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Ladybrand in the OFS possessed a very small Town Guard according to the roll. 8 men are listed. The low number may either represents the small size of the TG or the date on which the roll was composed. It was signed in Bloemfontein, 11 March 1908. The roll was processed quickly with the medals being available for distribution the following month.

The town was sieged between 2 - 5 September 1900.  The Times History, Volume V reports:

“This little post was held by 80 men of the 1st Worcester Regiment, 43 Wiltshire Yeomanry, and 30 local volunteers, the whole under the command of Major F. White, R.M.L.I.  On the evening of September 1st a patrol came in with a report of the approach of the enemy from Modderpoort, and on the 2nd, at 7.30 a.m., a letter, signed by Commandant Fourie, was sent in asking for the immediate surrender of the garrison.  White, having replied that if Fourie wanted the garrison he had better come and take it, posted the whole of his slender force on an intrenched hill to the south-west of the town.  Fourie, with 800 men, opened shell and rifle fire, worked up to the post, and surrounded it on all sides.  For three days and nights, however, the little garrison held firm.  Of the Worcesters, Lieutenants Dorman and Moss and Corporal Kirkham, and of the Yeomanry Lieutenant Henderson and Sergeant-Major Lyford deserve special mention in this very fine defence, which Major White directed with marked resolution and ability.  The town was relieved by Bruce Hamilton on the morning of September 5th.”


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(8 Records)

 Surname   Forename/inits   Regimental no   Rank   Notes 
EveryW ASource: WO100/283
GreenJ GSource: WO100/283
HarkerHSource: WO100/283
HuggupRSource: WO100/283
ReynoldsJSource: WO100/283
ReynoldsRSource: WO100/283
SmithHSource: WO100/283
WalkerW JSource: WO100/283
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