fair – I think we had better take this up at our next meeting.
This was all the business.
Berwickshire News, 10th September 1901
Town Council. – As briefly reported in our last issue, this body met in the Town Hall, on Monday evening – Provost Swainson presiding. …….
……. Cheques were granted for wages due, amounting to £23 14s 3d, and for an account by Mr G. Gibson, watchmaker, for medals (for local members of the Lothians and Berwickshire Yeomanry, who served in South Africa), amounting to £9 16s. The question of presentation of the medals was left over for future consideration.
Berwickshire News, 11th February 1902
Duns Town Council. – A monthly meeting was held in the Town Hall, on Monday evening – Provost Swainson in the chair. …….
……. The Provost then moved that the Council sit in private to consider how they were to present the local members of the Lothians and Berwickshire Yeomanry who had served in South Africa gold medals which the Council had purchased in commemoration of the Yeomen’s patriotic services. The motion was unanimously agreed to, and we understand it was resolved to send the medals to the recipients through the post.
Berwickshire News, 11th March 1902
Duns Town Council have presented a gold commemorative medal to six local members of the Imperial Yeomanry who served in South Africa. The medals were sent by post to the Yeomen accompanied by a letter as follows –
Duns, 21st February, 1902.
Dear Sir,
The Provost, Magistrates, and Councillors of the Burgh being desirous to mark their appreciation of the loyal and patriotic spirit shown by the men from Duns and vicinity who volunteered for active service with the Imperial Yeomanry in the South African War, and of the great gallantry and endurance shown by them while engaged in that arduous campaign, resolved to present each of them with a gold medal to commemorate the event.
The Council were pleased and proud that so many men from Duns and district responded to the call of their sovereign to fight for their country at the time of danger; and in asking you to accept the enclosed medal, the Council beg to tender their warmest thanks and the thanks of the whole community, for the splendid services you rendered to your sovereign and country, and the noble example of courage and patriotism you thereby displayed.
The Council had hoped that a suitable opportunity for a public presentation of the medals would have occurred before now, but regret that they have been disappointed in this respect.
We are,
Yours faithfully,
JAS. MILLAR, Town Clerk.
Letters of grateful acknowledgment were received from Sergeant-Major T. STEPHENSON, Chapel; Privates F. McALPINE, Duns; Charles NEWMAN, Manderston; C. SABAN, Manderston, of the 19th Company Imperial Yeomanry; and Pte. T.S. HAPPER, Millburn, of the Fife and Forfar Light Horse.
Berwickshire News, 24th June 1902
When the Berwickshire train from Berwick steamed into Duns Station yesterday morning, a large company of Duns people who crowded round the entrance gave a cordial cheer for the bronzed warriors who looked out at the carriage windows. An explosion of fog signals added to the manifestations of rejoicing, and when the Volunteers alighted they were cordially welcomed by Provost Swainson, Captains Gibson and A.N. McDougal, Lieutenant W.J. Mabbott, and several members of the Town Council. The detachment consisted of lieutenant Christie THOMSON, Corpl. W.D. Herald HALLIBURTON, Ptes. A. STOREY, J. STOREY, J. KINNAIRD, T. COLTHART [sic], R. COCKBURN, T. PALMER, W. WRIGHT. Headed by the Battalion Band, playing patriotic music, the Service Volunteers marched to the Volunteer Hall, where Captain Gibson addressed to them a few words of welcome, assuring them of the pride with which the Companies at home heard of the brave manner in which they had upheld the honour of their regiment. Lieut. THOMSON suitably replied, and the men were thereafter dismissed. All looked healthy and well. Three of the Berwickshire men have remained in South Africa to go into civilian life there, viz. – Sergeant HOGG, Coldstream; Pte. BROWN, Coldstream; and Pte. COCKBURN, Ayton.
Berwickshire News, 15th October 1901 (Volunteers presented with War Medals on 12/10/1901)
Lieutenant R. STODDART, Greenlaw.
Corporal R. AITKEN, Duns.
Private W. ALLAN, Duns.
Private G. BOLTON, Lauder.
Sergeant J. BROWN, Duns.
Private G. CHISHOLM. Lauder.
Private J. ELLIOT, Coldstream.
Private G.J. ELLIOT, Duns.
Private J. FLINT, Duns.
Private R. FOREMAN, Duns.
Private W. GREIG, Ayton.
Sergeant J. HASTIE, Duns.
Corporal (now Lieutenant) W. HOME, Duns.
Lance-Corporal J. HUME, Coldstream.
Private J. Mackenzie LOW, Duns.
Private R.M. LYALL, Greenlaw.
Bugler H. McTIER, Duns.
Private A. MACVIE, Chirnside.
Private A. MARTIN, Duns.
Private G. MARTIN, Ayton.
Private W. MIDDLEMISS, Duns.
Private P. ROBERTSON, Duns.
Private G.M. SMITH, Earlston.
Private T. WALLACE, Earlston.
Private J. WOOD, Ayton. Still at the Front.
Private T. COLTART, Duns.
Absent from Parade.
Private T.A. MARSHALL, Ayton.
Private J.F. DALLAS, Chirnside.
Private H. GILLIES, Duns.
Private J. LIVINGSTONE, Duns.
Private H.W. MITCHELL, Earlston.
Private T. PATERSON, Earlston.
Private G.D. ROBERTSON, Earlston.
Private A.B. WOOD, Coldstream.
Died at the Front.
Private J. KIRKALDY, Duns.