Hi Stefan,
Something I meant to mention before is that you see a lot of mercantile marine medals on their own or with a British War Medal; seldom do I see one with a Star. it’s very possible to get the trio and the Mercantile but not that common and there is usually a story attached.
I have got into the habit of double checking the medal rolls if I see a star or trio with the mercantile marine medal. I know it doesn’t change anything but just something to look out for next time.
I still think it’s interesting that he has renamed the medal to Brabants horse….why them?.
I bought a cheap 1879 SAGS (Zulu) medal that had been renamed to a H. Brown from the 6th Lanc Fusiliers (which didn’t exist then) with a faux regimental number in excellent condition…..I still don’t know why but maybe I will one day.