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Bethulie is a town just north of the Orange River in the Orange Free State.

43 names on the roll. Net of 26 issued. 

Regimental no: 
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(43 Records)

 Surname   Forename/inits   Regimental no   Rank   Notes 
AdamJ34PrivateSource: WO100/280
AdamW14PrivateSource: WO100/280
BadchstonT29PrivateName crossed through. Also served OR Scts.
Source: WO100/280
BassonM31PrivateSource: WO100/280
BeckJ C27PrivateSource: WO100/280
BlackbeardW25PrivateSource: WO100/280
ConnorJ35PrivateMedal returned.
Source: WO100/280
EdgeD39PrivateMedal returned.
Source: WO100/280
GlassG C21PrivateSource: WO100/280
GlassJ R28PrivateMedal returned.
Source: WO100/280
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