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The medal roll for the Lady Grey Town Guard is in WO100/283. 

Example of a QSA named to this unit:

Lady Grey TG
Lady Grey TG




See the forum posts on Lady Grey 

Regimental no: 
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(144 Records)

 Surname   Forename/inits   Regimental no   Rank   Notes 
AttwellH N69PrivateQSA (0).
Source: WO100/283
AttwellH NSource: WO100/283
AttwellR G14PrivateQSA (0).
Source: WO100/283
AttwellR GSource: WO100/283
BadgerWSource: WO100/283
BeerDe H CSource: WO100/283
BerryF WSource: WO100/283
BerryVSource: WO100/283
BertholdESource: WO100/283
BrickJ W43PrivateQSA (0).
Source: WO100/283
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