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Blue Cliff and Glenconnor were two small towns on the railway line north west from Port Elizabeth.

The roll for the Town Guard lists 17 names.  Of these, 9 medals were issued and, with returns, the nett issue appears to be 4.

Regimental no: 
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(17 Records)

 Surname   Forename/inits   Regimental no   Rank   Notes 
BannatyneJ FLieutenantSource: WO100/280
BezuidenhiutG JPrivateSource: WO100/280
BezuidenhiutW JPrivateSource: WO100/280
DobsonEPrivateSource: WO100/280
DobsonW JPrivateSource: WO100/280
EngelbrechtHPrivateSource: WO100/280
ErasmusFPrivateSource: WO100/280
FourieJPrivateSource: WO100/280
FoxcroftC EPrivateSource: WO100/280
FoxcroftE BPrivateSource: WO100/280
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